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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1409700066' post='2542509'] Kids today won't miss those experiences because they have their own ones to build up and become nostalgic about when they are older . Besides, they have more music at their fingertips than any generation in the history of mankind, so why would they want to make such a backward step and limit themselves to a few trays of discs in a record shop? Nostalgia ain't what it used to be [/quote] But it seems from the story that the kids do want that experience - I'm sure they haven't got to 19% of market share through us old farts! Also they cite in store performances by the likes of Tom Sheeran as part of the success - Tom who?! I agree - my hankering for an independent on every high street is nostalgia but I worked in one from the age of 13 so I do view that whole world through rose tinted glasses
  2. I was pleasantly surprised to read this today - people obviously going back into record shops, and interesting to see they are going back to the core business, not competing on gadgets etc: http://www.theguardian.com/business/shortcuts/2014/sep/01/hmv-stores-overtake-amazon-uk-biggest-music-dvd-retailer Be great to see independents making a similar comeback but I guess that's going to be pushing it a bit too far!
  3. Strange -they list the black as having an alder body whereas the Cort website says it is Swamp Ash, same as the open pore one. They may have got a great deal and are passing it on?
  4. She is quite incredible! What an amazing combination! Thanks for sharing.
  5. Get on over there folks - some really interesting recordings as always.
  6. Management and label interest brings the cynic out in me!
  7. Some great ideas again this week - BassBus I echo what The Boy says - the keys threw it off kilter for me too - lovely playing and very tasteful drum track. Just completely fell in love with Bilbo's piece though. Would love to hear that played with a live wind section.
  8. Welcome to the forum. If it is acoustic folk that you are after, the Amberley Folk Club has a nice reputation - never been personally but pass the pub in which it is held every day. The links on here don't seem to be working but first page has been updated and there is an open mic on 2nd September: http://www.folkjam.org/recurring-jam/uk/wsx/houghton/amberley-acoustic-music-club
  9. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1409179859' post='2537304'] Evening all. I'd welcome some thoughts around a list of 'standards' to work on for a blues jam band I've been asked to sit in with. I'm not a blues expert, but I've got a pretty varied collection of stuff - Chicago, Texas, Delta, Detroit and Country styles, and I'm sure there must be a list of 'bankers' which will start us off well, before we get to investigating some of the more obscure stuff through the old "do you know..........?" routine. All input gratefully received. A [/quote] [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1409210313' post='2537403'] I think the idea of named songs is to provide lyrics. No-one says it has to be a faithful representation of the original, as you say, it's a jam. [/quote] Picking up on what a couple of people have said, I think the original question needs re-framing. Yes, a lot of it you can wing as slow 12 bar in A etc. but there are a number of songs that will crop up that you will need to know a phew phrases and riffs for and I think we should try and build a list of those. My contribution would be: Messing With The Kid Crossroads (Cream version) Thrill Has Gone - mentioned above, the fourth chord may trip you up the first couple of times if you're not ready for it. I'm sure there are some other regulars that need to be contributed. Mike
  10. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1409125106' post='2536448'] This thread means nothing without extensive coverage taken using a mobile phone held at a silly angle for 45 minutes. [/quote] Where's the like button gone?!
  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1408745227' post='2533252'] Did you play the M85? [/quote] Sorry, no - shallow I know but the look just didn't appeal!
  12. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1408708808' post='2532783'] I went to Anderton's a few months back, cash in pocket, all ready to buy the Guild Starfire bass they had in. Unfortunately the shop model left a little to be desired and they took forever getting the other one for me to try that I left empty handed. Still have major GAS for one though. [/quote] Get on over to Denmark Street then - they had two out, and the one I played was lovely. You must have seen the threads about the shop - seriously nice guys and great service!
  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1408570569' post='2531526'] Which did they have in stock? The reissued Starfire or the reissued M85 or both? [/quote] Both - wasn't too keen on the looks of the M85 - looked a bit out of proportion.
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1408552825' post='2531317'] Is that a fair price for made in Korea. I mean for all I know Korean made might be a better product than US made. At this point in time I just don't know how to gage that sort of thing? Blue [/quote] It may seem a little on the high side but Cort who were one of the biggest Korean brands, making their own and for all the big names (Epiphone, G&L) now make most of their instruments in China or Indonesia as it was getting too expensive to make them in Korea. It was exceptional quality, played it and a Warwick Rockbass Star Bass which was quite horrid by comparison and the same money (almost).
  15. Really hating this thread now - was in London today so made a detour to Wunjo, and yes, they had the Guilds in stock- Korean, £795 inc hard case, play like a dream. I now need to sell some stuff and hand on to some gig money......
  16. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1408487928' post='2530765'] I muist have been into some even more complex stuff back then because i always thought of jazz-rock as easy listening compared to most of the music i was listening to at the time. [/quote] Well I was studying Stravinsky's Petrushka for O Level music at the time, so I suppose you're right!
  17. Thanks Blue, got serious Guild GAS now :-(
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1408397131' post='2529862'] We tend to like the music that was playing when we were most impressionable and new experiences were a regular occurrence... who can forget that song that was playing when you met your first love, had your first drink, drove your first car, smoked your first joint, went to your first gig..? Important events indeed and the soundtrack to them is burnt into our minds and have special significance. I'm sure it is no different for today's teenagers. [/quote] Got to disagree in my own case. In my impressionable years I was in to some pretty complex Jazz-Rock - John McLaughlin, Billy Cobham - all very clever, brilliant stuff but later on I started enjoying music much more for its entertainment value rather than the technical mastery (probably 'cos I never got good enough to do the latter)
  19. Dave Peacock is the bass player in Chas & Dave but Chas Hodges has a pretty amazing history as a bass player, playing in Joe Meek's house band with Richie Blackmore.
  20. [quote name='Mickeyboro' timestamp='1407689365' post='2523057'] Interesting that Herman has rejoined…at one point the only original was the drummer Mind you, that's also the case with the Animals… [/quote] Not forgetting Mickey Finn's T-Rex (percussionist, not even fully fledged drummer)!
  21. Crazy thing is, if Peter Frampton was filming the gig he'd have to let everyone know so that in attending the gig the audience were giving their permission to be filmed. And yet with these smart phone films no-one is giving this permission, even the artist!
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