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Everything posted by Rich

  1. The only vintage instrument i'm really keen on getting is a good '65 Jazz. This is because a} I like Jazzes, b} it'd be my YOB bass, and c} it'd be a good investment. I doubt very much that it'd get many, if any, gigs.
  2. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1438778019' post='2837138'] I want to hear good music. If a bass solo sounds good then by all means! I don't care at all what instruments are used to make nice sounds. I care about the nice sounds. [/quote]
  3. I used [url="http://www.rapidonline.com/Electrical-Power/12-25W-Mini-Desktop-SMPSU-9V-DC-1-5A-85-3941"]something like this[/url] when I was using stomps. 1.33A at 9v is enough to drive 170 Tubescreamers.
  4. I like to hear [i]melodic[/i] solos. Playing a blur of notes is one thing, but actually playing something tuneful is a whole different ballgame. Gary Willis and Alain Caron spring to mind as two masters of this. I saw Caron in Mike Stern's band at the Jazz Café a few years ago, and some of his solos were almost songs in their own right -- one of them so much so that the melody got stuck in my head for days. How often does a live solo do that?
  5. FWIW I couldn't stand her voice either, and hated her TV shows. She gave a lot of people pleasure though, so I suppose she must have been doing something right. That notwithstanding, she was still a person with friends and loved ones who will be feeling pain at her loss. It's as sad a time for them as it is for any bereaved people, and it's them I feel sorry for. From what I understand she wasn't in terribly good health these days, and had more than once expressed a desire to 'be with' her husband -- I've read in more than one place that losing him knocked a lot of the life out of her too. Finally -- there's a time and a place for crap/crass jokes, and I would suggest that this thread is neither. Please desist.
  6. A "[i]Seriously?? I can NOT believe nobody wants these excellent pickups at this ridiculous bargain price[/i]" type bump. Any cheaper and it'd cost me more to post the damn things than I'd get by selling them. I don't need them at the moment, but I'm not that desperate to sell that I'm going to give them away. I'll give it another week and them withdraw them, and wait till I get a bass that they fit
  7. [quote name='markorbit' timestamp='1438622638' post='2835869'] I [s]had[/s] [i]have[/i] a lovely red one of these [s]just like Leigh Gorman's from Bow Wow Wow[/s] [i]complete with Wal HSC[/i]. A very alive sounding bass. Goes without saying [s]I wish I had kept it[/s] [i]it's an absolute keeper and is going nowhere[/i]. [/quote] Another small fix my pride & joy and sole appreciating asset There's no masking tape label inside the Pro II-Es. Your best bet for establishing its original identity is either through the [url="http://www4.cs.fau.de/~koesters/Privat/Wal/walspec.html"]Wal database [/url]if it's listed, or from Wal & Pete's original notebook which I am assuming still exists and will now be in Paul's possession. Incidentally, if anyone ever comes across one of the original factory retro-fit DI kits for the Pro II-E, please let me know.
  8. Have we defined "'real' musicians"..?
  9. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1438201862' post='2832551'] You don't speak for all good or great Musicians. [/quote] In the same way that [i]you[/i] don't speak for all 'real' Musicians.
  10. I understand the phrase "too many". And obviously I understand the word "basses". But when you put them together -- "too many basses" -- eh? Sorry, it's completely meaningless. Gibberish.
  11. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1438183852' post='2832364'] And here is another extreme double necked alembic [url="http://www.alembic.com/info/doubleneck.html"]http://www.alembic.c...doubleneck.html[/url] [/quote] I have no doubt that it is exquisitely constructed and sounds great. But my GOD that is one ugly munterfunster.
  12. Yes, pretty much. If memory serves, you need different value volume pots for these things than with normal passive pickups. I think the correct value for them is 25k?
  13. Have you asked them for one? Judging by what they said, it doesn't appear that English is their first language. Where are they based?
  14. Point of order Mr Delvar, I believe you will find that the actual song's appearance in the film was during the courtship of Mr Bond and his future albeit not-for-long wife. EDIT: In 2005, a BBC survey showed it is the third-most-popular love song played at weddings. Possibly a bit of a cliche then
  15. If by 'admire his chutzpah' you mean 'think he is a complete and utter knob', then yes you're absolutely right.
  16. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1437596451' post='2827506'] More than happy with it, my evening has been playing it and getting aquatinted with the neck profile. [/quote] You're obviously not that happy with it, cos it hasn't even made its way into your signature yet... Very nice piece of clobber, enjoy.
  17. [b]OK. That was the final off-topic word on this thread. Anything else that does not pertain to the subject in hand, i.e. sets & set lists and keeping crowds entertained etc, will be deleted without notice. Feel free to carry on any such discussions via PM.[/b] [b]Note that this comment is addressed to everyone, not to any particular individuals.[/b]
  18. [quote name='pjb13.bass' timestamp='1437735910' post='2828600'] One point on this topic which I never put across because of all the distractions is that I play music for a living. I have no other source of income. Gigs pay my rent and feed my kids etc I do not therefore have the luxury of [i][b]educating[/b][/i] people. I need to play things that attract people to the venue, keep them there and keep them dancing and keep them buying drinks so that the venue makes money and keep asking me back. I'd love to play my own personal favourites which would be an eclectic mix of pop/rock/funk/soul/reggae/country/folk and ...whisper it softly...jazz standards, but it simply wouldn't pay the bills. [/quote] It's a difficult balancing act between 'giving the people what they want' (and so many of them seem to love M*st*ng S*lly, bless 'em) and playing what really floats one's boat. The latter is probably easier to achieve if one is for example a jazz musician playing jazz to a jazz audience. Or indeed in a metal band playing metal to an exclusively metal loving crowd. But for a breadwinning pub/club muso, there will always be the spectre of "play something we know"...
  19. [quote name='pjb13.bass' timestamp='1437728292' post='2828503'] So I should just let people make a point and eschew my right to reply? [/quote] I wasn't speaking specifically to you, I was addressing the whole seemingly interminable side-argument of what constitues a disagreement and whether or not something is rude etc etc etc etc. You've had the last word on the subject, twice now in fact, can we please just let the whole thing go now and get back to the set lists?
  20. Oh, enough already. The thread has moved on.
  21. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1437584440' post='2827319'] I made the initial quip about putting it into perspective thinking I was being light hearted but you seem to think a friend making a noise on his guitar when you want him to stop, isn't a real friend! I find this a bit unnerving to be honest [/quote] You and he disagree on something concerning the concept of mateness. I assume you're not bandmates or meatspace buddies, so you're not talking about each other. Essentially, you just have a difference of opinion. Why is that unnerving?
  22. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1437550358' post='2826876'] [size=5][size=4]it's the same between numbers when we want to discuss something, and nobody can hear whats being said due to the bloody guitard playing away![/size][/size] [/quote] In that situation, I'd be more than likely to stick a hand in the air or wave in front of his face and yell over the din, "HOLD ON, WE'RE TRYING TO TALK HERE AND I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF F**KING THINK" or something along those lines. Subsequent occurrences would see varying degrees of rag being lost. If he wants to widdle aimlessly, he can do it at home.
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