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Everything posted by 3below

  1. String spacing can be an issue. I have a Warwick rockbass corvette 5 string fretless with narrow string spacing. 40+ years bass playing with 19mm (Fender size) string spacing makes the Warwick a non starter, I just keep missing strings with right hand, despite lots of effort.
  2. As above, try new strings - same gauge as E to G on 5 stringer. Do both basses have approx same scale length?
  3. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1385219366' post='2285728'] Hypothetically, if I borrowed the steel mesh from the front of my speaker cabinet and used it to support food on top of my barbecue, would it be both a grille and a grill? [/quote] A grill on a grille is a cooking technique you should be grilled about [size=4] [/size]
  4. Spare Mesa Boogie, spare back, spare strong person, spare fingers, toes , legs - in event of crushing injury [size=4] Seriously - mains and the HT fuses. Also some pre amp valves and a pair of output valves. These days I would also take a spare soiid state head - something cheap will do. I must be lucky, all the valve amps I have owned (Hiwatt x2, Marshall, Fender, Vox, Sound City) have never failed at a gig.[/size]
  5. Authorised Ric copies seem a great business plan. Once you bought one you would receive a cease and desist / take down from the ceo if you try and sell it later on. They would be the ultimate one time user bass. I might be slightly cynical with this business model, then again..........
  6. 3below


    Based (sorry about pun) on my 85 SB1 this will be a staggeringly good bass. Wish I had the cash at the moment.
  7. Can only say the quality of my Korean Rockbass Corvette is as good as any USA bass I own (and have owned). It is better than one particular USA bass (through neck, dual truss rods, diamond inlays on fretboard, bound 'art deco' body shape) that I owned circa 1980.
  8. My 1977 P bass (bought new September 77) had the more rounded pickup cover. No skunk stripe as far as I can remember - that was a disappointment at the time.
  9. Some pictures will help. There are fellow BCers with basses of that era, I owned one from new at that time. Help is available, whether the news is good or bad is another matter.
  10. Another one of my youth's musical inspirations. Another loss to the world of music.
  11. Plywood basses - Gibson EB2 springs to mind, then we get onto many, many 6 string semi acoustic guitars, Gibson 335, 175 etc etc. I seem to recall the EB2 (and other Gibsons) have a 'Chromyte' centre block, or as we might call it balsa wood. Pretty much the ultimate low cost composite body? The plywood on my double bass is something else - flame maple. The degree of flame would be impressive on a Les Paul / PRS etc. Discussion makes me wonder about a Birch ply neck experiment.
  12. Brensabre79 is bang on with the link. Those are the metal inserts I would try.
  13. Never had screws coming loose in 40+ yrs of screw on necks. Metal inserts could be a solution, could try copydex in metal inserts or wood since this will stop screws loosening but still can be undone. At a push can use PVA glue since heat to screw via soldering iron will allow removal later. Another possibility is using anti shake (serrated) washers. Hope neck stays put in future.
  14. Damp cloth (smooth texture), hot iron. Cloth on the dent, apply steam. It is quite surprising the depth of dents that will respond to this treatment. If this does not work then it may be remove the finish as above. Before using filler I would attempt the damp cloth and iron technique on bare wood as well. You could then oil the neck - which oil is another debate in itself - Tru oil or Tung? Hope it goes well.
  15. My rockbass corvetttes (for stupid cheap money, and I mean cheap) are very good. They are both comparable quality to my two 'vintage' USA basses. Quite what you would get for 10x or even 15X more £ must be open to debate. The quality of Chinese / Korean kit just keeps getting better and better.
  16. Met Chris (plus small daughter) today in mizzle and windy Mach. Great discussion about common interests and a little about bass playing. Many thanks for your generosity Chris and I look forward to meeting over a meal and wine. Thanks, Francis.
  17. According to website (and what I see with mine) body is alder. Lash out, spend another 30 ~ 40 quid on some pickups. You will then have a lightweight, no neck dive, slim fast neck bass. Mine came free in a hiscox case [size=4] [/size][size=4].[/size]
  18. Wayne - DIY (destroy it yourself) for that kind of money, should be a simple easy job. What do you think? Good advice from Mr Foxen, you can use higher voltage and capacitance values to good effect.
  19. Pretty impressive effort. The pic is superb, I will use that with my students, just reminding them about polarised caps. Much good advice above, hopefully simple replacement will result in good to go amp. Hope all ends well. As an afterthought, you can get nonpolarised electrolytic capacitors. These will not be terminated by incorrect connection. Whether the values you want are available is another matter.
  20. Looks very similar to a 77 blue one I had around that time. Binding still fixed firmly? No paint sinkage?
  21. Does this mean a set of low use TI flats will be up for sale? If so name your price, they are my strings of choice.
  22. Jazz box, shorter scale 24.5" ? As above I would suggest heavier strings, 10s or 11s. I tend to use 12 or 13s on mine. Like you I also had problems getting mine to intonate correctly. Eventually I took it to my local luthier and it came back perfect and has stayed that way since. This was one guitar (or bass) that defeated me on setup (he also sorted my G&L bass that also defeated me). Sometimes there are complex issues that we mere mortals can not solve, however the evidence above suggests big strings. Make that guitar top work hard
  23. Left field suggestion - Peavey Tour 700. Light(ish), graphic eq, adequate power, cheap s/h, reliable. I prefer mine so much I sold the Marshall VBA.
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