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Everything posted by Hutton

  1. Any new Fender precision that I have played in recent years have been excellent bassss. Admittedly some have been better set up by the shop than others but none could be described as having frets hanging over the edges. The recent Fenders have been noted for having fret ends well dressed and rounded off to the fingerboard. I'm going down to Glasgow soon and would be interested to see this bass.
  2. If you can get past the headstock thing the Cort A5-Custom-SP is a cracking bass. Neck through, spalted top and back, Bart MK5 Soapbars and really well put together. This bass punches well above its weight!
  3. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1479853429' post='3179872'] Such a shame that they're calling it a day. [/quote] Just been on the site to check this out and see that Drew is retiring and selling the business as a going concern. Hopefully whoever takes it on will provide the same excellent and personal service.
  4. Another post in praise of Drew at GBBL. I needed a truss rod cover to complete my newly acquired Cort A5 Custom SP. This wasn't an easy item to acquire but as GBBL are Cort dealers Drew persevered and the bass is sporting its new cover. The good stores are the ones that serve their customers no matter how small the request.
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1476000847' post='3150273'] I believe in that too, but I also have an awareness that people lead busy lives, and have different priorities. It's obviously a #1 priority for you, but less so for others. A gentle nudge will help them along. [/quote] It is not a number one priority. Far from it in fact. However, I now wish I hadn't started the thread at all. How about closing it?
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1475999372' post='3150263'] Do you really need to me to explain that it's probably because buying something is exciting, whereas leaving feedback isn't? [/quote] I'm not stupid. I just believe in good manners and courtesy. Things which are all too lacking in the present day 'all about me' society.
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1475969826' post='3150205'] Yup - it's as simple as this. [/quote] Why do people not need reminding when they are responding through personal messages about buying or selling instruments? The correspondence fairly whizzes back and forth then. I'm sorry, I just don't buy the reminding thing.
  8. Agreed, there are always deadlines, people needing your time, dogs to be walked and fed, meetings to attend etc.
  9. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1475957273' post='3150134'] Well, I reckon it's two different things - wanting to and remembering to. I try not to think too badly of people for being forgetful. [/quote] I take your point but surely if you ask for feedback then it only takes a minute or two to give feedback.
  10. Nah. I either deserve feedback or I don't. If I have to ask for it then it doesn't mean very much.
  11. Thanks for the replies and advice folks. I'll be more discerning in future.
  12. I am maybe doing something wrong here but a couple of times recently I have been asked to provide feedback and I have gladly done so. However, the gesture has not been returned. I don't think that I did anything wrong during the transactions so as not to merit feedback being reciprocated. Any thoughts folks?
  13. Does anyone know where I can get a truss rod cover made with etching? I can't source a truss rod cover for my Cort A5 Custom SP and so the custom route seems to be the only way. Thanks in advance.
  14. I have just purchased an immaculate Cort A5 Custom SP from Mark. To say that the packing was excellent would be an understatement, it could have withstood a nuclear blast! I can thoroughly recommend Mark as a trusted basschatter!
  15. I don't think I like the snooty attitudes to Cort basses displayed here. Cort instruments are excellent. They sound good and play very well. Given that Lakland Skyline, Squier, G&L tributes are all built by Cort and are given good reviews on this forum then I think a different whipping boy needs to be found. Give me a Cort over a Gibson any day!
  16. Just bought strings from Derek. Nice pleasant transaction. Deal with confidence.
  17. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1473776883' post='3133037'] I kinda agree, although I still think they were putting out 'standard' parts bin basses alongside the vintage reissues?! I had an '83 E series Jazz that was a shocker, neck/bridge alignment was horrendous. Not a patch on the '83 JV I have.....night and day! Again, that might have been an anomaly. Si [/quote] I would say it was an anomaly Si. I would also say that the 'E' series were not mere parts bin basses. As I said already they were a different instrument from the S9 basses. The bodies were not the heavy slabs of wood of the S9. The bodies were made alongside the new reissues, there was no difference. The necks were also different from the old S9 basses in that the nut was 1.75" wide and they were shaped to 'vintage' proportions as they were also being made alongside the reissue necks. The new bi-flex truss rod system was seen for the first time along with the new neck angle adjuster. The tuning machines were the new die cast design with precision gearing. Schaller strap buttons were also fitted for the first time. Single layer white scrathcplates were also new as were the white pickup covers. A new three screw bridge was also fitted. So, all in all, a very different bass from that made before. None of the old S9 stuff found it's way on to the 'E' series. There was also a determined effort to improve build quality. The pickups and electrics were probably the only thing that the S9 and E had in common.
  18. Can we please when we are referring to early 80s Fenders as not being of good quality be particular and say 80/81. It could be thought that early 80s includes the basses made from 82 to 85. The 82 - 85 basses were produced when USA production was getting going again with greatly increased quality as Sibob rightly says. The standard basses were being produced along side the reissues so the quality of workmanship was the same. I hesitate to say it again but a 82 -85 USA Standard bass is a different animal than an 80/81 bass. The basses in 80/81 were being produced from existing stock parts and are no different from 70s basses. The 80/81 basses have serial numbers beginning with 'S9'. The 82-85 basses have serial numbers beginning with 'E' and are not to be confused with 80/81 basses.
  19. Some months ago I was in need of raising funds and put my 1984 USA Precision up for sale. It is a much loved instrument and is truly superb. The ad was only in a day or so and I had too withdraw it as the bass is just too good to part with. I found alternative ways to raise funds. I know that JV basses are excellent but it does really irk me when they are always described as being better than USA basses. The comparison is not necessary. If the JVs are so good then why bother to compare? It all seems to me to be a fashion. I have played a JV precision and whilst it was a good bass I would certainly never want it in preference to my 84. As has already been said these basses never used to command such high prices and I wonder if this again is one of these situations that if some people extol the virtues of a bass then others simply accept and the snowball gets bigger. Who knows what prices the USA 82 - 85 precisions/jazzes may command in the future. They should in no way be compared to the 'S9' basses of the seventies and 80/81 period. They are very different. I had an 81 S9 and moved it on quickly. So maybe when enough time has passed the last of the Fullerton basses of the 82-85 era will become much loved. I am referring to the basses with the white one-piece scratchplate and white pickup covers. All the above of course is only my opinion and I daresay there will be those whose opinion will greatly differ. Thank goodness for basschat that we can hold our differing opinions.
  20. I just bought a bass from Phil last week. Great bass and a great price. It's always a pleasure to do business with nice people who take the time to talk and give as much info as possible. I will certainly be a returning customer.
  21. Judging by all the pros out there it seems that Fender is top of the tree.
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