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Everything posted by Hutton

  1. Does anyone know of anywhere I can send the potetmiometers from my precision to be refurbished? When I got the bass the volume pot was included in the sale but had been replaced as it wasn't working properly. I would like to get it sorted and refitted to the bass. Thanks!
  2. My digital calliper is measuring the nut width as 1.640 inches. It is indeed a very nice precision and in great condition considering it is 35 years old.
  3. I'm really looking for a straight sale although I may be interested in a trade for a precision reissue or a different vintage precision.
  4. I don't seem to be able to get connected the Bass Direct site. Anyone else having a problem?
  5. I have bought and traded basses with David. He is a top bloke and very easy to deal with. His prices and trade-in deals are also very fair.
  6. £1600 [color=#ff0000]Reduced to £1200[/color] After taking advice I have reduced the price to £1200 which I believe is now realistic and fair. I have decided to sell my 1981 Fender Precision in natural finish. The bass is all original apart from the volume pot which was replaced by a previous owner as it was 'troublesome'. I am including the pot in the sale in case anyone wishes to restore and refit it. The original chrome covers will also be included in the sale. The bass currently is fitted with schaller strap buttons although the originals will be refitted if the bass sells. The hard case is not original and is also very tatty. However, it does the job of protecting the instrument. I should say that the case shown below with the pics of the bass with chrome covers is not the case which is included in this sale. The condition of the bass is excellent for a 35 year old instrument. There are only one or two small dings and an area of buckle rash on the rear of the body which has worn away the top layer of laquer for about the size of a £2 coin. The weight of the bass is 10lb measured with my luggage scales. As you will see from the pictures this bass comes from the period of the late 70s into the 80s when bodies and necks were getting used up. The pots and body clearly state the year 1981. The bass however follows the pattern of the late 70s basses and even has an S9 serial number. This bass has a marvellous growly thump which is the hallmark of the precision. This is a nice bass which has many years of service to offer. Please feel free to ask any questions. Price includes shipping to the UK.
  7. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1455011425' post='2974912'] It's not all about us, you know. [/quote] +1
  8. Great strings. I get all my strings from Strings Direct. They get delivered next day which DV247 have difficulty in emulating. £54 a set may seem like a lot but I've had a set on a 62 Reissue Precision since 2006 which works out at £5.40 a year and they're still good!
  9. The point is that when selling a bass then do just that. Provide good information and photos and put a price on the bass. If it's worth it then it will sell. Just don't say that it is better than any other basses because that is irrelevant and a matter of opinion. Someone may just be selling one of the basses that is supposedly inferior and thus the sale could be affected. The moral of the tale is stick to your own bass when selling and forget the rest.
  10. [quote name='pierreganseman' timestamp='1454696754' post='2972243'] well said Charlie ... pisses on a LOT of Vintage stuff out there costing 5 times your or mat's ones.. [/quote] Yawn!
  11. [quote name='Zenitram' timestamp='1454543628' post='2970776'] Here's a question: If the ad had been posted in exactly the same way as it was, with the same wording, the same photos, but a starting bid price of, say, £200, would you still feel the same way? Would it still be a con? Would you report the ad? [/quote] In that case I would have contacted the seller and suggested that he amend his description and title to state that this was a Mexican made Fender and was a reliced reissue of a 60s bass. If he then didn't amend his description I would report it. There is no way that it can ever be right that someone would pay a ridiculous amount for a bass that just wasn't worth it whilst also thinking that it was something which it wasn't. You can argue this till the cows come home but for someone to pay over £2000 for a road-worn series bass is not right. I daresay if you were the unfortunate and unknowing victim of such a deal you would be the first to be on here making a noise about it.
  12. I'm glad that it has been taken down. I also reported this auction. It's all very well for us to judge whether or not this is a fraudulent attempt to sell a bass that is worth considerably less than the asking price. We also know that it is not worth the money. I would far prefer to side with the poor sod who may unknowingly buy this to find out later that he has made a big mistake. The buyer may also have saved for a considerable time to get that first really nice bass. I have no time for the seller who is trying to pass this off as something which it isn't. Even if the seller was duped into buying this he should take the hit and not try to pass it on for a grossly inflated sum. So, I don't think that it is good on him. Where has our sense of decency gone for goodness sake!
  13. Saw them a couple of months ago in Aberdeen. So glad I went. You have to respect these guys.
  14. I really think that bass players the world over should boycott Fender and never buy any of their products ever again. They are an evil company who do nothing but exploit serious musicians with their shoddy work which they have the cheek to call instruments. All the professionals who have been duped over the years into using these hunks of wood to perform and record with deserve our praise for putting up with it for so long. I would go further and suggest that at every basschat bash that is held forum members who are unfortunate enough to own such dismal excuses for a bass should bring them along and form a bonfire. After the bonfire is lit the accumulated membership could circle the fire chanting the makes of all the companies who have copied Fender basses. Perhaps then the message will get through to this misguided company in California that they just cannot make basses. Bring out the torches and burn them I say!
  15. Sitting alongside my Markbass rig are my four Precisions. From front to back: 2006 '62' Reissue/1981 USA Standard/1984 USA Standard/2004 USA American Series.
  16. Saw them last year in Aberdeen at the Lemon Tree. Great band!
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1453309896' post='2958346'] Personally I wouldn't risk anyone of them shipping an instrument. I'd use national rail enquiries and book a cheap advance train ticket, or national express and go by coach. You get a day out too ! [/quote] You've never sent a bass from Aberdeen to London have you? UPS/Interparcel works for me.
  18. Perhaps in future your band should adopt the rule that when songs are being discussed or the band is having a break then no-one plays. Apart from the fact that it must be impossible to speak when the drummer insists on clattering away at his kit.
  19. I thought that these basses only came in Sonic Blue and Sunburst. Can you also confirm that the saddles on the bridge are threaded. Thanks!
  20. I also have a Masterbuilt by Dennis Galuszka. This guy really builds a very nice bass. Whoever buys this beautiful Jazz won't be disappointed. The price is also incredible for a Masterbuilt instrument. Someone is going to get a huge bargain!
  21. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1452424894' post='2949741'] I was a busy semi pro musician back in the early 80s. The point I was making concerned the desirability in the UK of a new Fender bass in the early 80s and the juxtaposition of that with the current sought after nature of some models. The only players likely to desire a Precision at that time may have been a young punk player or maybe a ska/two tone player. Any player aspiring to be fundamentally of the black R and B ilk (which many did - just look at the pop bands of the time such as Duran Duran etc) would not choose a Precision back then and those basses were really were not popular. Fender went through a sales nadir, as did many guitar manufacturers because pop music changed and keyboard based music became the thing. Many people seem to presume it was based on poor quality. Poor quality may have been an issue but only a small part of the picture. Ibanez Musician, amongst other basses,Trace Elliott amps etc were highly sought after in that period. [/quote] Excellent post my friend. I agree entirely with what you say here.
  22. This is my birth year. Would dearly love this bass but just don't have the necessary funds. GLWTS!
  23. I don't know if this helps but I had one of these for my Squier Bronco and it was a great fit.
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