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Everything posted by 12stringbassist

  1. I retired early from my job late last year, taking a pension and lump sum. My three piece band is quite busy (all our available Saturdays this year have gone) and I have a fortnightly jam night too. So I consider myself to be a musician by trade now. What I feel I need to be a professional musician: Availability (including last minute) Reliable gear and spares Playing ability for the band I'm in Transport Can do / Will do attitude / flexibility The ability to zip it when things are not going my way Patience of a saint when things are not going my way The common sense to put my foot down when something really doesn't suit the band without turning it into a saga. Sleep Organisational capacity To be able to smile sweetly and to press the flesh with landlords I think are total boneheads Platsred on grin and to be able to chat with punters when i would rather be left alone To be able to stop at a legal level to drive Not minding driving distances to gigs if the money is right An understanding wife
  2. I have had the situation where a drummer was speeding up. My guitarist was far more tactful than I was going to be. He didn't blame the drummer for the speeding up when all four of us were there. He said "WE are speeding up" or "The songs are too fast". He didn't directly blame the drummer at any point, as he was a nice bloke and there was no point in creating an atmosphere. The idea that we ALL worked on the tempos solved the problem in the main.
  3. I once covered for a bassist's sick absence from a band. At the audition to do so, I remarked that they were playing some of the songs a bit wrong. Lofty egos were a bit bruised when I showed them the right chord sequences and I was basically told that I would have to learn to play the songs wrong. Which I did.
  4. Last year... Justin Currie, Ian Hunter, Jason and The Scorchers,
  5. I struggle to stop buying basses. Really struggle.
  6. I stopped playing after a very close bereavement many years ago and was out of action for months on end. It just left me. It came back. No use forcing it. If you want to start up again, you will.
  7. I once auditioned for a decent little covers band called Cornerstones in Bolton and got the gig after a lengthy try out. Their set list at the audition was fine and they were a good bunch of lads, receptive to my ideas. They said they had a few more new ideas that they would send me. The additional list came and it had half a dozen Arctic Monkeys songs in there. I hadn't heard them properly before, so I found them and **tried** very hard to listen to any of them all of the way through. That is the gaping chasm in my knowledge and the extreme diversity in my taste. When I asked if the songs were deal-breakers, they unfortunately said yes. With a very heavy heart I advised them to ring up the guy who came second. This was a couple of years ago. Further attempts to listen to the Arctic Monkeys have met with the same result.
  8. I posted elsewhere here about stage invasions recently. This was it: [size=3][i]I WANT TO SING A COUPLE OF SONGS WITH YOU.[/i]' Quite tall, very drunk young lad says to me. He is stood in front of my mic stand and his eyes are not focussing on me properly and he is slurring his words. Trouble.I tell him that we aren't insured for that and if he hurts himself onstage, the insurance claim could close the pub. [i]'IT'S MY EIGHTEENTH DO AND I WANT TO SING WITH YOU. GO ON..'. [/i] He wobbles uncertainly again after having too many first ever legal pints. He goes away, sulking and wobbles round in a semi-comical manner on the so-called dance floor. He is cross-eyed drunk. We watch him staggering around while we play and fret that the PA speakers might be coming off their stands shortly. 20 minutes later, between songs, he comes up and walks over to my microphone again.[i]'I WANT TO SING WITH YOU..[/i]' By this time he is in such a bad way that his mate see it and they come to take him back into the audience. Too late. He isn't having any of it. Neither am I and I say so, but he still goes to grab my microphone. Down he falls. Predictably. Over my monitor. Onto my mic stand. Knees straight down into my floor pedals. My microphone stand is now threatening to hit my Rickenbacker bass on its stand. No time to put my bass down, so I square up to him with another bass still hanging around my neck, pushing both him and the dangerously falling microphone stand back. I hope the bass that I am wearing comes out of this in one piece. He crawls all over my work area and I resist the severe temptation to kick the f*** out of him. A couple of his mates pick him up and drag him off. My basses are luckily unharmed. My mic stand needs setting up again. My pedals are all disconnected from the power supply and ripped out of place from where they have been fixed down on my pedal board. I feel murderous. A bit of getting down on my knees and re-patching cables and fixing my mic stand for five minutes and then we do the much-practiced [i]'smile and carry on as if nothing has happened' [/i]act. We do what are now certainly going to be the last two songs and then we pack up. The drunken lad is shepherded out of the pub by what is probably his Mum and so he misses them. The lad's dad comes over when we are done. He apologises. [i]'No harm done'[/i], he says. I scare him by pointing out that I had told his son repeatedly to keep back from the stage and that a new Rickenbacker bass would set his son back £2000. I valued the custom built bass I had on at £3000, just to terrify him. I said he would have needed another student loan after he had paid me up. [i]'But it's his 18th and he was just having fun' [/i]says his dad slinking off, relieved that his waste of sperm hasn't actually broken any of the precious things. He has no idea at all. The lad's mate then comes over and apologises profusely for him, saying [i]we should come and watch the lad's band[/i]. I suddenly picture stage invasions with crossbows, but say nothing."[i]You must have done the same thing when you were his age?"[/i] (Says his mate). I am almost speechless. No. I never ever made a prat of myself by falling into another band's gear. That was not something that I have ever wanted to do. Your mate may be just 18 and a good lad etc, but I take a dim view of some drunken **** nearly doing about £5000 worth of damage. His mate is taken aback by my somewhat annoyed tone. No-one seems to get the fact that this clown was a danger to us and the people around him. He kindly offers to buy me a drink which I politely decline. I just want to go home. The next person who invades my stage will wake up in hospital with surgeons wondering how to get my boot out of his arse. Promise.[/size] [size=4]We tend to invite a nice looking girl up to play tambourine, if there's one in the place for one song (well, my drummer does, I wish he wouldn't.... I don't want ANYONE on my stage). Otherwise, it would be anyone walks past the monitor then we stop DEAD and just look at them til they walk off. Venues need to be made aware that Scabby Joe pogoing round the stage could be very expensive for the venue's insurance.[/size]
  9. It's got well out of hand. There is a doubleneck 6/4 on another page...
  10. From the other week: [i]I WANT TO SING A COUPLE OF SONGS WITH YOU.[/i]' Quite tall, very drunk young lad says to me. His eyes are not focussing on me properly and he is slurring his words. Trouble. I tell him that we aren't insured for that and if he hurts himself onstage, the insurance claim could close the pub. [i]'IT'S MY EIGHTEENTH DO AND I WANT TO SING WITH YOU. GO ON..'. [/i] He wobbles uncertainly again after having too many first ever legal pints. Goes away and wobbles round in a semi-comical manner on the so-called dance floor. He is cross-eyed drunk. We watch him staggering around while we play and fret that the PA speakers might be coming off their stands shortly. 20 minutes later, between songs, he comes up and walks over to my microphone again. [i]'I WANT TO SING WITH YOU..[/i]' By this time he is in such a bad way that his mate see it and they come to take him back into the audience. Too late. He isn't having any of it. Neither am I and I say so, but he still goes to grab my microphone. Down he falls. Predictably. Over my monitor. Onto my mic stand. Knees straight down into my floor pedals. My microphone stand is now threatening to hit £2000 worth of Rickenbacker bass on a stand, so I square up to him with a custom-built bass still hanging round my neck, pushing both him and the dangerously falling microphone stand back. He crawls all over my work area and I resist the severe temptation to kick the f*** out of him. A couple of his mates pick him up and drag him off. My basses are luckily unharmed. My mic stand needs setting up again. My pedals are all disconnected from the power supply and ripped out of place from where they have been fixed on my pedal board. I feel murderous. A bit of getting down on my knees and re-patching cables and fixing my mic stand for five minutes and then we do the much-practiced [i]'smile and carry on as if nothing has happened' [/i]act. We do what are now certainly going to be the last two songs and then we pack up. The drunken lad is shepherded out of the pub by what is probably his Mum and so he misses them. The lad's dad comes over when we are done. He apologises. [i]'No harm done'[/i], he says. I scare him by pointing out that I had told his son repeatedly to keep back from the stage and that a new Rickenbacker bass would set his son back £2000. I valued the custom built bass I had on at £3000, just to terrify him. I said he would have needed another student loan after he had paid me up. [i]'But it's his 18th and he was just having fun' [/i]says his dad slinking off, relieved that his waste of sperm hasn't actually broken precious things. He has no idea at all. The lad's mate then comes over and apologises profusely for him, saying [i]we should come and watch the lad's band[/i]. I suddenly picture stage invasions with crossbows, but say nothing. [i]You must have done the same thing when you were his age?[/i] (Says his mate). I am almost speechless. No. I never ever made a prat of myself by falling into another band's gear. That was not something that I have ever wanted to do. Your mate may be just 18 and a good lad etc, but I take a dim view of some drunken **** nearly doing about £5000 worth of damage. His mate is taken aback by my somewhat annoyed tone. No-one seems to get the fact that this clown was a danger to us and the people around him. He kindly offers to buy me a drink which I politely decline. I just want to go home. The next person who invades my stage will wake up in hospital with surgeons wondering how to get my boot out of his arse. Promise.
  11. Virgin Australia baggage handler shows us how it is done... https://www.facebook.com/milesawayhc/videos/10153979203541842/
  12. Pimping now complete. Thanks to two guys in particular...
  13. The one I use now (just half of it 99% of gigs)
  14. I stuck with it to the end, but I wish they had just slotted in more Feelgoods and Wilko concert footage instead of all the Shakespearean drivel. Overjoyed he's still with us.
  15. Saxon 1979 supporting Slade. Vardis 1982 supporting Slade [b]Slade[/b] were of course [b]magnificent [/b]every time I saw them. Those two support bands got booed off.
  16. The TASCAM DP24SD is a fantastic 24 track recording unit. I have been using one at my mate's house and we are getting fantastic results. Inspired by our success, I bought one myself on October 10th and, a couple of emails later, am still awaiting a suitable UK power supply as it comes with a two-prong European supply. I am bothered about trying to use it with that. To cap it all, yesterday I was sent a kettle lead - which doesn't fit. They are appropriately apologetic about this. My mate went through the same process to get a UK supply for his. I know that DV247 are doing their best, but this is not really good enough. I would recommend that you buy one from somewhere else and note in your order that you need a UK power supply with it. I can't remember the last time I spent this much money to sit fuming at a new product.
  17. After a number of years playing, I worked my way from being embarrassed to try a backing vocal up to 50% if the vocals in my band. With the band I am in now, I am lucky to get a quarter of the vocals as the drummer considers himself the singer until his voice starts to go, then my songs tend to get called a bit more!!!
  18. Andrew Gill from Slade UK is on Facebook.
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