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Everything posted by Stacker

  1. Stacker


    Ok, thanks for the info.
  2. Stacker


    Ok. Any gaps between neck and body in the pocket? And is there a case with this bass?
  3. Stacker


    Hmm... just spotted that you are in Hungary. How much for freight to Scotland, UK?
  4. Stacker


    I might have to flog something for this............
  5. Looks like Guylain Belgian chocolate. Vile!
  6. I reckon it's either the switch - crap design - or the cap after it has gone. Very much doubt it's the pup. Have you metered the pup?
  7. Stacker


    That's sweet! Ive got a build on the go and need a body like that. GLWS.
  8. I very much doubt that this 'knot' is causing the problem. The wood isn't growing any more but could - even though dried out at time of assembly - still be losing moisture through the finish. As others have stated, this shouldn't require a new neck and that a combo of neck, fret and nut work should solve this. That said, which way is the 'warp'? Can you describe it?
  9. Mike Watt? Kim Deal? Pete Trewavas? Lou Barlow?
  10. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1362139862' post='1996264'] Looks like it came out of something's arse - uncomfortably. [/quote] You beat me to it! A hideous looking POS!!
  11. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1361956858' post='1993479'] Get IN! [color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2]RRP: [/size][/font][/color][b]£3,799.00[/b][color=#333333][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=2] - You Save: [/size][/font][/color][b]£2.00[/b] There was a burgundy mist 64 jazz bass on NZ Trade Me for $8000 last week. It had a tortie pickguard tho which looked fussy but it seemed all original as far as an ignorant person of my limited capacity to appreciate could tell. [/quote] Love it!
  12. Interesting thread. \was playing a bluesy-type band a few years ago and I brought in a tenor and alto sax. We needed a few original numbers to flesh out the set and I offrered a fast, Motown-flavoured song I had written several years beforehand. Rehearsed the set and all going well, though the tenor saxophonist kept dropping out during my tune. Come the gig, all going well and we get to the song in question and the Janice Joplinesque singer announces it, says she hates it and the band steams in regardless. Suddenly, I am aware of no guitar! I look to my right and the guitarist is standin staring into space!! Then, during teh sax break, I can't hear any harmonies and look over to see the tenor player looking like he's sh*t himself! Set over, I barrack the three culprits for pulling a stunt like that live! At no point was it even hinted at rehearsals that the singer & guitarist didn't like the song. On questioning the guitarist why he didn't like it he said "Cos it's got more than three chords!" The tenor player simply forgot his lines and sh*t it! The band didn't last long after that.
  13. [quote name='Stan_da_man' timestamp='1361732167' post='1990054'] Okay, I'll admit that's me. [/quote] Do you know him at all? Isn't he a Coventry fella?
  14. Well, here he is with the Jazz bass in the earlier pic. Step forward, Fran, and take a bow! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0mVsAhMfzg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0mVsAhMfzg[/url]
  15. Oh, dear Google........ [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WraL0MkFDOQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WraL0MkFDOQ[/url]
  16. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1361958029' post='1993501'] teazer you say? and linked from this very thread is this picture..... [/quote] I saw this morning from the 50 Worst Band Covers!!
  17. Not ebay but down in GG in Newcastle [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=com-NE15JE59"]http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=com-NE15JE59[/url]
  18. [quote name='mep' timestamp='1361951029' post='1993384'] Care to quote the post? [/quote] Yeh. There's only one that comes close but I doubt it's him.
  19. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1361717998' post='1989695'] less mother's pride tho ! [/quote] I thought it was Be-Ro?? IIRC, a journalist from a music paper burst into their dressing-room prior to a show and saw them dousing themselves with flour. And I distinctly remember the quote attributed to one of the band upon the journo witnessing this spectacle: 'Please don't say anything about this; if this gets out, we're finished!' After it did, they openly admitted the use of it. So the story goes.
  20. And,with the power of Google: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=201783&d=1298775056"]Sheehan's Studio Rig[/url]
  21. This reminds me of a Billy Sheehan puff-piece in Bass Player back in the '90s. Sycophantic interview aside, the article included a full-page diagram of Sheehan's studio rig. There were several DIs,amps, limiters, compressors, effects, EQs, splitters and a bunch of cabs - one with a servo-assisted cone!! I wish I still had that magazine so I could post them diagram but the best way to describe it would be like a Powerpoint slide, with objects linked my multiple paths. Bizarre.
  22. I think by '67 the Jazz had the blocks and I guess that's why a dot n bound Jazz is commonly referred to as a '66. And this is, probably, another example of how Fender had so many differently date components lying around. Looks great! GLWS.
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