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Everything posted by Stacker

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1361435808' post='1985802'] Anyone know what the print is on that T-shirt? Doesn't look like a Level 42 shirt but I am struggling to understand how it could be anything else. [/quote] Duran Duran??
  2. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1361396822' post='1985477'] Looks like his jeans were too big, or was the style in the 90s? I don't know I was 3 when this was taken.. [/quote] That style was prevalent, back then. [url="http://www.barnorama.com/wp-content/images/2012/03/Kris%20Kross%20Then%20and%20Now/01-Kris%20Kross%20Then%20and%20Now.jpg"]I blame this lot![/url]
  3. Such sartorial elegance: no belt, turn-ups on the troos and that shocking waist-coat! What's the biggie power-amp?
  4. Good point, Bertbass. A 130 on a 4001 will see a necessary neck adjustment. Please read up on that procedure before you attempt any neck adjustments. Can I ask: are you dropzoning the gauges all over this bass?
  5. If it's a '78 4001 it'll be a hi-gain without the adjustable pole-pieces. You're always going to get a 'scooped' sound out of a RIC (to my ears) with both pups flat out but you can try jumping the cap on the rear pup for some more bottom end. As to lack of output, I'm no pickup expert but it could be an induction issue.
  6. I had my Trace rig on a mini-pallet, back in the day!
  7. He has a great rep and I've got his har dware on many guitars, the best being the compensating-saddled Tele bridge which does the job a a fraction of the price of the Gotoh one. I've been swithering about putting his P90 into a Tokai Firebird I've got.
  8. That's about the price they go for over here. And remember he won't get AU$2100 for it, given his final value fees. They're pretty rare birds over here but there is a Laredo on ebay here sitting at £1137 with 6hrs to go.
  9. Yes, I bought it from 'that fella', although he went under the name of Prometeusbasses at the time of my purchase. I think I was the first person to buy this 'Ahab' model, though the wings on my one were purpleheart and the contrast was striking. I couldn't believe the fact that it never left Italy! Luke's got the right idea. In his response to TheGreek, the seller states that ebay claws a[b] '[i][size=4]...[/size][/i][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3][i][size=4]full refund from the seller, even if he has no responsibility in this[/size][/i].' [/size][/font][/b]Wrong, matey, you [i][b]do[/b][/i] have a responsibility if you're shipping the item! Different if the buyer was organising freight/insurance. I often wondered what happened to that bass and for a while I trawled ebay looking for it popping up but it never did. All that aside, the seller seems to have a few customers who received their gear and whilst I'd like to buy that bass up there, there's no way I'm taking the risk again, even though I eventually did get my money back.
  10. Have a look at [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Handmade-4-strings-neck-thru-totally-custom-Neo-humbucker-/321062925869?pt=Guitar&hash=item4ac0d7762d"]this[/url]. A couple of years ago I bought a bass very similar to this offa this fella. He accepted an offer and I paid up inc freight/insurance. He did send me a tracking number but the bass got as far as Milan then disappeared off the radar. When it was clear, after some time, that this bass had 'disappeared' I opened an unreceived item notice in ebay, mainly to cover myself. The seller then said he would instigate a claim with his carrier and that I would have to wait for that to be resolved, which, as we all know could take some time. Well, £600 adfrit with nothing to show for it, I decided the onus was on the seller to reclaim his losses via his insurance (that I paid for) and I had my money refunded to me by ebay. Note the foot of the auction where he states he will not be responsible if the bass goes astray. Why is he shirking this? WHy should the buyer be left to claim on an item he hasn't received? Ludicrous!!
  11. Never experienced a partner/wife/GF being brought in but a relationship developed between the guitarist and one of the two female front vocalists. They kept it quiet for a few months but then we began to see a united front being present on points of discussion and an attempt to direct the band. They eventually vamoosed, thinking they could go it alone, and vanished into the ether. Several slightly similar sceanrios developed in bands I was in over the years. Given all that, it was something I always watched out for.
  12. IIRC the vintage style ones may protrude above the headstock at the G end by about a mm or so. Other than that I found them to be good weigth and did the job ok.
  13. I don't like the sound of 'going down' on bad boys. Or good ones, for that matter! Seppos - ya godda luv 'em!!
  14. I know this venue. The outer door to the load-in dock is motorised and rises up in a folding fashion, iirc, and it seems to have been the restraint mechanism that failed. Awful to imagine the scenario.
  15. It's getting better. Told them of the discrepancy in the description and they now want me to ship item to a customer of theirs in the 'States!! When HE receives it, then they'll refund me plus my (return?) shipping. For clairifcation, this item was a BIN via a business seller.
  16. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1360625285' post='1973786'] Weekend World aside , this thread has reminded me just how grim television was on a Sunday back in the 1970s . There was mainly religious programmes of one kind or another on for most of the day on all [u] three channels .[/u] It was dreary beyond belief , unless you had a thing for Thora Hird ( I didn't ) . Wasn't part of Nantucket Sleighride used for World In Action , too ? That was on ITV on Monday nights at about 8 o'clock . Mondays were grim , too . [/quote] I dreaded Sunday evenings. Jeez, from about 5pm on it was purgatory! Religious programmes and un-funny sh*t like Dad's Army and weird music shows with acapella groups ( the Swingle Singers) and tawdry folk acts. Grim indeed!
  17. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1360615090' post='1973530'] Via "Weekend World" on Sunday lunchtimes like so many? [/quote] Yep, old enough to mind of that! Those end chords!!!
  18. Don't have a problem with the initial postage but paying for a return? Why, when they witheld - maybe accidentally - details of the item that, had these been state on the auction page, would have steered me away from buying it. Sure, I should have checked the returns policy first. Bit of a quandary, cos if I do return it I'll be a minimum of £50 down with nothing to show for it.
  19. Let's say you buy something from the Eurozone via ebay and it's not what you thought it was, or that the description wasn't precise. You now want to send this back and notice that the seller will only refund you the basic cost of the item, charging you both for initial shipping and return shipping. Discuss.
  20. I don't dislike that prototype but it looks like the fingerboard has considerable radius compared to the L2. Also, the frets look humungous!
  21. Dont gig any more but any one of the fretlesses lying around here are the 'go to' basses when I fancy a quick tune, though the newly-arrived L2 is getting more attention than anything right now.
  22. Just found [url="http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/2012/Jan/Steinberger_Prototype_The_Missing_Link.aspx"]this[/url]. Never seen it before!
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