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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. You still need some sort of amp on stage, whether you go for a "traditional" amp, or whether you go for an FRFR rig. A lot of venues still have PA's that don't have enough monitors, or an inept sound engineer, so having some sort of way to amplify your own noises is essential (as well as being able to hear the noises made by everyone else on stage). Whether those sounds come from a purely analogue source, via a solid state amp, or via a digital interface, they still need to be heard via some sort of amplification. Although I use a digital interface as a pre-amp, I still lug around a bass amp.
  2. I like the black pearl, but the white pearl block markers, the white pearl scratchplate would be the best match.
  3. Before I got the HD, I was using an XT Live (same size as the X3, HD500x, Helix LT), and from the research I did before I got the HD, the X3 still used the XT amp/cab/effects models. It was the "next step" for the POD family, because it integrated the guitar, bass, acoustic and vocal effects to be an "all in one" solution. Maybe they used a different chipset, more memory etc., etc., but the actual modelling software was still from the XT. The HD was the development of the POD, where they not only upgraded the chipset, but also developed new amp/cab/effect models in Higher Definition. When I got mine, I still had the XT Live, so after installing the HD Bass pack, I did a "back to back" test of the two, in order to work out which one stayed, which one went. The HD won hands down, it was audibly far better than the XT. Although it has fewer bass amp/cab models, the sound quality was far better, plus it still has all of the connectivity that you'd ever need (including Variax). When I was looking, I looked into other modellers as well, like the Boss GT10B, but I was underwhelmed by the choices, unless I went for the full fat Helix, which was about 5 times my budget at the time. The HD is well worth a try if you know someone who has one, and who's willing to let you have a shot on it.
  4. The HD's not Bluetooth, still relies on the good old USB cable into a computer, and then an app there for editing. However, the screen on the HD is bigger, and you can edit patches there, though some things are easier to do on the computer. Alternatively, get a HX Stomp, all the latest amp/cab & effects models, updated regularly. Still not Bluetooth though. You could use either a Windows tablet or iPad to edit the patches, but they'll still need the wired connection.
  5. Better off with a HD500x, with the HD Bass pack. Fabulous bit of kit, and very underrated. Been running one for years. Expect to pay between £200 & £250 for a good one.
  6. Which of your current basses do you play the most, the 4 string, or the 5 string? If the 4 strings get played the most, then get a 4 string. If the 5 strings get played the most, then get a 5 string.
  7. If you aren't using it, and you've never really "gelled" with it, then time to sell it on.
  8. If only more people on Facebook would adhere to that philosophy... 😑 😀
  9. Isn't Happy Jack still trying to sell his Dean 8 string?
  10. Not forgetting all the ambiguities that surrounded the CITES regulations, and obviously carrier's reluctance to transport items which could potentially be against the reg's, not to mention any fines that they'd incur and insurance claims they'd face. I believe that these are now lifted for musical instruments, but I suspect that there's still a fair deal of ambiguity from the couriers.
  11. If you just want the Effects and not the Amp/Cab modelling, the the HX FX is the one you want. If you want the Amp/Cab modelling as well, then the HX Stomp/Helix/Helix LT would fit the bill. Pretty sure that Line6 are updating the HX FX alongside the other Helix models.
  12. Not as decorative as some of the others on here, but it's mine.
  13. That's aged nicely.
  14. I torte that's what you said... Unless you're talking about Tort's.
  15. But surely, that IS the point! 😁
  16. Pearl 'plate definitely.
  17. I remember sitting in a long departed music shop a number of years ago with the mission of buying myself the best sounding bass I could find in the shop. A good number of hours later, having played all but the insanely expensive basses in there (£1,500+ circa 2004-ish), I walked out with a very affordable, Fender Mex Jazz, that was fitted with US made pickups. It sounded superb, and certainly trounced the US made basses in the shop to my ears.
  18. Highly surprised no one has mentioned this yet but... Hawkwind: Space Ritual Rush: All The World's A Stage, Exit Stage Left, R40, Clockwork Angels, etc., etc. Thin Lizzy: Live and Dangerous
  19. Shouldn't that be "Plectra Deflectra"? Tort? Choccy Tort...
  20. The "W" on the back would suggest Wilkinson's. Pattern Gotoh's. https://www.northwestguitars.co.uk/1-x-wjb650-bass-tuner-for-right-handed-bass/
  21. Yup, I use the Etymotic ER20S for rehearsals. Sennheiser UK have a sale on: £35: https://en-uk.sennheiser.com/headphones-stereo-hd-206 £45: https://en-uk.sennheiser.com/headphones-headset-stereo-over-ear-hd-300
  22. I do fancy acquiring an 8 string at some point...
  23. Agree with Maude & Mykesbass, however, a new bass can't hurt can it? 😉😀👍
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