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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. 3 becomes 4, with the recent acquisition of a Jetglo 4003.
  2. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (Mamma, just killed a man...)
  3. You answered your own question in your opening statement. Go with that.
  4. There's always the new POD Go, same model set as the Helix range, but in a more versatile package than the HX Stomp and for around a similar price. Some functions have been amended, but it would seem like a really good choice.
  5. I don't use a Helix, but an older HD500x as my pre-amp as well as effects. It is certainly more limited in respect of bass specific bass amp/cab sims, but it's still incredibly usable, and sounds great. I would say that it does give you the ability to have a multitude of different variations on amp & cab sounds, useful for different songs, add in effects, and you can switch between effects and/or patches during songs / between songs etc. The only other comparable pre-amp that could do something similar would be either the SanaAmp BDDI Deluxe, or the VT Bass Deluxe (both of which are now discontinued). A single pre-amp pedal would mean that you keep a "core" sound, and add additional effects to that. To vary your sound, you'd need to add another pre-amp or something like an EQ pedal. Maybe take a look at the Helix LT, which would give you more connectivity options as well as switching options.
  6. The full width inlays do look fantastic.
  7. There was a video kicking around of her doing some Led Zep covers in her "pre-fame" days. Very good indeed.
  8. Pics as promised. Not pristine in any way, but a very nice bass none the less. But it certainly need a deep clean!
  9. The Chase is Better Than the Catch - Motorhead
  10. Are you a member of the Rickenfakers group on Facebook? It might be worthwhile putting a request on there, someone might have one kicking about somewhere. Other than that, I'd suggest either trying to find a blank one or a genuine Ric one.
  11. Another recommendation for Original Scratchplates. Take your existing scratchplate off the bass, draw round it & mark all the holes. Scan it & send to them.
  12. Certainly my Rockinbetter Fakers were great in a band setting. I've only been able to use my Custom Walnut Faker (with Gemini Waverider pickups) with the band once because of the Covid restrictions, but it too sounded great (need to suss out the pot values on that). This one sounds similar to my old, pre-Vintage Circuit 4003, so all good there.
  13. Bloody typical eh? Spotted an advert on FB for a 2011, Jetglo 4003 for a very good price, not too far away either. Got in touch with the seller, only for him to say he'd just taken a deposit on it. Bum. Yesterday, the seller gets in touch to say the deposit guy had backed out of the deal, and asked whether I was still interested. At the asking price, I wasn't going to turn it down, deposit paid. Arranged to meet up at around the halfway point, deal done. First impressions when I got it home, is it must have been kept in a garage or something, the paint's cracked in a few places and there's a few dings. It also looked like it'd not been cleaned since it was came away from the shop it was bought from. The case had seen a bit of wear as well, with one of the feet missing, and an indentation on the underside. Spent a bit of time cleaning it up, and put a fresh set of strings on, sounds great though. Toyed with the Vintage circuit, it's a bit trebly-er than the standard sound, I didn't hear the "classic" 4001 "clank", but it did sound good. No pics yet, I'll get some later.
  14. Yup, we're still looking for a new singer, but with the rising R rates, the rehearsal rooms have closed again. Can really audition singers if we can't get into the rehearsal rooms.
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