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Everything posted by Supernaut

  1. Played in three pieces / one guitarist bands for years, pretty much my whole playing career. I would recommend... Guitarist has humbuckers or minimum P90s. Single coils just don't cut it for three pieces. Bass player has some sort of light/medium OD gain for solos to 'fill' it out. Also, lock in tight with the drums and keep the rhythm steady.
  2. My Chemical Romance. They were everywhere 15 years ago but I have come to appreciate the song writing.
  3. JMB is very hit and miss but there are some diamonds in the rough. FB is worth a shot. Local mic nights also provide opportunities.
  4. Sound person. They/them pronouns exist, people.
  5. Secondhand Mark Bass CMD 121P. Best combo I've ever used. Attach the extension cab and you're good to go.
  6. Too right! You have to be cut throat sometimes when it comes to music...
  7. It was a joke but I can see why people are sore over the subject...
  8. Applies to wine and whisky drinkers too... I only drink right bank Bordeaux!
  9. Some people can't get over the 'embarrassment' of being seen playing a Squier. I'm fine with it.
  10. If they are indeed an item then you'll find it tough to get rid, most likely they'll boot you if anything. I would walk - easiest way to avoid drama. Unfortunately, a lot of punters judge you on your singer and if they're not up to scratch, then there is a high chance you won't get great reviews. Just the way these things work. I would focus on the other two bands.
  11. Going here should be able to get you some more answers: https://start.fender.com/
  12. That's not a misfret... this is a misfret!
  13. Mark Bass CMD121P for myself - great little combo for gigs with monitor support.
  14. Fender 70s Jazz? I'd rather have one of these!
  15. The pups are great but EMG used not so great pots - definitely not CTS standard. Swap them out and you'll see what I mean.
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