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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. SR300... The Neck! 38mm Jazz-esq Nut, thin front to back... A guitar players dream... Ya gotta try one or both. Where are you bass-ed... If you need try EDIT: Just re re-read.. Denmark. I'd give em a ring or email see if you can order both and return one foc.
  2. Max Grip Jazz III v's JD Nylon 'Midi" 0.67 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281312505966?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=eUSAZaI-Tou&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=daj_hJ6fSo-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Got some 0.97 as the 0.67 are a little flexi...
  3. Rickenfakers over on facebook...
  4. Pics please... I have no idea about DB... but although appear old school still have some sort of 'aura' about them... like a forgotten science. Interesting stuff. How something can look so simple yet be so complicated... more forgotten art than science then.
  5. Hi... see you found the Ibby thread... Loves an SR! REMEMBER... unplug the lead when not in use otherwise it will drain the EQ battery...
  6. How hard is it to remove if ya don't like it?..
  7. Replaced pots... replaced with what? If in doubt replace again... Quality CTS loom from @KiOgon...
  8. Now... where's the White one... 😉
  9. Alpha, made in Korea. If you undo the nut on the top, and push it thru, should have the value on the underneath... Active with Mk1 Barts? Similar to Ibanez SR500/600... B500K ?
  10. New pot... simples. Have the cover of the back and see what it is? A250k vol log pot, solid shaft... what make Guitar and Pot? Full Size or Mini? Post a pic of the gubbins inside the cavity.
  11. Came across these on Amazon... Handy for keeping the lead tucked, rather than rubbing on the finish or trying to push the strap lock off... https://amzn.eu/d/aHB17Ga
  12. Backup... As in to finish off, just in case, or... to share the duties? P... you may find the Stingray becomes backup.
  13. Are the inserts not kinda flush fitting to the neck surface, using a slight counter bore?, with the bolt going all the way thru the insert?
  14. ^ fretless... So shortening a long scale 4 to make a short scale 5?
  15. Can't be doin with Patrick Hunter. He might have something useful to say... But, all that gurning?.. NO.
  16. I actually prefer it.. especially with a Natural colour body. I like the redy-brown Pau Ferro. The Jazz neck i ordered for my P Bitsa, i chose a lighter colour of i think its called 'Vietnamese Rosewood'... with a more visible pattern. I also asked for light on the Ali-Backer...
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