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Everything posted by thedontcarebear

  1. Sent him an e-mail earlier actually! E-mailed EBS the other day but no reply.
  2. Just read on talkbass that EBS sent someone the specs of their speakers, and they are the same as the Gamma's, so might just go with one of them for speed.
  3. They seem to have eminence 16ohm speakers in it, no model though, think it must be made for EBS? It's 900 watts at 4ohm in total, would this be a good replacement? [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=EMIGAM10B&browsemode=manufacturer"]http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=EMI...de=manufacturer[/url]
  4. I am sure it is the top right speaker that is the issue, it looks like there is some glue on the cone, would this probably be a previous repair? Any idea on a replacement speaker or getting it fixed?
  5. Going to the studio to record this week, so it might make it there actually, although might stick with the familiar Sandberg.
  6. I should have this next week, so will post pictures up when I get it!
  7. I keep looking at this everyday, I really want it, argh.
  8. Mine has survived me buying many expensive basses now, and is still here when the others have gone.
  9. [quote name='PauBass' post='464072' date='Apr 16 2009, 04:13 PM'] If you decide to go for the Sansamp I'd check the Paradriver instead of the BDDI, it's basically the same unit but with the added mids controls so you can avoid that scooped tone you get with the bass unit and, I think, they are about the same price. [/quote] I thought the para was for guitars and bass for bass?
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  11. Haha, this bass has moved around a bit recently! I traded it for another bass, gave it a complete clean as it was in a state, but didn't need it, so sold it to a mate, who couldn't get on with it over his Ibanez, so he sold it on ebay, I guess you bought it! It's nice sounding I think, good growl.
  12. My cab rattles a bit, it sounds like its coming from the top right, I tightened the screws on that speaker (which were already really tight), could it be blown or something? It still works, just an annoying rattle.
  13. I swapped a bass with him sort of recently, didn't realise it was this bloke!
  14. [quote name='Frusty' post='486591' date='May 13 2009, 07:55 AM']It still appears to be on the stock page, is this the same bass? [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/stock.htm"]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/stock.htm[/url] (scroll to the bottom)[/quote] I'm sure it is, he doesn't update the site much.
  15. I wanted that jazz when it was on his website in the stock bit! Can't really justify anything at the moment though.
  16. I'm moving from Peakirk to Northborough, it's a similar distance, haha.
  17. This has been a very quick build so far!
  18. Neck is attached now, pickups just resting on it so I could see their position.
  19. Tracy Chapman, and loads of bassists, like Larry Klein, Tony Levin, Bob Glaub.
  20. My Sandberg is by far the best bass I've ever played and owned, I bum it, haha.
  21. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='458648' date='Apr 9 2009, 06:05 PM']Would it be complete sacrilege to say that I prefer Ben Kenney's bass playing?? [/quote] Yes.
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