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Everything posted by Reggaebass

  1. Thanks for sharing this , I’m always on reverb
  2. Not a bad price, I think if it was me I’d change the tuners for period correct and fit a bbot bridge and your good to go
  3. I sold one and missed it so much that I bought another one 😁
  4. This is the 62 I got recently ,and the second one still has the plastic cover on but you can see the colours ,apart from the real thing I think they look the best and not too bright ,
  5. Hi chewie, just a suggestion, assuming your looking for tort?, the pickguards on the 62 reissues are really nice, they aren’t red like a lot of them they are darker, I’ve got a pic if you need one
  6. Nice one, I’ve never seen her ,but if it’s anything like some of the videos I’ve seen she looks like an amazing player
  7. I’d happily play the Ida Nielsen Signature Sandberg, I nearly bought one a year or so back, not because of anything to do with Ida or what she plays, it’s just a lovely bass,
  8. Got the Bassline together for this today, it’s pretty easy and a nice one to play
  9. As far as I know all the MIM precisions have the truss at the headstock, and all Of my US ones have and do adjust at the heel, I think maybe the early Highway 1 might be the exception
  10. Same here, 2003 standard Mexican P bass with missing strap button
  11. I might be missing something ,but what’s not right
  12. The new one from Don chandler, it’s been a while
  13. Cool, I’ll get around to maintaining mine one day, from what I can remember I couldn’t find flats to fit mine so I had to put rounds on which I can’t stand
  14. Ah yeah, I’d forgotten about that one 😁, glad you found one in the end, I think myself that you’ll be fine with a 15, I’ve used mine with my markbass 15 but the Ampeg cabs would probably match better and I think they look good
  15. Very nice, congrats, I’ve got the 50t and they have a lovely tone
  16. Just have to give this a play every now and again
  17. Looks great and they do play nice, if I didn’t have my avri 62 which I really like , id definitely have one of those
  18. That’s a great tune, I remember it always being played on the jukebox back in the day
  19. I can’t say that it’s my kinda thing as I only really play fenders, but if you’re happy with it and it plays and sounds good then it’s not a bad price
  20. What a great one t-h , love that tune, I often watch this with scratch in action , great Bassline too
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