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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Fu*king chancer. You haven't even considered the right car to rent or borrow (1970s Ford Mustang Boss 302, in Daytona Yellow). Or how you're going to park it (on the pavement). 😃
  2. Damn straight. My greatest visit was in a 2nd hand shop in Barton St, Gloucester. In the 1990s. I was trying out a Fender 'Bassman' 135 valve amp (cab was a 2x15). Three costume changes in total, and for the finale I was in nothing but a leather basque, thigh length boots and a headset, playing Smoke On The Water. I bought the amp, but obviously I was banned from the shop after that - but OMG it was so worth it.
  3. There's another one!? 😮 Nooo, Porty Costa sounds really cool! Scarborough Wetherspoons is still my favourite though. 😂 Regards, Miami 'Dunkin' Donuts
  4. Don't know who the expensive lookin' bloke in the picture is, but this thread is worth it just for the reveal of your stage name. And what a corker it is! Respect. 😎
  5. I rarely go to a guitar shop, but when I do, I spend the evening before the visit rehearsing exactly what I'm gunna do. It may not seem like it, but every last thing is choreographed, from the tuning up - to the harmonics - to the seamlessly dropping into a bassline from (what would appear to be), an aimless noodle... even the moments of eye contact and conversation are planned and rehearsed to perfection... it's like a Superbowl half-time show. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes there's a problem, sometimes I don't try a guitar so nothing happens.
  6. Of course there's always the thing about how different the bass feels to play, depending on whether you like the 'floor' raised or lowered by the 3mm or whatever it is. 🙂
  7. I was on the phone to my best mate (and drummer) tonight, he's had a bass for one week - and these are what "sausage fingers" is playing: (he got good taste). 😎
  8. Roxanne! (and Walking on the moon, obvs) (actually, anything by Lord Sting) And this!
  9. My son works at many of them each summer (always including Glasto), but then he's a dirty little bastard. No way you'd find me blowing £2000 for 4 days living in squalor in this shitehole of a country. I bet it would be nothing like this: It's all down to the weather...
  10. They must spend a fortune on hair crimping...
  11. Yep, Fenders are definitely easier to play... 😃
  12. It's very white. Are you sure you haven't gone to heaven? 😬
  13. No, it's clearly poor old Bob that you lot are 'undressing with your eyes'... well, he was already undressed, but you know what I mean... 😃
  14. You two are way too fascinated by that naked bloke.
  15. *much time has passed* Well, the good news is that I've found the sound I want: Unfortunately, it ain't coming out of my J bass ... need some thicker strings ... gonna get me some tapeworms. 👍
  16. I don't know the guy, but the video is creepy, weird and sinister... I also don't know where the other four dwarfs are.
  17. I still don't think you should wear it. How about a nice 'Marshall Amps' tee instead? #worriedaboutyou
  18. You also need a certain personal mass before you can develop an 'hefty' tone. I swear that's why many lightweight bass players waste $$$$$$s on pedals.
  19. While I respect Bambi Redux musically - It seems possible that this tribute act is a total nut-job called Barry.
  20. I might get me a pair of those fancy drummer's gloves as well... 😃
  21. The ability to swan about the town with a pair of sticks in hand, or poking out of the back pocket, is the ONLY cool thing about being a drummer... in fact, I see no reason why non-drummers shouldn't carry drum sticks if they want to.
  22. Absolutely: https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/arts-entertainment/teenager-wants-to-tell-you-how-good-kurt-cobain-was-20190320183726
  23. This in bold ^^^^^^^. Back in the day - Somebody once bought me a tee with a massive portrait of Kurt Cobain all over the front. It looked ghey as fook. 😬 If I ever find it, I'll give it to #1 step-daughter. She looks much better in my vintage London Calling tee shirt than I ever did... *grumble grumble*
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