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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Please go ahead matey. 👍 I've not had chance to record anything yet, never mind uploading it.
  2. I've made a Soundcloud account, and I'll by trying to do an upload later on - in anticipation of getting a question right! 👍
  3. OM (actual) G, I never would have got it (and I'm studying DISCO at evening classes at present!). (very well played though, by the questioner) Would have got it if you'd done Boogie Nights! 😎
  4. Thank you, Sir. Yep, I'm assuming the P/J setup on a Nanyo makes a decent job of adding that bridge pickup edge to the P tone. (I'm interested in trying a double P at some point, but that's drifting way off topic) There's another Nanyo for sale quite local to me. 4 string P/J, don't know if it's active or passive, and not such a bargain price as that fiver was...
  5. Nice one. Saves me asking. 😀
  6. I have a case of 'didn't buyer's remorse' today. 😔 £145 for (what I assume was) an SB405 in good working order - seems an absolute bargain. Having said that, I've never owned a five string, so I don't know if I'd like that aspect. Plus, all my basses are passive, and active basses seem to be generally out of favour these day (with the exception of Stingrays). Finally, from these pages, I note that @Happy Jack prefers a P/J Nanyo over J/J, so perhaps the P/J configuration (on a Nanyo), sounds better...?
  7. Happy days. Welcome back to the bass. 👍 🙂
  8. Waddaya mean, 'nice'? Ice cream is nice. Chops and sauce is nice. My new part is really good. There's no longer any raised clutter in the fingering area, and I can even use the edge of the pickup as a thumb rest. It is now as easy to play as a Fender. (and the part was only £18). 👍
  9. Fwoarr, that's another corking beauty! I might get my 'Big Book of Rickenbackers' out tomorrow, and have a proper good butchers at the classics. 🤩
  10. Ohh, that is lovely! 😎 I can't take any credit for deliberately buying the uncluttered 'Jr' version. It was simply the only Ric' I'd ever come across that I could afford in circa 1990. If it had 4 knobs and 2 PUPs I'd have still bought the mo'fo'. 👌
  11. Oooo, I've often been tempted by these basses over the years, and it happens that there's a 'fiver' that's been up for sale for ages (relisted a few times), and near to my location too (collection only). I managed to resist, and I see it's finally attracted a sale (for the opening bid. A very reasonable price IMHO). It was this eBay item here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SGC-NANYO-039-BASS-COLLECTION-039-5-STRING-ACTIVE-BASS-JAPAN-MIJ-1988-SILVER-RARE-/153520314697?nma=true&si=4E3s6Viq7qpB%2FUYYiCp2iZkRmUE%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 However, what a great resource this thread is for the Nanyo collector / enthusiast! 👍
  12. What'd you think of my new low-level stainless steel PUP surround thingy from that nice man at Retrovibe? 🙂
  13. I've learned a big lesson today. It's so easy to score cheap laughs by poking fun at minorities: Prog, Gingers, Scotch people, people with big noses (that you could hide under! 😃), Teebs, etc etc... but it's wrong. And I'm sorry for saying weirdo. 😔
  14. Gosh, yous have started early with this sh*t.
  15. Sounds very posh. Did you know that Marco is the only boss that ever made Gordon Ramsay cry?
  16. Oddly enough, I hear prog' is somehow back in fashion at the moment. Only with weirdos, I assume (same as it ever was). 👍
  17. Terrible, isn't it? Then you dredge up some simple yet crappy bassline that you half-remember from years ago, play a bum note in it, then find yourself examining the fret as-if it's the bass not you... then you feel all hot and prickly, and you notice another civilian has wandered into the shop, and he's looking at the mandolins... he doesn't want a mandolin! He's come in there to watch you crash and burn! And is that a smirk on his face?? ... that's it, make your excuses and leave in a hurry... Nope, that's never happened to me.
  18. Jazz bass (cheap knock-off, but that's OK) - Check Ampeg - Check Minimum 15" speaker - Check Massive Talent - Check Fat fingers - Check Strings (flats) - Check... but! Aston uses the fat ones out of a set of five! That must be it!! 😃
  19. They were only nice about me because I bought a bass. Though to be fair, I did play pretty well (although I'm even better now). 😃 Unlike the previous shop I went in, when I'd rehearsed an Aston "Family Man" Barrett medley... that was a car-crash and a half... I told you a Jazz bass is no good for reggae. 😑
  20. Good point - M&Ms with the green ones removed. They absolutely ****ing love me at the music shop in the next village. Mind you, I've only been there the once (so far). 👍
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