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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. Tribute cars? What, like the MINI, Fiat 500, New Beetle to name but a few. Yeah, no-one buys those...
  2. I think a trip to Bedmo at the weekend is in order. Just for research purposes of course, if I had that much money spare I'd buy a car!
  3. There's no way my fat thumb will fit between the strings like that! Cool technique though
  4. I can't comment on longevity but they sound and feel lovely on my Allen Eden Jazz.
  5. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F192537820510 Ovation magnum on eBay
  6. I'm interested but tight for cash. I do have a few items I am trying to shift so if all goes well I'll give you a shout.
  7. I don't currently, but have a strong desire to start an Ian Dury tribute - as the vocalist
  8. Noel Gallagher is doing some decent tunes in my opinion, unlike his brother
  9. I don't waste any of my attention on it. Pointless twattery.
  10. Don't most people call them jack connectors? (I know they were used by telephone operators back in the day)
  11. I have another patient in the surgery - I slackened everything off before doing this!
  12. I reckon this one has more groove
  13. I bought a bass case from a guy in Bristol who collects Bean bass guitars - I couldn't believe the weight, it felt like double a 'normal' bass. I'd love to own one, but feel my chances are slim.
  14. If it's a one-way truss rod then you have to slacken the strings.
  15. Every good sound engineer knows how to work a DFA
  16. Those XL series cabs are not the greatest AFAIK.
  17. Alternatively - string it with really light gauge roundwounds and bwwangg like a mofo!
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