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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. I'm rescuing this for a mate, yes that is Star Wars action figure heads for control knobs!
  2. It's all working now, except the one part I need! I have emailed them to see what the crack is... You can buy the B-bass 4 bridge with the drop tuner on there - not cheap though at €175 😱
  3. It takes me straight to the correct page. The shop isn't working yet though!
  4. That's bloody brilliant that is! Thanks @Jabba_the_gut I am starting to think the pickup surrounds are going to have to be made, possibly from a pickguard blank. Stainless sheet, or maybe wood are also options...
  5. Maybe he got a mysterious text?!
  6. My first amp was one of those with the ridiculous 4x12 cabinet - how I wish I had kept it...
  7. That's correct, I tried one - it didn't work for me.
  8. https://www.google.co.uk/search?client=ms-android-h3g-gb&ei=Y204W43EN4yHgAb00oKoDg&q=the+presidents+of+the+united+states+of+america+band&oq=the+presidents+of+the+united+states+of+america+band&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.12..35i39j46i67j0j46j0.17308.17308..18788...0....104.104.0j1......0....1.........0i71.f3UeT6l%2F6nk%3D https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=the+internet+band&oq=the+inter&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j69i60l3j0.5504j0j7&client=ms-android-h3g-gb&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 I didn't have any trouble searching, just add the word 'band' after the name!
  9. I only viewed this thread to make a similar joke, you beat me to it
  10. That's normal, it's supposed to match the radius of the fingerboard. Although in my experience the A and D are too high.
  11. It's the spacing I might struggle with, which is why a 4 might suit me better. I will keep you posted...
  12. I've always found it easier to play with the amp controls facing away from me. Dunno about anyone else?
  13. Thanks @Woodinblack - I was aware of you looking for one, it's entirely possible that I won't like it and if so was going to give you a shout
  14. It is a Hammerhead  It's from 2005 I think - an RB-2002. Well-made with decent hardware, its a good bass. I think they were pretty expensive new but can be picked up quite cheap now. I can't say the effect of the brass is hugely noticeable but it does sound nice.
  15. What bridge, to what bass? That does sound excessive to me.
  16. It's OK, I don't know what I am talking about!
  17. Is this the silk at the ball end? I would've thought it will pull through with anything like normal tension on it.
  18. To go completely dead suggests an open circuit to me.
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