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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. Agreed, now that's a Westone I would like to own
  2. Well made? Yes. Worth what this guy is asking? Debatable. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F302730748138 Was my point...
  3. That's a good tutorial - it's actually a lot simpler than I thought!
  4. I just looked up the price list - it should be good for what it'll cost!
  5. That's a bloody good replica @AndyTravis
  6. I played in a band with a guy who played the same, but never sounded right. His left hand was good but rhythmically he was weak.
  7. Agreed, they're really good.
  8. Good suggestion @uk_lefty I have been interested to note that a 4 year old child will naturally play air guitar with their dominant hand with no preconception of what is 'correct'
  9. I know of at least 2 left handers that learned to play right handed, but wish they hadn't.
  10. I once discussed joining a band with someone - their precise requirements were that I play exactly the lines they told me to and also drive him and the singer to and from gigs as neither of them drove. That was a tough gig to turn down!
  11. No, of course not. However it does show that the amp will probably cope better than most people would expect.
  12. One of my bass guitars has a Badass bridge! Ooh you can say Badass but not bad donkey
  13. https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/watch_can_your_small_guitar_amp_survive_distorted_bass_guitar.html
  14. Diaries of GAS addiction, or 'How I ended up with more guitars than friends'?
  15. One might say you are plumbing the depths of appropriate jokes there @Dad3353
  16. It's a good price, unfortunately the market is quite saturated at the moment.
  17. No-one has mentioned truss rod adjustment? A change of string gauge can require this.
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