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Everything posted by musicbassman

  1. Likewise, never heard of Chip Boaz. And he appears to have a bad case of lockjaw. Medical help is available.
  2. Try this - simple to use, shows bands in similar genre areas. https://www.music-map.com/
  3. Wow! - how great to find some musicians who inspire you, restore your faith in playing, and make you look forward to every rehearsal!. Best wishes for your project, and keep the updates coming.
  4. Composed by bots, surely? Next week, how to build a space rocket in an afternoon, and also, how to end global poverty with this one handy tip.
  5. Ouch! - well I stuck in there for 3 minutes in case I had a sudden realisation that this was actually 'avant-garde art noise' and I just wasn't getting it. But then I reluctantly concluded it was actually just pure tosh done by some kid in his bedroom.
  6. Well, this was my rig in 1973 - A Wallace bass amp (new, bought directly from Wallace in Praed St mews at Paddington) Pair of 1x12 exponential horn cabinets Pair of Carlsbro 2x15 cabs It was vast, and needed a small truck to move it about, but was err...a bit loud.
  7. Why not combine your interests? Here's the link to the site which talks about bass dolls, but the link to the original Japanese site is 404, unfortunately. http://www.bunnybass.com/e-zine/amusing/amusingbass58.shtml
  8. A fine example of how corporate America is continuing a very lengthy journey up it's own backside. It's been happening since the '80's, and I'm not going to send out a search party.....
  9. The very fact you've posted this question shows what a thoughtful and considerate bunch of guys you must be. You obviously deserve a decent singer, and I hope you're not disappointed. You'll usually have some idea if someone's going to be the right fit within a few minutes of their arrival - before they've even started singing.
  10. Well, Burns-bass, it's not taking the p*** out of him, it's just puzzling to understand the motivations of how someone could be so unaware of their own performance skills. It's not vitriol, and I certainly wouldn't diss the guy if he was just a young kid, which he clearly isn't. And as I said, I mostly felt sorry for the bass.
  11. ....and he's so much in his own little vanity bubble that he thinks it's a good idea to proudly display his "skills" on YouTube ? I feel sorry for the poor bass - it's new master will physically abuse it daily until it no longer satisfies him, and then he'll seek a new plaything.
  12. Don't know this song , but I found myself imagining this sung to the verse line of Squeeze's 'Cool for cats' And now I can't imagine it any other way...
  13. Maybe SBL has reached the limit of it's potential. * There are only so many bass players out there. * There's an ever decreasing number of opportunities to play live, which must decrease enthusiasm. * He's preaching to an ageIng demographic. * Just maybe.
  14. My daughter works in London for a large well known charity - no names. It seems charities are run like any other big business these days. At a recent management meeting, she was seriously asked by someone if she could 'solutionise' a problem......
  15. Yep, having a PJ will solve just about any problem, except global warming and Brexit. I'm surprised it took so many, many years before Fender actually made an off-the-shelf one.
  16. I always practice standing up. You don't normally play gigs sitting down, so maybe it's a bad habit to get into ?
  17. No, bigthumb, the problem there is that Dewalt were great when they first came to prominence. Big, powerful and made other duos like Black and Decker look a bit out of date. But then they got lazy and started churning out the same old stuff just to honour their contract. Now there's new kids on the block like Milwaukee and they make Dewalt look like stuff your Grandad used to enjoy. Power tools, rock music, it's all the same.... 🙄
  18. Hey, I've just found rare footage of The Invisibles live! Here's the evidence that proves Billy Nobass is still using his Nobody nostring bass, despite the rumours going around...
  19. Well, I don't know what you're all getting so excited about - I mean c'mon, apart from Billy Nobass from the Invisibles, can you name one famous bass player who uses one of these - I bet you can't.
  20. Yep, and this is the only bass you can take on a plane as carry on luggage - though most airlines might want you to put it in a clear delusion wrapper along with all your meds.
  21. Mojo, the fact you are aware that your 'frustrations' with these things are not 'normal' shows you really understand your OCD nature absolutely. I know all about OCD, my wife has the same tendencies. People with OCD usually have their brains wired slightly differently, and what to anyone else is a 'meh, whatever' is an absolute deal breaker for them. Regarding your 'LCD's' (LED's ?), some people are especially sensitive to variations in the red/yellow spectrum and perceive huge colour differences between what to many people would look just about the same. So, don't panic, you're just a bit more sensitive to these things, and the fact you already accept this means you're really doing just fine
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