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Everything posted by musicbassman

  1. I'm trying to trace the origins of a Snarky Puppy track called 'Intelligent Design' I've been told it was originally a Zappa composition, but I can't trace it. Anybody know about this? If you'd like to listen to it on YouTube, the best recording is the one done on the John Lennon mobile studio, which unfortunately has a really dodgy piece of student's video project to go with it. Any information gratefully received! Thanks.
  2. I expect many of you already know this, but increases in perceived loudness to the listener (Db) only increase on a logarithmic scale compared to multiples of amplifier wattage. So, a 300 watt amp will not be 10 times louder than a 30 watt amp, only about twice as loud. Plenty of info on the web about this, Google is your friend.
  3. I’m 64. I first started playing bass in 1969 – first bass was a [b]Danelectro Longhorn[/b]! I moved to London and worked professionally from 1973 – 1978. No one famous, just played in numerous different bands of all styles to pay the rent. I bought a [b]’62 Jazz Bass[/b] in 1974 and a [b]’63 Precision [/b]in 1975 – they could be had for about £150 at the time. Later I moved onto playing top end functions and similar – earnt good money from this over the years. Had a [b]Musicman 5 string[/b] by then. Finally stopped gigging in 2001 – I’d had enough of the late nights and dragging equipment around. I seriously reckon I must have done well over a thousand gigs in my 30 years of regular working. Now after a 16 year break and retired from my regular day job I’m taking up playing again just for pleasure – so looking for a rehearsal band or similar in West Sussex, arranging material to a high standard. I think I've kept up to date musically over the years and I'm a big fan of current favourites such as Michael League and Tim Lefebvre. I bought a new [b]JV Precision in 1982[/b] – one of the very first - these had a Fender logo – and I’ve kept this tucked away all these years so this will now be my main instrument. Best wishes to all.
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