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Everything posted by fumps

  1. I have shared this on facebook ....& is also stuck to my wall at work !
  2. Thats the best advert i've ever read in my life
  3. I once met a bass player who used to rub alcohol on his strings & set them on fire (Whilst still on the bass) let it burn out & wipe the strings down after He tried to convince me that it melted all the crap out of them....nutter lol
  4. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1363828682' post='2018403'] I think it's a bit of everything. My charm, wit and sophistication. My happy nature and boyish humour. And not forgetting the kind of body that most people would die from. All in all, I'm pretty much perfect. [/quote] People love me cos I have a frizbee
  5. I changed my mind about Behringer when I worked at Leeds uni for a multi media department & saw all their stuff was Behringer & was fantastic stuff. all of it was getting hammered everyday & none of it showed any signs of wear. I don't care who makes what anymore, I now work for a manufacturer & one thing is for sure, you can never fully guarantee who makes what and to what standard. So now I just think there are good stuff & bad stuff, that is it.
  6. The thing with struggling originals bands has always puzzled me, you need the crowds but are finding it hard to gather these crowds, so I have no idea why bands don't gather together & create gigs, take it in turns to headline the sets. but a few live bands of the same style will have more of a chance to lure a crowd than one band. I mean why do originals bands bother playing some heavy stadium rock in the Duck & Drake on Wednesday ? it's pretty obvious that the punters will be scarce at best. A couple of my past bands would often support & be supported by the same bands & we always had great nights doing it, the crowd would be fans of our music & everybody had a great time. if there is no scene create one There used to be a venue in Leeds (The good old Duchess of York) where they would have several bands on in one night all of the same style, they would bring in large crowds simply because if you don't like band A, the chances are you will get into band B. I used to go to these nights all the time because you would always be guaranteed a decent night.
  7. I'm in a covers band simply because I've never been in a band that covers different styles & think it's a good move to develop myself as a bass player, not looking to do gigs as such, I'm seeing this as a new way to improve my playing. As I said on a different thread, I'd love to be in a new originals band but have not come across one that would tempt me back.
  8. My old internet name works Stigmata Viagra
  9. I love myself...but not in public since the court case
  10. I want one now..... god sake help me
  11. Bought a Effect pedal from Gavin easy transaction happy to deal with again ! Top bloke !
  12. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1363690153' post='2015781'] Nicely put , Sir Fumps - I'm actually envious. The bit where you say being in a band isn't essential to your happiness jumps out at me. Playing gigs is certaily essential to my happiness - that's the trouble. I don't know how to enjoy music as a consumer - ony as a creator. I can't be in the audience - I hate it. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't gig - however frustrating or unfulfilling I often find it. Folk say - ' come have a pint and watch a band with us '. I don't because to me that just equates to doing nothing. [/quote] Hi Sir Dave Yeh mate, I love music full stop, if it's mine or someone else's, I just love music, As i say I'd love to be in a project that records but does not really do gigs as such. I just don't really have the compulsion anymore
  13. I have to agree with some of the post's on here ! I originally moved from a small town to Leeds to form a band, I'd had some limited success in other bands but were struggling to meet musicians who could do what I was looking for. I didn't know anyone here so it was a big risk moving to a big city & was pretty much isolated from all that I knew at the time. When I got here all I got was chancers & speakers of bull waste, some were unreliable but talented, some were nice people but could not deliver what they said they could, some were stoners, some were big drinkers, failure after failure & I started to question that I had made the right decision, I joined a few bands that were OK but did not have the drive that I had, some had potential but had internal issues that would not end well (Most didn't end well at all) & I soon realised that I needed to rethink & maybe move to a new city (Maybe London) I then managed to get offered a part in an up & coming band that had a solid following & we went pretty far with it....but drugs & in fighting was the bands downfall and I one day walked out, there was local fanzene's who were waiting to see what would "Rise from the ashes" of our band but I just didn't have the heart to start again......I sold my bass & walked away from the whole thing & didn't pick up another bass for over 10 years. To this day I have always said to be in an originals band it would have to be something really special to tempt me back, no ego's, no stars, just a project (not a band) of people that we value what is coming out of the speakers more than how the individual feels. A project that enjoys what they are doing and the feeling of creativity that is the centre of it all. I have watched websites & seen no adverts that make me want to join them so I am happy where I am at the moment. My life now is not really set up for a band anymore, I cannot commit to gigging every weekend as I am a part time dad so every second weekend I have my son (And he is the world to me), I have two dogs & a full time job so practice session times are limited & all these things restrict my chances of ever joining a band. Why don't I gig ? because I don't see being in a band as essential to my happiness, I would love to create some recordings that are different & makes me feel excited but I'm really not interested about doing gigs anymore.The main fact for me is that I know deep down relying on people just leaves me feeling disappointed & I really cannot be bothered to go through all that again.
  14. I totally agree with this, I just like playing & having a laugh the details are something i'm not interested in
  15. I think it's down to the design of the bass, some look good in black & some don't. I am one who agrees with a little bit of vanity (If it is vanity) If I don't like the look of a bass I just would not buy it. I have played a few basses over the years where the bass will sound lovely & feel really nice but the look just left me cold. I just cant see myself owning one. I'm not sure if it is vanity or not but lets be honest we are a little vain deep down.
  16. Still loving this vid.....i love the black & white lady doing the side way wiggle (She looks like she is wearing a fan on her head) I want that on my phone when someone rings me lol
  17. I wrap mine in a velcro loop. keeps them perfect
  18. ***Prods thread*** Come on guys I'm finding this very entertaining D'oh.......
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