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Everything posted by bazzbass

  1. yikes at that price it's not so good all of a sudden hehe
  2. I will NEVER ever again be embarrassed for playing a wrong note hehe
  3. I was gonna reply, but you don't want attention..... firstly, try a different web browser like Firefox
  4. man that sucks, hope you get it all back About time we started suing venues for these losses. FFS the bouncer just has to know who is in the band and not let anyone else out with gear
  5. Tull have had some great bassists whoever it was on Living in The Past gets my vote
  6. that Van Halen clip, he wasn't in the wrong key, he was in the wrong band ....and state. lol
  7. [quote name='joyce49' timestamp='1496161214' post='3309235'] i had a major falling out with the singer in my first band. guy thought he was Bono. [/quote] at least he could admit he can't sing for sh!t
  8. good drumming is more than just pounding the kick and snare incessantly. looked like you were more interested in looking good for the cameras than actually playing well good quality camera work Oh dear, then the 'singing' starts, seeya
  9. every time he loses his timing, punch him in the face, hard he will eventually learn to come in on time
  10. Polytune2s will be up for sale soon as we all upgrade to the Polytune3 they really are THAT good
  11. love my MXR M87 if it's your first compressor this is the one, the ten LEDs help greatly to see what is happening to your signal
  12. BALLS If you had any you would've had the guts to tell the guy you don't wanna play that song at a jam ffs really who cares about a jam?
  13. some people just never get the fact that not EVERYONE can be a musician. no amount of lessons can teach a tone deaf person or rhythmically challenged musician. He can't remember lyrics and doesn't know how to count , this person is NOT a singer.
  14. why would I want fake guitars covering my real guitars? really stupid idea lol
  15. good luck I thank the universe that I played in bands, otherwise my life would have been for nothing
  16. never quit band, but refused to join a band I auditioned for. They were an original punk band in the 80s first jam they played me their originals second jam I was the only one that knew their songs lol I refused to play the party they formed for lol
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1495742210' post='3306322'] Anyone play in a bar or pub where you had to set up in front of the entrance to the bathrooms? I have. Blue [/quote] at least you know everyone in there will see you at least once one pub we played at, the girl's toilets were just in front of the stage to the left. We got a parade that was very distracting, our drummer would point out all the 10s to me hehe
  18. so many great basslines in this thread. time to hit some tab sites.....
  19. finding it hard to find a hard copy down under these days, not that there is much in them apart from ads. wow a 20 year old interview, must buy !
  20. +1 for Lemon song and Hysteria this is mine, Ramble On it's the first song I worked and worked on that I can remember [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oWfHcl94k4[/media]
  21. we used to play at the worst pub in the worst part of the city's worst night spots sometimes at really weird times, like we'd come on as the main band of two, at two am....on a Tuesday night lol. I used to wonder how he can afford to pay us turned out to be a front for our city's biggest heroin dealer, so even though hardly anyone watched the bands in the back room, as long as he was open he had a steady flow of customers coming and going, we had no idea lol we just wanted to play
  22. no cover band heroes original music only so they must be able to come up with their own parts own transport a must a working knowledge of music theory. no time wasters if they are a singer, they MUST have their own PA, we have our own amps and guitars, it's only fair.
  23. Led Zeppelin 1 song 1 Good Times Bad Times aside from Bonham's double kick drum rhythm on ONE kick pedal, I heard JPJ's sweet lines coming through. that and Yes - Fragile, and THAT song. My older mate pinched the LP from his older brother and I asked what instrument was making that sound, 'that's a bass guitar" he said and here I am
  24. yeah that must suck. of course you could quit your job and play music fulltime......oops, there I go dreaming the impossible again, sigh
  25. [quote name='citymariner' timestamp='1495485694' post='3304182'] I do have two of the 210s already however stacking vertically is not an option anymore due to everything having to be flight cased nowadays. [/quote] Huh? are you saying the cabs need to stay in their flight cases on stage? That seems weird, but even so, why can't you stack one on the other? they are equal sized boxes either way or have I missed something here?
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