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Everything posted by Grahambythesea

  1. Thanks guys, I’ll check the RBX 270; I had also been wondering about the Yammie BB.
  2. So normally I play 5 stringers but a friend has asked me to teach him bass so I think I need a 4 string so it’s easier to follow my finger positioning without the confusion of an extra string. I'm now looking for an inexpensive bass of acceptable quality and I don’t fancy a Jazz, also I’m fussy about weight, too long playing ridiculously heavy guitars and carrying heavy amps!! The long scale Jaguar is appealing but I wonder if the largish body makes it heavy, so has anyone any experience of them and does the P pick-up sound like a precision? Other suggestions gratefully received.
  3. I think that’s a bit unfair. So the thunderbird may not be in 5 string version, but over the last 5/6 years they’ve brought out 2 different basses in 5 string format but most bass players seem to reject innovation and want replicas of the 50s and 60s basses. They have of course made a 5 in the Epiphone Thunderbird but it probably didn’t sell well so they have to make decisions. Make what sells! It’s what most of us have been complaining about with the last management of Gibson - mucking about with the classics sticking Robot tuners on and all sorts of other rubbish.
  4. Should we worry that the president of Korg has a name that sounds like he’s from a Mafia family - hopefully not.
  5. Al Krow had exactly the same reaction as me. My wife tells me these dresses are meant to make you look slimmer. Does the body styling on the bass make you think it’s lighter than it is?
  6. I’m guessing that with a swamp ash body this may be pretty light weight. Do you know ?
  7. I’m with Bassassasin on this one, can’t stand single cuts or see the point of them. Oh of course they haven’t got one have they, point that is. Don’t see any reason for more than 5 strings either. Why would you want to go higher on a bass, you’re supposed keep the bottom end going and leave the nurdling around to the guitarist.
  8. Thank you for returning this thread to the subject and getting away from the motor bike manufacturer. I wish I’d bought the SB too, though I remember them as rather heavy beasts. I took a friend to Wapping Bass Centre to buy his first bass and we picked up an SB for £250. He only had £200 and I had to lend him the other £50. Bargain or what!
  9. I have it’s predecessor 2013 , same pus & bridge. Absolute joy to play AND A PLUSH HARD CASE! I have it’s predecessor 2013 same pus bridge and nice light weight. Absolute joy to play and it came with a PLUSH HARD CASE! It is a Gibson after all.🙄
  10. It isn’t my taste either but I thought it was a slightly better shape than this one! 😱 I guess by the reactions so far it won’t be much of a comeback. Hope GBL have them on sale or return.
  11. After years of producing budget instruments and abandoning their iconic 80’s basses are Aria trying to compete for the quality market again? I see they are offering Japanese made basses for a little under a grand but have they left it too long? This is from the GBL website.
  12. Is this the curious short scale 5 string that uses long scale strings?
  13. No. I did too, instruments deserve respect, they serve us well.
  14. May be if could arrange a courier - Wigan seems a long way from anyway in my very Southern view. I’d be up for it then.
  15. At least your’s is a sensible price unlike some on eveilbay.
  16. This would look better with a scratch plate ( whilst you’re making one for your other new BB).
  17. Why did you get rid of the Spector Legend? It would not spots off all the ones you’ve mentioned, IMHO.
  18. It looks the same as an unbranded bass I bought back in the 80’s in the Charing Cross Road. Played and sounded like .......... but it only cost about £30! If that.
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