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Everything posted by Grahambythesea

  1. I had a 35” scale 5 string Spector and to be honest it felt no different to ply than a 34” scale. It did have an excellent B, no flop at all.
  2. For years I’ve used combos. My current amp is a Behringer BX1200 Ultrabass,on this there is an actual lead and plug from the speaker which plugs into the back of the amp. I’d like to run an extension cab and I am thinking of using a Jack splitter to give me two outputs. Would this work?
  3. I’ve only watched the first hour, it was just too boring. Dreadful direction, I don’t want to watch audience members singing along to songs they don’t know! And as for the choice of artists 👎 it should definitely have been British only 🇬🇧. I expect the Queen was quite pleased not to have to attend. There was nothing there that would have appealed to her taste. She might have enjoyed an evening of Catherine Jenkins singing the songbook of Vera Lynn. I heard Giles Brandreth say hat Prince Philip once said to him “ well at least it wasn’t Elton John” so that’s one singer the royals don’t like. I suspect Prince Charles would have chosen the 3 Degrees. Sir Rod said in an interview he was told to sing Sweet Caroline by the BBC, why? Utter waste of time and money, PM deserves a vote of no confidence just for letting it go ahead IMHO.
  4. The NS Design adapts really easily to left handed playing. Otherwise like me, be left-handed but play right- handed. That way your most dexterous hand is playing notes!
  5. When I started I did not want a Precision. My brother, also a bass player & on here, had one and the neck felt enormous to me and I thought I wanted an Epi. Rivoli. When I finally got an EB2 I didn’t rate it at all. I am now on my 4th Precision and it’s just part of an arsenal, a very usable one but not an exclusive one. I am inclined to agree that simple is good, no batteries to die mid-gig, no extra knobs to twiddle in error and if you really want to vary the sound, get an external processor of some sort.
  6. Has anyone mentioned Duane Eddy or Jet Harris yet, although they were several decades ago.
  7. It appears his family finally have it back. After a long and frustrating legal battle, Jaco Pastorius’ family have finally regained ownership of his legendary “Bass of Doom”, thanks to Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo. The news comes via a statement on Metallica.com. The bass, which was stolen from a Manhattan park bench in 1986, resurfaced in early 2006 in a New York guitar shop. The owner reportedly refused to return it to the Pastorius family and the issue was taken to court where it has been unresolved until now. Trujillo recently stepped in to assist the family in recovering the legendary bass. The “Bass of Doom” is Jaco’s 1962 Fender Jazz Bass that he used to record and perform up until the day it was stolen. It has a special place in the history of the bass guitar, not to mention music in general. The Bass of Doom is the same bass that Jaco famously ripped the frets out of with a butter knife, filled the gaps with Plastic Wood, and refinished the neck to convert it to a fretless. It is also the same bass that Jaco reportedly smashed after an argument in the mid ‘80s and was glued back together from over 15 pieces by his luthier, Kevin Kaufman. Trujillo has always named Jaco as one of his greatest bass heroes, and when asked about the situation, he stated, “I felt a strong sense that it was the right thing to do for Jaco, and the family, whatever it took.”
  8. Nearly all my purchases have been for 2nd hand from private individuals via various websites. I doubt I’d have found any of them in a shop.
  9. If you listen to JazzFM there are a lot of players, many of them very young, playing great instrumental music and not just saxophones! George Benson’s daughter plays jazz harp. Then there are the Surfajettes, admittedly very Ventures influenced, but often playing songs which are not usually instrumentals.
  10. Whilst I agree that some guitars are works of art, I think often it’s the woods themselves that are most attractive and sometimes that is on the back side. I definitely would not want the Gretsch I’m afraid, too bling! May be this provided it was the back that was showing.
  11. What’cha gonna do about it? - Small Faces
  12. I pretty much only listen to jazz, but don’t play it. I play in a covers band mainly 50’s to 80’s stuff, some of which I probably had never listened to until I joined.
  13. Explain to me the grommets please. I play octave mandola (mandolin if you’re an American) but I have never heard of these and have no idea what they are supposed to do. I always thought going from mandolin to bass or vice versus was kind of strange, I only knew of Chris Hillman and Dave Pegg who did it.
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