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Status Updates posted by MacDaddy

  1. Dickens: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


    Schrödinger: nice!

  2. I'm starting a flight company exclusively for bald people.

    It's called Receding Airlines. 

    1. Clarky


      Is that a re-branded FinnAir ?

    2. BillyBass


      ...and an associated travel company: Air Today gone tomorrow.


      Ok I know that's bad but MacDaddy started it.

  3. I'm just sitting here wondering how I never noticed there is a Turd in Saturday...

    1. BillyBass


      🤣 good spot.


      We have a gig on Saturday week, I think we should advertise it: 'Take the turd out of Saturday, come and see us play'

    2. Jean-Luc Pickguard

      Jean-Luc Pickguard

      Just wait until you see what's in Scunthorpe

  4. I went to the Doctor's because I keep painting myself gold.

    He said not to worry, I just have a gilt complex.

    1. andybassdoyle


      wonderful! - is this the bad jokes thread reborn clandestine? I do hope so


    2. Happy Jack
    3. pete.young


      Someone in a James Bond film died from being painted with gold. But what a lovely finish.

  5. GNU Terry Pratchett 

    1. Bigwan
    2. TheGreek


      He is much missed...thanks for the reminder

  6. Computer: choose a password

    Me: hi-hat 

    Computer: password can not contain symbols 


  7. Lucy, in the sky, with diamonds.

    John Lennon never quite got the hang of Cluedo

  8. I asked a lady out for a drink, she said how about 8 tomorrow?

    No, I said, that's too many.

    1. Mykesbass


      I saw this today in a similar vein - A man was visiting his home town in Wales having been living in the US for 40 years. Someone asked why he moved. Because of a woman. That's nice, who was she? Margaret Thatcher.

  9. If alcohol can damage your short term memory, just think what alcohol can do.


    1. petecarlton


      Ha ha





      Ha ha




      Ha ha

  10. Just found out that a dentist near me has been arrested for selling drugs. Shows you how wrong you can be about people. I had been going to him for over 10 years. Never knew he was a dentist.

  11. Why is that book so thick?

    It's a long story...

    1. Rich


      Diner: Waitress, can you tell me about the menu please?

      Waitress: The men I please are none of your business.

    2. TheGreek


      A jumper I bought recently was picking up static electricity, so I returned it to the store...


      They gave me another one Free of Charge.

  12. I'm thinking of killing off some characters in the book I'm writing.

    It'll certainly spice up my autobiography...


    I asked my North Korean friend what it was like living there. She said 'I can't complain '.

  14. I thought about having a Bucks Fizz this Boxing Day morn, but I'm having trouble making my mind up...

    1. Reggaebass


      That’s the Land of make believe 😁

  15. Most people are quite shocked I'm not a qualified electrician.

    1. TheGreek
    2. prowla


      I'm confused - is this some kind of plug, are you looking to flex your skills?

    3. TheGreek


      Watt?? Ohm-y God - He must have found this gag at the back of a volt!!

  16. I just called the paranoia hotline.

    A guy answered "how the hell did you get this number‽".

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. prowla


      Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

    3. TheGreek


      That's right...we are 👽🤖

    4. LeftyJ


      I asked my local library for a book about paranoia. They whispered "Behind you".

  17. My happiest childhood memory is building sandcastles with my grandfather.

    Until my mother took the urn away from me.

  18. Terrible night. Dreamt something bit me on the neck. Got up to check but the mirror wasn't working.

    1. alyctes


      You've been tracking mud into the house again. haven't you?

    2. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Sorry to be a downer, but vampires show up in modern mirrors. They didn't show up in mirrors before because mirrors were backed with silver. Now we use aluminum.

  19. The inventor of velcro recently died. RIP.

    1. Rich


      The bloke who composed the Hokey Cokey also died recently. His funeral was a bit chaotic -- it all kicked off when they put his left leg in the coffin...

  20. It takes guts to be an organ donor.

    1. TheGreek


      Yep...real heart

  21. My therapist told me "write letters to the people you hate and then burn them".

    Did that, but now I don't know what to do with the letters.

    1. lowregisterhead


      😂 Whatever you do, don't bury them with the charred remains...

  22. What is blue and not heavy?

    Light blue.

  23. Baby On Board = fine
    Baby Superglued To MDF = not

    1. AinsleyWalker


      Baby on board 😞
      Pedal on board 😎

    2. SpondonBassed
  24. BREAKING NEWS: Medics have rushed into the I’m a Celeb camp after Matt Hancock was stung by a scorpion. The venomous, creepy creature known for causing pain and death is said to be moaning about his sore finger. 

    No update on the health of the scorpion though...





    1. TheGreek


      Hope the Scorpion wasn't harmed too much.

  25. I entered a fancy dress competition yesterday dressed as a giraffe.

    I didn't win, but at least I can hold my head up high...

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