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Everything posted by ricksterphil

  1. I realise they're B-stock, but they still seem cheap as chips https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sadowsky-Metroexpress-21-Fret-Hybrid-P-J-BASS-5str-TB-Sme-D-000198-20/324437256019?hash=item4b89f7a753:g:K9oAAOSwlAdf7FIY
  2. I really like this version too. She has a great voice.
  3. Norman Watt-Roy's bass line to 'Hit me with your rhythm stick' 😂 ...or maybe Psycho Killer
  4. Wowsers! Glam rockers form an orderly queue
  5. I don't like the extra width of the neck. Bought a couple of fivers and sold them soon afterwards
  6. He was keen, off up the high street like...... Sorry, I don't get out much
  7. Sandbergs are great basses, I've had a couple and must admit to being tempted by this one as I do like a maple board and the 40mm nut is my thang too!
  8. Not used JamKazam, but Jamulus works well as long as you're hard wired to your router. My mate is big into it and has his own cloud server and also helped me set up (it's not complicated tbh). This is the interface I use, but I would image the Behringer one works just as well and is cheaper https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/native-instruments-komplete-audio-1
  9. Yep, that's me Yes, played there a few times, big loss We've had gigs postponed at The Vat & Fiddle due to Covid so not played there yet
  10. I think they changed the load in from the car park at the back as it was up some windy little staircase when we played there, so we abandoned that and loaded in through the front door. Albert's is a venue that won't re-open under the previous management so is sat there waiting to be taken over by someone I would think
  11. Haven't played either the TNT or Chameleon, but have played Albert's a couple of times and the load in there is lot's of stairs. Decent stage though. You're right, venues will emerge if the demand is there.
  12. Is your band Retribution? I've met your singer Kerry at a couple of OM's in Derby...she's mates with our singer Jane...small world huh
  13. Basses you should own before you die A Fender Precision A Fender Jazz A Gibson Thunderbird A Rickenbacker ...nuff said
  14. The big brewery and pub chains are property managers now and not publicans. The Tap is right in the middle of Nottingham so will become part of a redevelopment into more flats coffee shops and niche retail. Real shame though, decent venue and a metal & heavy rock mecca
  15. A Bruce Thomas Profile with Fender Custom Shop 62 pickups off of @Raslee A couple of pedals A new (to me) hifi system
  16. There are some fabulous basses on here but this is the mutts nuts
  17. Belated welcome and enjoy basschat
  18. The Force is strong with these ones
  19. Classic. Go straight to the top of the class🏆
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