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Everything posted by jezzaboy

  1. Bump for new pictures. Ideally looking for a Status Energy or something similar, a nice Yamaha or an Ibanez SR700. Or mabye even a 5 string of some description. Jez
  2. [quote name='Valhalalf' post='1293411' date='Jul 5 2011, 01:58 PM']Would you be interested in a trade with my Ibanez EDB550 in walnut?[/quote] Thanks for the offer but it`s not what I`m looking for. Thanks to the local lads for the kind words. The cheque is in the post lads! Tom, I thought that you had sold off most of your collection? Time to update your signiture. Jez
  3. Looking to trade this beauty. I have a P bass craving at the moment. I`m looking for a Jap P or a Mike Dirnt P or a Status Energy. I may take a decent Mex in black or sunburst with a rosewood board but would be looking for some cash my way. I don`t want to trade up and add any cash to the deal as I am skint! There is no case or gig bag and the straplocks which are on the bass at the mo will be replaced with the original G&L chrome ones. The bass is in great condition with some minor scratches which are only visable when you tilt the bass into the light, nothing heavy or through the paint. The electronics work perfectly and the neck is as stable as a rock. [attachment=84067:SAM_0224.JPG] [attachment=84069:SAM_0221.JPG] [attachment=84068:SAM_0231.JPG] [attachment=84066:SAM_0222.JPG] Cheers, Jez
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='1289313' date='Jul 1 2011, 05:29 PM']Wish I had something to trade bass like.[/quote] Me too!! I got rid of my Status Energy and regretted it right away Jez
  5. I like u2 and Adam Clayton is the perfect bass player for the band. After all, he`s the only one who has had the job! He does use an obscene amount of basses to get mostly the same sound. Was that a Wawick semi he was playing at one point? To me, they seemed kind of Edgy (?) on stage, partly due to them being out of their comfort zone and let`s face it, the weather was shocking. I think that Edge was having problems with that pedal board as it was covered in polythene at one point. Jez
  6. Due to all you lot going on about P basses, I have now decided to upgrade my bitsa P and give it a Kent Armstrong Hot pickup. If I can get it before saturday, it`s off to the gig we go!! Jez
  7. I have always found the guys in the Glasgow shop nice to deal with and have got some good deals from them in the past and what a selection! As I have no cash these days, I tend to avoid visiting it though. Jez
  8. I have a slightly different issue. Last friday went like this. Up at 5:30, off to work a heavy 9 hour day. Get in, shower, eat, get the gear ready and carry it down the stairs into the car. Pick her and her 2 mates up at 3 different locations. Get my head done in as they talk sh*te on the way to gig. Set up and play for 3 hours, your typical hot sweaty gig. Break down the gear, load up car and get the 3 now pissed girls into car. Drop off her 2 pals and take her home, arriving there at 1:45. Am asked in for "cofee", nudge nudge. Knock her back as by this time I am cream krackered and want nothing but my own bed. Que a massive huff, you don`t love me, blah, blah....By this time it`s 2am and I don`t care anymore. Is this just me? Or am I just wimp of a man? Answers on a post card please to the usual address. Jez
  9. I used to use a Gator hardcase but it was bloomin massive!! Took up all the space in the car and wouldn`t fit in the focus`s boot. I now use a couple of gig bags. Jez
  10. I have spoken to the guitarists and he is gonna go with the ad121 and the feedback buster. £25 for the 121 from gear4music, can`t say fairer than that. Cheers guys!!
  11. Cheers MM. This seems like the best solution. Jez
  12. Guys, excuse my ignorance but we are going to be adding another guitarist and the plan is he will be playing an accoustic for a few numbers in the gig. The guy has gigged an electric before but has only used the accoustic at home, so, what is the best way to amplify if for a live gig? He is going to get a pickup for it but it is the amplification issue. Do we: get a di box and put it through the pa? The problem is I do the sound so can`t monitor the sound coming through the pa at all times. Get an accoustic pedal such as the zoom accoustic pedal and put it through his Marshall amp that he uses for his electric? Bite the bullet and get an accoustic amplifier? Any help would be mucho appreciated as I know sod all about accoustic guitars. And it seems our "axe men" know sod all about it either. Jez
  13. It`s a Fender Jazz neck captain.........but not as we know it! Live long and prosper. Jez
  14. Good shout Pete! Abraxas is a classic. Although I do think that Carlos is a bit "out there" but each to their own. Jez
  15. I think that they deserve some credit for trying something a bit different. I If you are a big fan of the band, 15 quid doesnt seem too much for 20 tracks. Jez
  16. Nah PB, your no fraud! I think you can see a pattern from most of the replies. Our drummer is a bit eratic, speeding up and slowing down. Last year we had to use a dep for one gig and the guy we used from a local band called the Red Zephyrs, was rock solid and had a supeb touch, throwing in fills that really made a differance without overplaying. A real joy to play with. Next gig, back to old drummer! A man who starts a song at one speed then slows down or speeds up. Have a chat with the guy and as suggested, try and get him in the studio for a session and work it out. Don`t doubt yourself man, that`s what the rest of the band are for Jez
  17. On the same track, I was in McCormacks music in Glasgow on saturday and they used to have a decent amount of stock but all they had was about 10 basses and most of them were a brand called G2 and a few Jim Deacon`s. I walked in, had a look, kept walking and was out again in seconds! Having said that, I always thought of it as a expensive shop even when they had a few of the usual brands on display. Jez
  18. "Friday night`s usually jumping, I don`t know why it so quiet" - said to us by the pub manager after he persuaded us to move from jumpin saturdays to dead as a dodo friday nights. We are bass, vocals, guitar and drums. The last gig someone asked for some Elton John to which he got "can you see a f**kin piano mate?" Jez
  19. [quote name='ahpook' post='1246284' date='May 26 2011, 09:30 PM']there are more costly hobbies.[/quote] Couldn`t agree more. I used to ride motorcycles and that was way more costly along with the risk of coping my whack on every mad blast. Having said that, I don`t spend 40 quid a week to do it and play in a covers band getting about £50 a gig. But I would do it for nothing as playing gigs is my only vice and I love doing it. Jez
  20. Steve can have a loan of my P bass for a few weeks if you want. It`s a bit of a hybird, Squier body, Jap neck, US pickup, status flats but it sounds like a P should. I just use it as a back up but you are welcome to borrow it. Jez
  21. Fantastic you won`t be dissapointed if you buy this type bump!! Jez
  22. I got the Jazz neck from CH Guitars. It`s pretty good for what it cost. The frets are well finished with no sharp edges and the nut came pre cut. The only minus is that there is a slight gap around the neck pocket of the Squier body but what the heck. It may be a tighter fit with one of their own bodies. Overall, good value and the service from CH was really good, ordered on the monday and it arrived on wednesday. [attachment=80687:SAM_0164.JPG] [attachment=80688:SAM_0166.JPG] [attachment=80689:SAM_0168.JPG] Jez
  23. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='1241126' date='May 23 2011, 06:37 AM']I've given up.... my hearts not in it. He (the pub owner) got a decent photo and some factual information. He's not paying us enough to do all the work [/quote] Your gettin paid for it? Wow!! I`d check the notes to make sure the ink has dried on them before spending them Jez
  24. If you are playing "whats it called, Cumbernauld" is it the Twa Corries (think thats what it called) in the middle of Junkie bandit country? I`ve heard that they are having rock nights again. Jez
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