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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I nearly put a thread up about that after watching the show. Uninspiring bassline for that first song though, even if the Wal did sound quite nice.
  2. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='471586' date='Apr 24 2009, 03:08 PM']1. Precision 2. Jazz 3. Rick 4. Thunderbird 5. Hofner[/quote] I'd go with this. There's room for a 6# being a Gibson EB0/EB3, after that, that's it. And that precision would be a '59 revamp model as well, as that is probably the most commonly used bass on the planet, with the Jazz being second. Edit: If we're doing it proper for basses, it really should read: 1) Upright bass 2) P-bass 3) Jazz 4) Rick 5) Gibson Eb 0/3 and T-Bird 6) Hofner
  3. [quote name='LWTAIT' post='471845' date='Apr 24 2009, 08:30 PM']anything by blink 182.[/quote] Except "I miss you" if you're trying to sing as well. That's quite difficult.
  4. It's $2k though. Which'll pretty much buy you any bass you could need, and commission someone to build one of these for you for probably quite a lot cheaper.
  5. My Sharona? It's rather easy as it's all octaves for the most part.
  6. [quote name='Pookus' post='470546' date='Apr 23 2009, 11:51 AM']surely thats a matter of opinion [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5iK9rH0Ftc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5iK9rH0Ftc[/url][/quote] Ooooh, that's quite tasty.
  7. Woo! Nice to see you back chap!
  8. Running on from Stu-Khag's naming of the bass: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=835&view=findpost&p=8119"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&sho...post&p=8119[/url]
  9. Fender did do a jazz like that with a one piece control/scratch plate. The actual model name escapes me now.
  10. The ole masking tape trick on the middle and not the edges of the sticker? Quickly stick it on something like jeans before sticking it down? Might not last as long though.
  11. Basses are hard to smash though really, you can snap the neck yeah, but a solid body you're going to struggle to damage. Acoustics on the other hand....
  12. On stage no, not even a cheap pos, as I'd have had to buy it in the first place. And it's so cliche really. However, would I perhaps set a pos on fire to use in an album sleeve?...Yes I would. Then again, I've already decided that if I ever have to do promo shots for an album (or sleeve), I will be standing in a crescent of flaming teddy bears on spikes. Mainly as a take the mick.
  13. The DHA bass compressor? [url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/Products,%20VT1-BassCompressor.htm"]http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/Products,%20...sCompressor.htm[/url] Not got one, but I remember ages ago some people loving theirs on here (or perhaps BW/BT).
  14. Buzz


    That's no moon....etc...
  15. Personally I'd look at a Lakland or a Fender for a jazz bass at just under ~£1k.
  16. Email Ashdown, they've got brilliant customer service.
  17. Do I get commission if he orders from you now Alex?
  18. Why don't you commission Alex to build you some cabs to meet your sepecifications? Chances are you're going to be spendings lots and lots of money on "commercial" cabs to get what you need.
  19. Not off the top of my head, they're normally all seperate knobs, but there's no reason why you couldn't mod such a circuit to use concentric pots rather than seperates.
  20. Can't you just tighten up the screws on the pegs (not the ones holding the entire tuner to the wood) ?
  21. Ouch, seems you've just had a run of bad luck. Quite odd as normally Yams and Ibby's are solidly built.
  22. That's quite nice of them. And good for them taking on advice as well.
  23. The cusp of the matter is that your gear doesn't matter price or quality wise too much. It's all about finding "the one" really, or as close as possible to the one, for some that'll be a £2500 Celinder, for others, a sub £200 SX. Once you find the one, that's where it matters as you can then focus on bassplaying and not the instrument itself. I'm a terrible bassist, but currently I'm not really enjoying my jazz basses, which means I'm not improving as I'm not playing them as much as I should be. Once I find the one or ones that I get along with perfectly, then I'll end up playing more and improving. You can only do so much on an instrument that you're not enjoying. Same goes for amps and cabs, although it's less of an issue as it's not the instrument.
  24. I have to ask as it's the second nut you've broken, you are stringing them up correctly with the E string being towards the inside of the headstock not the outside when it meets the tuning peg? Still sh*tty of the shops to be pulling the "7 days" crap. Faulty goods are faulty goods and you've got proof or purchase.
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