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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Been here, done this topic before. If you really want to know just search. I have no favourite, I have preferred brands, but I need to check out lots more.
  2. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=37864&hl=modes"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=37864&hl=modes[/url] Might be usefull. Go have a search for modes in the Theory and Technique sections, there's lots of threads and posts about modes and their uses.
  3. Buzz

    I'm off to NZ.

    For some odd reason whenever I see the title of this thread a certain tune starts off in my head: "I'm off to see the wizard..." I've no idea why considering the title is NZ and not OZ :/
  4. Well, it's certainly a bass. I'd call it the Flange, mainly as that was the first thing to come into my head, even though the top side single cut with it's mini cut looks like a whale with its gob open.
  5. As it says on the tin, have you? I appear to have an intermittent fault with the input socket, I've not got a spare lead to hand and won't for another month or so, so I'm not sure if the cheapy "live wire professional" cable has slightly undersized jacks or not. But on the offchance it is the input socket, I've had the amp for nearly 5 years after all, has anyone else dived inside one and is there anything out of the ordinary that I need to pay attention to? Eg, hidden screws, awkward cables, an angry badger etc.... Cheers folks!
  6. What's that 5 knob jobbie lurking near the back?
  7. Jon chap, the burst ric-a-like is tasty as.
  8. "I'm going in for the kill, I'm doing it for the thrill...." to quote a song that's currently in the popular music charts.
  9. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='481628' date='May 7 2009, 09:08 AM']Yeah, we'll go with that. My suggestion was a lot more obscene.[/quote] I don't see how being good with watch repairs is obscene.....
  10. Very mechanical playing though, no feel
  11. Bollocks is that an electro-acoustic. That's a leccy bass through and through, no chance in hell of that having any acoustic applications.
  12. Ah, I see! That'll look quite good then
  13. Whatcha gonna do to that angled J-pup hole chap, fill it in like the other or is the pup going there as well?
  14. Buzz

    Done it

    I think the wallpaper in general is cause for concern, all that money spent on basses and a lack of decent decor
  15. Buzz

    Done it

    Is that an MM style humbucker I spy at the base of the neck?
  16. I quite like Greenday, and they always seen to release an engertic but simple song as the first from an album. I'm waiting to see the other tracks on the new one before slating it, American Idiot was a very good album. Even the title track of that album lyrically has a message, even if it's a simplish song.
  17. Why don't you fashion a new base for it? Could be done from wood or steel (or aluminium), it might not look pretty, but it will be stronger. I know I've done it on one of my now ex chairs, snapped one of the legs after I lent back too far (that hurt, not so much my head hitting the floor, but the back of the chair assaulting my arse), and the chair now sports a plastic shell made of the original leg with a chunky aluminum strut inside it. Well, it did before the welds holding the seat together gave up the ghost, and aquiring welding gear wasn't cost effective.
  18. I'm creasing up, somethings are just unintentionally hilarious
  19. Hmm, that drill technique is quite useful.
  20. Surely has to be by necessity rather than choice, apart from the left wrist being at a strange and awkward angle for fretting notes, I could imagine supporting the weight of a bass on the right forearm isn't conductive to speed or longitivity either. I don't see how anyone can say "because they didn't know better", all you need to do is look at a guitar or even a DB to see roughly how they are played, it's a completely odd style.
  21. ^^ On what Bod2 said. If you're going Squier, the Classic Vibes and Vintage Modified series (for basses as well) are their upper brand and are very very good. If/When I replace my playable but shoddy Affinity tele, I'll be looking at one of those (or an Epiphone explorer, hohum).
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='472392' date='Apr 25 2009, 09:34 PM']It's all happening waaaaay under the response of your speakers. Trust me. [/quote] As sarky as that may be, you actually have no idea just how bad these speakers are Clarity is a loose term when it comes to these little dinky 2" diameter thingies, let alone bass response, couple it with youtube and I might as well be listening to bassless bands all the time for all the bass I hear from them.
  23. Hmm, using my absolutley rubbish lcd monitor's speakers, which are truly crap, I can see why some people state that joe public can't really tell how your bass sounds unless it's running effects or strongly eq'd to certain style. I could only hear very slight differences between the basses apart from the difference between the maple and rosewood fretted, with the maple having much snappier highs, but even then, I only noticed because I know what I'm looking for and listening to. But, I'll stress I'm using rubbish speakers.
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