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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1404294016' post='2491150'] Hit up Geek99, I believe he was looking for one of these (or something similar). Edit: Best bit of kit you'll ever get for £22, by the way. [/quote] I'll give Geek99 first refusal on this, but if he doesn't want it, give me a shout.
  2. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]All the best for a speedy recovery Mr Bass Doc.[/font][/color]
  3. Wish we could actually get another full band practice sorted, but both the drummist and newly-recruited second guitard are bus drivers, working for the same company, on different shift-patterns. Talk about making life difficult for yourselves...
  4. [quote name='redbandit599' timestamp='1398629239' post='2436030'] I was just thinking The Sparrow Hawks.. (have to split it to get the proper effect.) White Stillettos is good, but something of an urban myth. Besides, I always found Suffolk girls more accomodating ;-) Keep 'em coming. [/quote] We've gone for a bird-related name (The Golden Orioles) on account of the guitarist / singist being a keen bird-watcher, and the bird in question being a rather tuneful little b*gger - sadly this isn't really representative of our garagey-pop-rock thrashings, though we've only had a couple of rehearsals so far so hopefully may do the name justice yet. On the other hand, my spoonerising Other Half has already tagged us "The Olden Glory Holes", which to be fair is probably nearer the mark...
  5. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1397078752' post='2420534'] So I chickened out until the end of rehearsal. I said to them they would need to get a new bassist but that I would work with my replacement as much as they needed until he/she were ready. I also said I would do all the gigs until somebody was ready. The Troyen guitarist asked, quite sharply for him, what my reasons were. Unusual for him, he really is a nice, gentle man. I mumbled I had my reasons. Rather empty inside at the moment, but to me, I needed to do it. Not fun, but there you go. Thank you to all you lot for the last week. The supporters and the ones who think I'm a tosser. For good and bad, you have all been the musical sanity in the vacuum between my lugs. Thanks all. [/quote] Sorry to hear that, Karl. I'm going to miss our little reunions in various bizarre pubs on the Fylde...
  6. Shame, going to be away this weekend otherwise I'd have come along. Have a good 'un, and enjoy our beautiful town!!!
  7. Hmm, never having been in such a situation myself (yet... ), I don't really know what to say, but did wonder what was going on when I saw Jeff's Brofest post on FB yesterday. I presumed it was just going to be a short-lived, amusing sideline for them - if it isn't, then it'll be interesting to see just how long their shiny new adventure goes on for. Nostalgia ain't what it used to be, there are very few NWOBHM bands I'd bother going to see if they re-formed, and they aren't one of 'em. In the meantime, chin up!!!
  8. Nope, J ones are slightly slimmer than P ones... [url="http://www.axesrus.co.uk/Bass-Pickup-Covers-s/1931.htm"]http://www.axesrus.c...vers-s/1931.htm[/url] Not exactly a side by side comparison, but hopefully it'll give an idea of the difference!
  9. [quote name='beely' timestamp='1394909684' post='2396634'] I hadn't thought about the pickup not being too good. That kind of takes the gloss off. I may stick with my original intention and go for a Mustang. [/quote] I replaced the original six-pole pickup on mine with a Seymour Duncan Hot Rails Strat pickup - this fits nicely inside the original pup cover so doesn't spoil the looks, and it turns the humble little Musicmaster into a completely different beast altogether. Have to confess that now I'm a good few years older / more mature / wiser (well, one out of three ain't bad... ) I wish I'd gone for a Cool or Vintage Rails so it wouldn't be quite so extreme, but hey...
  10. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1395402675' post='2402044'] Lovely bass. Thanks for the vid Tony,enjoyed them. [/quote] Aye, they're not a bad wee combo Karl. Saw 'em at Bootleggers in Kendal last year, there's a vid of the encores here (though it might be best not letting Ady or Steve see it - they'll probably end up trying to swing their guitars round their necks and do themselves a mischief!)... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwseYp27ENk"]https://www.youtube....h?v=OwseYp27ENk[/url] (with apologies to the OP for the slight hijack, but it's still vaguely on-topic as it does feature the same "DB Sig" )
  11. Very nice! Have to confess I tend to think of the Silverburst as the "Dan Baird Signature" these days... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62PmGIpRhY8
  12. To my mind the, erm, "basic" bridge is all part of the Musicmaster vibe / appeal. Personally I've never had an issue with the intonation on mine, nor with the similar style bridge on my '51 Re-issue Precision. Have to confess it's been a while since I fiddled with the intonation on either, but if memory serves just concentrate on getting the intonation as good as possible on the higher string of the two pairs (so A and G), and you should hopefully find the E and D also end up acceptably close.
  13. tony_m

    obbm's feedback

    Once again, faultless service from our man - instrument cable and pedal interconnect cable ordered on Tuesday afternoon, arrived Thursday morning, and just exude quality. Double thumbs-up!
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1392975782' post='2374749'] The tort crops of the late 60s and early 70s were particularly fine, but the pick-weevil infestations of the late 70s did serious damage and many tort growers were forced to switch to a carbon fibre crop. By 1982 the first attempts at genetically-modified strains of tort were appearing but this generated great controversy, especially since these torts had a tendency to react badly with the epoxy resin used in poor-quality Jaco rip-offs, leading to spontaneous jazz. It is only in recent years that cross-breeding with Galapagos Sprinters has managed to exclude 'the Paisley tendency' in modern tort. [/quote] Alternatively, now available in handy-sized packs at your local supermarket (possibly)... [url="http://s11.photobucket.com/user/tonyonespeed/media/Tortloaf.jpg.html"][/url]
  15. [quote name='leroybasslines' timestamp='1390162176' post='2342206'] You are 1? Fair play...I didn't even start playing till I was 7 or 8... ;-) [/quote] Check out the awesome interwebz skillz too!!! Sadly no child prodigy (well, prodigy of any sort really... ) here, I was of course referring to the 1960 4000 at the top of the page...
  16. Only one there for me, but as it starts with "R" and ends with "r" I won't be touching it!
  17. Just acquired a nicely mojoed / roadworn tweed bass case off Chris. After a nice easy initial transaction, circumstances at both ends unfortunately held things up a bit, but great comms throughout, and everything fell into place soon enough. A pleasure to do business with, and definitely recommended.
  18. [quote name='BurritoBass' timestamp='1380612884' post='2227701'] Somebody clearly not afraid to play the note of C on a very nice looking bass [/quote] A Squier CV60s P if I'm not mistaken, so also a very discerning chap!
  19. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1379840602' post='2217158'] This is a really intersting thread. I bought a Jazz and thought the neck was wow! Then a bought a RW P and was pleasantly surprised. The neck wasn't as chunky as I feared. In fact I kind of really like it. I have a few other basses with slightly different size necks and I just can't decide which I prefer. I think the jazz may be easier to play some things, but I really do like the feel of the P. I'm come to the conclusion, for me at least, that they are just different and sometimes I'm in the mood for one or another. That said, I'm not gigging at the moment, or playing a lot. Maybe if I was doing some serious playing I would start to lean to one, or the other. [/quote] This pretty much sums up my experience too. I've got stubby(ish) fingers, two Jazzes (one 7.25" radius, the other 9.5"), and two Precisions (again one 7.25", the other 9.5"). Some days one style of neck works, some days another - just at the moment it seems to be the 7.25" P which fits my hand the best.
  20. Just bought a set of Wizard 64's off Si. Great guy to deal with - excellent comms, straightforward transaction, very quick dispatch and delivery (Signed For), extremely securely packaged. Sadly my Friday afternoon soldering skills couldn't match Si's efficiency and it looks like I'm going to have to do the job again...
  21. Pm'd (just in case it turns out to be no use to bonzodog)...
  22. If you're talking about the CV '60s Precision, then the [b]Axesrus[/b] "1960-Modern Pickguards" fit perfectly - the only thing I had to do was file the pup cutouts so they were slightly larger, but that may be 'cos the bass has Wizard Thumpers instead of the standard pups. [url="http://www.axesrus.co.uk/1960-Modern-Precision-Bass-Pickguard-p/modernpbasspg.htm"]http://www.axesrus.co.uk/1960-Modern-Precision-Bass-Pickguard-p/modernpbasspg.htm[/url] Their Precision Bass Bridge Cover also fits well... [url="http://www.axesrus.co.uk/Precision-Bass-Bridge-Cover-p/pbassbridgecover.htm"]http://www.axesrus.co.uk/Precision-Bass-Bridge-Cover-p/pbassbridgecover.htm[/url] Don't know about tuners, sorry.
  23. Eureka Machines "Remain In Hope", Ian McNabb "Eclectic Warrior" and Poltergeist "Your Mind Is A Box, Let Us Fill It With Wonder" are all top notch. Then again I did pledge on them all so would say that, wouldn't I... Other than that, The Bluefields "Ramshackle" - OK, so it's hoary old-style rawk, but they put on the bestest rockingest show I've been to so far this year.
  24. That's always been my understanding. More here... [url="http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo/Electronics/Pots/w101-controlpots.html"]http://www.stewmac.com/freeinfo/Electronics/Pots/w101-controlpots.html[/url]
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