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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. I've met a few BCers in various places (mainly their homes, but also Sainsbury's car park and more recently Brownhills Motorhomes car park) to do deals, and also went to see karlfer's old band play a few times. All positive experiences, even the *interesting* pubs with equally *interesting* clientele Karl always seemed to find to play in.
  2. Just bought three patch leads off Jon. Lovely straightforward transaction, rapid delivery, and cables in excellent condition. Deal with confidence!
  3. It took Chris a whole 15 minutes to respond to my "Item Wanted" ad for a Trace Elliot SM7EQ pedal posted at 10:03pm on Wednesday! After a brief exchange of PMs and emails a deal was struck, and the pedal arrived on Saturday. Couldn't ask for better comms and service, another superb ambassador for the BC community. Deal with confidence!
  4. Bit of an odd one this (admin please delete if not allowed)... Some of you will probably remember Will Carruthers from his time with Spacemen3, Spiritualized, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Dead Skeletons and others, and latterly as an artist and author (Playing The Bass With Three Left Hands). Long story short, Will is running a fundraising campaign in an attempt to pay for a course of drugs which will hopefully cure his Hepatitis C. Leaving aside the whys and wherefores and moral judgements, the campaign can be found here in case anyone is interested... [url="https://gogetfunding.com/musician-needs-money-for-drugs/"]https://gogetfunding...oney-for-drugs/[/url]
  5. I'll take the three patch cables please. One can never have too much OBBM goodness in the kit bag...
  6. Just bought a Heistercamp messenger bag off Gareth. Lovely, straightforward transaction, great comms, and very quick / well-packaged delivery. Another superb ambassador for the BC community, deal with confidence!
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  8. tony_m

    obbm's feedback

    Just bought another speaker cable from Dave (on this occasion via the "bassic-bits" eBay store). Usual quality product and excellent delivery service, always the first port of call when new cableage is required.
  9. Greetings from a fellow Lincs dweller!
  10. Not me / no affiliation etc. Interesting auction item courtesy of the British Heart Foundation, opening price £49.99, collection in person though according to the listing they may be able to arrange delivery (item is at BHF Shop in Halifax).. If only I had enough space to store it... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ASHDOWN-ENGINEERING-MAG-810-1200W-4-Ohm-Bass-Cabinet-Guitar-Amplifier-H59-/371958449606?hash=item569a7385c6:g:AYwAAOSww5hZJZKv"]http://www.ebay.co.u...YwAAOSww5hZJZKv[/url]
  11. Just bought Ed's Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor. Lovely straightforward transaction, great comms throughout, and super-quick delivery, another fine ambassador for the BC community.
  12. I've had my Fender Musicmaster since 1993, my MIJ '51 Precision RI since 1994, and my CIJ '60s Jazz RI since 1997. Can't see myself getting rid of any of 'em any time soon, though I do occasionally think about moving the Musicmaster on as I never use it. If I did ever find myself in the position where I could only keep one, it'd definitely be the '51 - that's going nowhere!
  13. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1495350237' post='3303064'] Hippie is a state of mind, nothing to do with clothes or hair anymore. Once a Hippie always a Hippie. Anyway, I am looking for a generator and I did a search for the Shonky Company and I cant find them anywhere. Can anyone help? [/quote] No generators I'm afraid, but they do make some interesting instruments... http://www.shonkymusicalinstruments.co.uk/home
  14. The "house" bass player at a jam night I used to go to had one of the modern reissues - it played and sounded very nice indeed.
  15. [quote name='prowla' timestamp='1493548944' post='3289016'] Why does changing pots from 500k to 250k mellow the tone? [/quote] I Am Not A Techie, but apparently 500k pots basically allow more of the treble / highs in the signal from the bass to pass through to the amp, whereas 250k pots allow them to bleed away to earth while retaining the lows... http://www.stewmac.com/How-To/Online_Resources/Learn_About_Guitar_Pickups_and_Electronics_and_Wiring/Which_control_pot_to_choose.html
  16. tony_m

    feedback for Deedee

    Met Dan this afto to relieve him of a Trace Elliot AH200 head (and probably shift the Earth's axis a bit into the bargain). Nice easy transaction, great communications, and Dan went out of his way so we could meet at a convenient location (the car park at Brownhills Motorhomes, possibly a Basschat first? ). Another excellent ambassador for the BC community, deal with confidence.
  17. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1493149486' post='3286110'] Done! I put Paul McCartney as the last answer. I think he was the guy that brought the bass out from the back of the band. If you watch '50s band footage the bassist is usually an anonymous dude thumping away at the back, whereas McCartney was at the front doing the twin guitar/vocal thing with George. That must have made a lot of kids pick up the bass back in the day. [/quote] Yup, me too...
  18. Another band with four bass players, plus a psychotic pig, and an equally psychotic man with a mop as well... [media]http://youtu.be/_gjgfQ4yjgM[/media]
  19. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1491829931' post='3275681'] What value are the pots? If they're 500k or 1M, changing them to 250k will mellow things a little. A larger value tone capacitor could help too. This should be cheaper than changing pickups. [/quote] This was my first reaction too. I had an early Natural VM '70s Jazz which had 500k pots, and it sounded distinctly brighter and "twangier" than my Classic Vibe '60s Jazz with 250k pots.
  20. Nothing very exciting / out of the ordinary, but I can offer a couple of sets of passive Jazz pups - one set are the originals from a 1997 CIJ Fender '60s Reissue, and t'other are from a 2008 Squier Classic Vibe '60s.
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