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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. Just bought an EHX Bass Soul Food (was walbassist's, see post #7 above!) off Cameron. A lovely straightforward transaction with great comms throughout, another fine ambassador for the BC community. Deal with confidence.
  2. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1501695838' post='3346701'] I'm beyond looking cool these days [/quote] Think I'm more of a "never-was" than a "has-been" tbh. And unfortunately it looks like my Ashdown watch has vanished into the ether (or, more likely, the bin)... I'm quite sad about it now.
  3. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1501694094' post='3346666'] I suppose in my naivety I thought that it would look cool but no-one noticed it. [/quote] In my case, I think it was a bit too big for my skinny wrist. People noticed it, but it didn't look cool...
  4. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1501673490' post='3346431'] Haha. Oh good - that's reassuring [/quote] Haha, hope I've not lowered your expectations too much! Have to say I don't remember mine having Mark Gooday's name on the back like this one that apparently sold a few years back, but then again there's a lot I don't remember these days - really must have a search on the off-chance I have still got it! Could be worth, ooh, thruppence-ha'penny at least... https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/vu-meter-watch-ashdown-engineering-308117366
  5. Up until the end of April, the answer would have been "Because I left my old BLX80 with the lead guitarist in my old band when I moved to the other side of the country last year." Now thanks to a couple of BCers and eBay I've got an AH200GP7SM head, two SM7EQ pedals (one for home use, one on the pedalboard for playing out) and two SMX Dual Compressor pedals (ditto). A cab (or two) to replace (or add to) the Ashdown I'm currently using will be next on the agenda, but that'll have to wait until the extension has been built and I've got space to store the darn thing(s)...
  6. * raises hand * I bought one "back in the day", not sure whether I've still got it and where it might be though! IIRC I decided I wasn't cool enough to carry off the "Ashdown blue" strap so opted for boring black instead (though to be fair, that's probably better for metal). Whatever, I didn't wear it much in the end as it was pretty useless for actually telling the time, and the strap was horrible! Hmm, wonder which box of random tat it might be lurking in...
  7. An Elf has been apparently been observed in the wild, courtesy of The Other Place... [url="https://www.talkbass.com/threads/nad-new-elf-day.1295363/"]https://www.talkbass...lf-day.1295363/[/url]
  8. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1500711540' post='3339694'] Drop Thornybank on here a PM - He used to buy and sell lots of TE gear, and is great to deal with. [/quote] Seconded! Thornybank responded virtually immediately (one could almost say scarily quickly!) when I posted an "Item Wanted" ad for an SM7EQ pedal.
  9. Very happy with the AH200 GP7SM head I acquired fairly recently from Deedee on here. Paired with a single Ashdown MAG210T Deep (8ohm, so not producing full output), my CIJ Jazz was superbly snarly at rehearsal last night.
  10. Just sold my Squier CV '60s Jazz Bass to Geoff in response to his "Item Wanted" ad. Good comms throughout and a nice straightforward transaction, just as one has come to expect of BC! Would happily deal with Geoff again.
  11. Got a couple of Roqsolid amp covers (nowt fancy, just basic unpadded dust-covers), quality and fit are top-notch.
  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1499955429' post='3334805'] interesting as ive just experienced this for the first time with ym new B3n and a 1 Spot PSU. All i was doing was powering this and my Line 6 reviver, hardly taxing the PSU, but yes, i had a high pitched noise that would only go when i used the B3n PSU as well. Im glad i found this thread (and your post). Guess ill need to look for a cheap replacement for the 1 Spot now. [/quote] Hmm, I recently picked up a Boss NS-2 Noise Supressor on here with a view to killing the single-coil hum from my two main basses (yeah, I know, First World Problems... ). Anyway, while this worked perfectly running off a 9v battery, when I ran it off a variety of cheapo wall-warts, the hum was replaced with a high-pitched whine (no other pedals daisy-chained, BTW). I subsequently acquired a 1 Spot off here (cheers walbassist!), and am now happily running the NS-2 with a Boss TU-2 and Behringer BDI21 daisy-chained in (blissful?) silence. FWIW, I also run a couple of Trace Elliot pedals (SMX Dual Comp and SM7EQ), but as these require an 18v supply (with a 2.5mm connector) I'm using separate wall-warts for each of them. I've been looking at the Fame / Vitoos DC8 type of thing as these have the requisite number of outputs at different voltages required, but then again the current setup seems to work OK so I'll probably stick to what I've got for now.
  13. My mid-90s, MIJ '51 Precision Reissue. Nowt fancy, just feels right, plays beautifully, looks cool, sounds great.
  14. Many congratulations both, and very best wishes for the future!
  15. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1498249386' post='3323459'] Has anyone got a link? [/quote] This is the one I've seen before, dunno if there are any others out there... [media]http://youtu.be/l8MbcoSsc14[/media]
  16. Another day (well, OK, week), another deal with Gareth, this time for a 1Spot PSU and daisy chains. A lovely straightforward transaction, great comms and very quick dispatch and delivery. Pleasure doing business once again, can't recommend highly enough.
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1498078678' post='3322442'] Last Sunday, old strings off, cleaned, oiled fingerboard, restrung, tuned = about 30 minutes but I wasn't rushing and I swear it was in tune. [/quote] Next time I see Ruthie I'll tell her to stop slacking then!!!
  18. Don't forget to throw in the old classic "How long does it take to tune a banjo? Nobody knows...... " at some point. (I should probably point out that my step-daughter plays banjo in her alt-folk band and this is part of her regular stage-banter. Even her banjo-playing father has been known to smile wryly on occasion... ).
  19. [quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1497469597' post='3318520'] I've been looking for a wiring harness for a PJ build I'm in the middle of, but can't find any specifically for a PJ configuration. Can I use a wiring harness for a jazz bass? 😊 [/quote] I'm sure KiOgon ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/7835-kiogon/"]http://basschat.co.u...er/7835-kiogon/[/url]) would be able to advise / sort you out with summat suitable.
  20. Mate of mine was lucky enough to catch DD playing with Blue Coupe (Albert & Joe Bouchard, DD + others) at a book signing in the US last year. He got some great pics with the Man Himself, and also appears in the video of "Eighteen" someone shot at the event (black t-shirt / brown strides, front row, standing up at 4:07). Definitely one of those "wish I'd been there too" moments... [media]http://youtu.be/lML9-UtLaG4[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/rJhMfDtdFtg[/media]
  21. Just bought a couple of Lozz's stock of OBBM patch leads. Super-straightforward deal, and quick delivery. Deal with confidence!
  22. I've got one of the older CD-based BT2s, and use it all the time for learning / playing along with songs we're doing, with headphones so as not to disturb Her Indoors. We also used it at rehearsal last week, patched through the mixer into the PA, so we could decide which of the originals the band did before I joined we fancied having a go at. Have to confess I've never used any of the other functions on it, and in retrospect wish I'd gone for the more expensive digital / mp3 version so I didn't have to keep burning a new CD every time we added a new song!
  23. Need that all-important Wall of Speakers look? One real... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ashdown-ABM-810-EVO-8x10-Bass-Cabinet-1200W-4Ohm-/391807846246?hash=item5b39914766:g:43YAAOSwtGlZN1-G"]http://www.ebay.co.u...3YAAOSwtGlZN1-G[/url] One dummy... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ashdown-Dummy-ABM-810-EVO-8x10-Bass-Cabinet-/391807847509?hash=item5b39914c55:g:QfwAAOSwGJlZN2EU"]http://www.ebay.co.u...fwAAOSwGJlZN2EU[/url] Starting price one whole penny each!
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