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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. Maybe I'm just being a bit thick / missing the point here, but the spec says: Inlays Ebony Side Blocks Frets Fretless Isn't that what we're seeing in the picture, a fretless fingerboard with ebony inlays stretching halfway across it rather than lines, and definitely not half-frets?
  2. I can only really echo what LITTLEWING said above - get in touch with OBBM (aka Dave) and he'll advise you the best way to go. FWIW I use both Jack - Jack and Jack - Speakon cables from OBBM as my Trace cab has a jack socket only, while my Ashdown cab has both jack and speakon. Link here: http://www.bassic-bits.co.uk/
  3. tony_m

    obbm's feedback

    [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Recently asked Dave to make me up a custom-length pedal interconnect cable, and received the usual high quality product in next-to-no time. An absolute pleasure to do business with, honestly can't recommend him highly enough.[/color][/font]
  4. [quote name='Steve Browning' timestamp='1507622204' post='3386759'] Without the superfluous bass solo in Adventures I hope? God, that's awful!! [/quote] Absolutely no bass solos whatsoever! Fortunately Mr Guitar can improvise until the cows come home, all I need to do is mess about on C and F while he does his stuff.
  5. We're working on a couple of BBD songs ("Adventures in a Yorkshire Landscape" and "Ships In The NIght"), taking the "Gentlemen Rocketeers" versions as a point of reference. No idea how they'll go down if and when we do them live, but hopefully somebody will appreciate them!!!
  6. Just bought Ian's Tascam MP-BT1 MP3 bass trainer. Another great BCer to deal with - great comms, quick and easy transaction, item in "as new" condition and arrived perfectly packaged in less than 24 hours. Can't recommend highly enough, deal with confidence!
  7. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1506005288' post='3375834'] Oh. You play the epitaph as well? [/quote] Yeah, but it's got a Fender decal on it...
  8. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1505998156' post='3375750'] Crikey! Takes the apocryphal comment about Ringo's drumming to another level! [/quote] I'll take that as my epitaph...
  9. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1505987328' post='3375630'] Eh? You've played in a band where two (possibly three) members are better bass players than you?! Maybe I've misunderstood... [/quote] Nope, you've got it - the guitarist was actually a bass player first and foremost but chose to play guitar (he also wrote a fair number of the songs), while the drummer plays drums, bass and harmonica to a high standard. Not sure about the keyboard player's talents on bass, but he was another multi-instrumentalist (keys, guitar, drums) so it wouldn't have surprised me to find he could hold his own! Fortunately none of 'em wanted to play bass with this band so I got the gig, and kept it until I moved away. Guess I must have been good enough...
  10. So far, I'd say I've been the third (possibly fourth) best bass player in a five-piece band, and the second (possibly third) best in a couple of four-pieces. Fortunately the drummers in all three bands have been excellent, while my other bandmates have also been accommodating and supportive as regards my level of (in)competence. Playing with more accomplished / experienced musicians has certainly pushed me to improve, and my confidence in myself and my playing has definitely grown.
  11. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1505486167' post='3372324'] I was thinking of picking one of these up myself and fitting a mini stacked humbucker hotrail type pickup. This vid appears to have one of the cheapo Seymour Duncan Hotrail clones that you can find on eBay/Amazon etc - these pickups actually get pretty good reviews. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXld4T47Prs[/media] [/quote] I replaced the original 6-pole pickup in my old Fender Musicmaster with a Seymour Duncan Hotrails Strat pickup - definitely a worthwhile upgrade, it turned it into a whole different beast.
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1504541523' post='3365565'] Hotcovers every time. Thicker, more robust, perfect fit with every order that I've had... and amazingly quick turn around. Roqsolid for me, are more like a thinnly padded amplifier slip... conversely, hot covers are the fully padded version. [/quote] To be perfectly honest, the unpadded dust-cover / amp sleeve type of thing is all I really need, so Roqsolid works for me. I presume HotCovers' "600D Canvas" option is similar, but they don't appear to offer the choice of contrast colour seam binding which appeals to the Gear Tart in me!
  13. Have to confess I've no experience of HotCovers having always used Roqsolid, but I'm very happy with the cover I recently had custom-made by Roqsolid for my Trace BLX-110 cab. Very easy to spec via the online form, followed by a quick response and production / delivery once I'd placed the order, and fits perfectly. FWIW, I think Roqsolid are still doing a 15% off discount code at the mo.
  14. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1504456170' post='3364985'] Like a fool, I [i]had [/i]to look it up. Hmm... Bad idea. Mind bleach, please..? [/quote] Here you go...
  15. Ha, sounds just like our old gits band! The only people who seem able to actually remember an arrangement are me and Mr Drums, so we invariably end up having to quickly follow whatever detour Mr Guitar and Mr Keys decide to take. All good fun though, and, as you say, keeps things fresh.
  16. Hmm, somehow managed to miss this thread before! Anyway, here's my '77/'78 Musicmaster - although it doesn't really look it from the photo she is rather tatty, weighs an absolute ton, and doesn't get used much these days, but as she was my first "proper" bass back in the day she'll be staying around!
  17. I forgot to watch the fun and games too! Glad to hear they've gone to a good home.
  18. Hah, I used to be a simple "plug the bass in, set the amp flat, see what comes out and maybe tweak it a bit" kinda guy. Then I joined Basschat...... As it is, I guess I'm still trying to achieve the perfect "bassy / punchy / snarly / growly" tone I hear in my head, but at least I've settled on my arsenal (for now... ) so hopefully it just needs a bit of tweaking and we'll be there. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]P bass or J bass > [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TE SMX Dual Band compressor pedal > [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TE SM7EQ pedal (pre-shape 1 set, gentle frowny EQ) > [/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]EHX Bass Soul Food >[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]TE AH200GP7SM head > [/font][/color][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]TE BLX-110 cab + [/color][/font][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ashdown MAG210T Deep cab[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The TE cab is a recent acquisition and I've not had chance to test it in conjunction with the Ashdown cab at "war volumes" yet, but it sounds very nice on its own and I have high hopes the two will play nicely together.[/font][/color] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]Probably all a bit much for an old gits rock covers (plus a few originals) band, but hey - Mr Guitarist was very complimentary about my bass sound at rehearsal last week so I must be doing summat right! [/color][/font] [size=2][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]Reason for editing: Got bored myself reading all that twaddle...[/color][/font][/size]
  19. Always on, with mild compression on the Low for fullness / fatness of tone and zero on the High (TE SMX Dual Band), plus occasional quick tweaks of the EQ balance control.
  20. Reckon I'm going to pass on these after all - happy bidding folks!
  21. [quote name='binky_bass' timestamp='1502742911' post='3353263'] I was gunna have a go at these! Won't be bidding until that last 30 secs though. Fair warning! [/quote] Hah, that probably makes three of us then!
  22. Never seen these before, so may just have to take a punt on them (though I notice the current highest bidder appears to be the same person who was also bidding on the BLX-110 cab I won recently - hope it's nobody on here! ). [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRACE-ELLIOT-SPEAKERS-AS-ACQUIRED-SOUND-GREAT-SEE-PICS/362069724826?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.u...119.m1438.l2649[/url]
  23. I've got an Ashdown Perfect 10 (30 watt combo) and an Ashdown Five-Fifteen MiniRig (100 watt head & cab) which both have a headphone socket, and an aux-in for plugging in an mp3 player (I use my Tascam BT-2) to play along with stuff.
  24. The iBassline Bass Mute is another option, I believe the guy behind them (P J Phillips) is a member on here... [url="http://www.ibassline.com/store/p6/iBassline%C2%AE_%7C_Bass_Mute_%5Buk_sales%5D.html"]http://www.ibassline...k_sales%5D.html[/url]
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