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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. I've started avoiding another couple of (non-bass-related) forums (forii?) I used to frequent as the general atmosphere is getting a tad too confrontational for my tastes. I don't know whether it's a symptom of the current state of the nation / people's mood in general, but it doesn't seem to take long for an apparently innocent / straightforward discussion to descend into a slanging match. FWIW / IME / IMHO / YMMV etc.
  2. I can also confirm that [i][b]obbm[/b][/i]'s speaker cables are top notch. Just don't forget to connect the amp to the cab and then panic when no sound comes out, like I did when I went to test / collect my first non-combo...
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1321711592' post='1442284'] I like this. [/quote] Harumph......
  4. FWIW, I've gone for the "Down With This Kind of Thing" option, though I should probably point out that I am a Grumpy Old Git who doesn't do FB and doesn't get this whole "Like" malarkey anyway...
  5. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1319306000' post='1412592'] That isnt as stupid an idea as you made it out to be. There's a local band (You've probably heard of them) called [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KicsxptiFw&feature=related"]Boomin[/url] who's bassist uses an Ashdown ABM and they have a huge sound every time i hear them play. Liam [/quote] The joke is that Karl used to have just such a beast...... until he sold it to me! And I'd not come across Boomin before apart from the [i]500 Miles[/i] vid, but I'll keep an eye out for them if they're ever up this way (though sadly I'll be out of town for their Christmas Lights Switch-on performance!). Tony
  6. Hi Karl, Sounds like what you need is a nice MAG300-210 combo with a built-in sub-harmonic... Seriously, hope all works out OK, and I'll look forward to seeing the new slim-line band sometime. Tony
  7. Late night / early morning bump - as Mr Pratt says, it is what it is! Love mine, even though it's basically being used as a flash practice amp..
  8. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1318425289' post='1401975'] Cab sold to Tony. One happy owner. [/quote] Indeed. The neighbours, possibly not so much...
  9. Met Li today (in Sainbury's car park in Bolton ) and relieved him of his MAG210T Deep cab at an excellent price. Excellent communication throughout (even when my "I can come and collect any day" quickly turned into "sorry, can't make Wednesday evening / Friday / Saturday / Sunday this week" ), and a real pleasure to meet and chat to. Highly recommended, not a Badboy at all!!! Oh, and the cab's in perfect condition exactly as advertised, and sounds great. Many Thanks Li, and all the best!
  10. Summat like this? [url="http://nwb.co/"]Northwest Bands[/url]
  11. Don't think this has been mentioned before, apologies if my Search skills have let me down! [url="http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Rush-Geddy-Lee-Signed-Fender-Jazz-Bass-used-on-2010-leg-of-Time-Machine-Tour/220849332902?ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1&ih=012&category=53276&cmd=ViewItem"]Rush Geddy Lee Signed Fender Jazz Bass used on 2010 leg of Time Machine Tour[/url] on eBay Canada. Not me, no affiliation etc. Happy Bidding!
  12. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1347510' date='Aug 21 2011, 08:53 PM']Whatever gauge TI JF344 are[/quote] Likewise, so I guess 45-100 is nearest!
  13. tony_m

    obbm's feedback

    Ordered a speaker cable late Tuesday afternoon, arrived this morning. Top quality and service once again from our own [b]obbm[/b]. Cheers Dave!
  14. Just acquired an Ashdown Five Fifteen Mini rig, in perfect condition and at a great price, off OMFUG via EvilBay. Nice easy transaction and excellent communication, a pleasure to deal with. [size=1]I just hope he never mentions that when I tried to test it out, I completely forgot to connect the head to the cab. Well, I've always had combos before... [/size]
  15. Greetings from the Flat 'n' Wet Side of Lancashire!
  16. Wednesday evening "Help Karl buy a Lakland DD to go with the DJ" bump. Good luck with the sale mate!
  17. Good luck, hope all goes well!
  18. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1320661' date='Jul 29 2011, 05:15 PM'] That'd be a useful skill for a "Coolest Drummer on the Planet" thread...[/quote] Maybe somebody should start one... or then again, maybe not... And thanks also to [i]Johnston [/i] - not my kind of thing it has to be said, but appreciated all the same.[i] :thumbs up:[/i]
  19. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1320358' date='Jul 29 2011, 12:44 PM']Keep up, sir! Post #31... Although he's Korean, rather than Japanese.[/quote] Doh! That's what you get for just scanning the thread looking for an embedded vid...
  20. I can't believe nobody's mentioned a certain Japanese cross-dresser yet... Anyway, for me, it'd have to be Mike Mills, if only for the suits. [attachment=85903:mike_mills.jpg]
  21. [quote name='mcgraham' post='1319007' date='Jul 28 2011, 09:12 AM']<snip> I'd like to be positive about Airbourne but I can't. Frankly, Airbourne were *shocking*... though it's hard to tell how much of that was the fault of the FOH mixing. I genuinely lack the words to adequately describe that support slot - basically the drummer did four to the floor kick drum in EVERY section of EVERY song, except for the intro to one song. Unfortunately, coupled with - dare I say it - the ludicrously excessive amounts of bass they were pumping out front I literally just heard thump thump thump thump thump thump *woooAAAAARRGGGhoooo* {from the singer} thump thump thump thump... ad infinitum <snip>[/quote] Exactly my experience of Airbourne at Manchester Academy in 2008, very disappointing. Mate of mine still raves about 'em though, so it's probably just me being a Grumpy Old Git... Oh, and just to keep on topic, I saw Maiden (for the one and only time) at Blackpool Norbreck Castle, 2nd November 1979.
  22. [quote name='Bassman Sam' post='1298663' date='Jul 10 2011, 12:01 AM']I had my first audition in 15 years today and I got the gig. 3 piece band playing blues and '70's rock. The guitarist does the vocals and his brother plays drums and I am now the bassist. I am sooo made up by this as I suffer from RA and I couldn't play for 3 years. It's only been in the last few weeks that I could practise pain free. Today I got a big blister on my middle finger of my plucking hand and it feels like a medal of honor. We jammed for 3 hours and it passed in a flash. I haven't played that long for ages and I loved every minute of it. The plan is to rehearse towards recording a few tracks for a limit run of CD's and doing a few fundraising gigs for charities. As I've posted before, I don't think that I would have even tried if it had not been for this wonderful forum. Thanks to everyone involved in running it and for the input of all it's members. Now cure me of GAS. I am now going to give a bottle of gin a good slap to celebrate.[/quote] Good on yer, hope all goes well!!! Maybe I'll be able to post summat similar one of these days......
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