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Everything posted by tony_m

  1. Ah, that explains all the Stone Roses t-shirts we saw in That London that weekend! * [size=3]smacks forehead [/size]* We were down there for my other-half's daughter's alt-folk band EP launch party, which I suspect was a rather more intimate affair...
  2. Ouch! Hope all goes well with the surgery, and here's to a quick and complete recovery. And as (many) others have said, make sure sure you do your exercises - when I broke my wrist the other year, the worst bit was actually getting it moving for the first time after the cast came off!!!
  3. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1350586687' post='1840985'] you're a star ! fantastic - looks like it's deffo pointing to the CV...my jazz is pretty much the same as you 62RI. which do you find feels most similar to the 62RI ? [/quote] You're very welcome! And the CV '60s definitely has the edge (unsurprisingly - I guess the clue's in the name!) when it comes to comparisons - the only real difference (IMHO... ) is the radius, 9.5" as opposed to 7.25" on the CIJ. It's funny, but sometimes one feels right, sometimes t'other does...
  4. Bit late to the party I realise, but here goes... CV thickness at nut = 23mm and at 1st fret = 20mm VM thickness at nut = 25mm and at 1st fret = 19mm FWIW, I also checked my late '90s CIJ 62RI, and that's 23mm at the nut and 19mm at the 1st fret. NB I've not got a set of verniers, so these figures have been obtained by using a pile of mountain-bike magazines and a bit of broken ruler - accept them at your own risk!!!
  5. Ey up from sunny (yes, really!) Blackpool!
  6. tony_m

    We're back...

    Working fine / normally with Chrome here too. Thanks to all involved for getting it sorted, excellent work!
  7. Doesn't do it for me either. I prefer plain parchment on white, although with the white pup covers and thumbrest, I think I'd probably go for B/W/B in this case (with silver screws - I don't do gold!).
  8. [quote name='vsmith1' timestamp='1331026305' post='1566343'] I am a subscriber and I am also wondering what has happened. Surely some communication even it is "we are having some difficulties please bear with us". Nevermind something to say either stick with it and we'll add something to thank you for your patience or we'll return your money, etc. [/quote] Aye, you can add me to the list of disenchanted subscribers too. Even if the mag does start reappearing on a regular basis, I doubt I'll be renewing my subscription after this deafening silence.
  9. I got a "[i]3 Ply USA/MEX Config Precision Bass Pick Guard[/i]" from Axesrus [url="http://www.axesrus.com/AxePlatesBass.html"]http://www.axesrus.c...PlatesBass.html[/url] for my CV '60s P. All the screw holes lined up perfectly, and while the neck pocket isn't quite a perfect fit, it's close enough for me! The pickup cutouts needed easing here and there with a file, but only by a gnat's whisker. Unfortunately for the OP it's not got any holes for a pickup cover, nor can I comment on the standard of the tort as I went for parchment, so I've probably not really been a lot of help here......
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1329092236' post='1537155'] What about 'festive'? [/quote] Eee, nay lad, there's nowt t' do wi' "festive" either...
  11. Well, it looks like I've just been the first person to vote for Fiesta Red! Have to confess it's not a colour that ever really appealed to me, until I recently acquired a Squier CV '60s P and now it makes me smile. I feel I should also point out that I'm from Lankyshire, and so "flamboyant" isn't a word that appears in my dictionary...
  12. Not as exciting / epic as some on the thread, but here's the first split-coil P I've had since my very first bass (a Tanglewood Lone Wolf) back in 1990-summat - a Squier CV '60s Precision, recently acquired from G-funk45 of this parish (who didn't say anything in his ad about it being fitted with Wizard Thumper pups and CTS pots, so that all came as a complete, and very pleasant, surprise - thanks Chris! ).
  13. Just bought a Squier CV '60s Precision off Chris. As with the BCer above, we also had to use a courier this time, and due to circumstances beyond Chris's control, there was a slight delay before he was able to get the bass off to me, but his communication has been excellent throughout, and the bass arrived today superbly packaged - took me ages to get the darn thing open!!! The bass itself is in perfect condition, plays beautifully, and the colour (Fiesta Red) makes me smile, so I'm very happy indeed. Thanks very much Chris!
  14. Excellent, thanks for that. Inspired me to add it to my list of Songs to Learn (but not sing... )!
  15. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1325830025' post='1488377'] Happy New Year Tony, hope all is well and you have a good one. Yeah, we're gutted about Friday night, new owners and apparently they have brought their old pubs diary with them. They have been great about it and given us a date in July. With 36 gigs booked for 2012, that's about as many as we want, so really happy about it . See you soon bud and look after yourself. Karl. [/quote] And all the best to you too Sir! Shame about tonight, but hopefully catch up with you in July if not sooner. Take care, Tony
  16. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1325793285' post='1487922'] Yup, I'm getting close to giving up on it as well . Must admit, it will be back on the road this Saturday night at the 1st of our 36 (thus far) gigs of this year. Karl. [/quote] And there was me all set to turn up at the Station on Friday night!!! Oh well, no doubt catch you later in the year, in the meantime good luck with the sale Karl!
  17. My perfect YOB (almost to the month, based on the neck date) bass!!! Unfortunately I simply can't afford (or justify!) buying her myself, but good luck with the sale.
  18. A Squier CV '60s Precision in Sonic Blue. I'm still kicking myself for missing the two that came up on here last October...
  19. Thanks for posting that, EH. My friend has gone to NZ for six months, and still hasn't got the hang of this "Other Side of the World" malarkey, bless 'er, so she already wished me HNY several hours before it happened over here! Anyway, that cheered me up no end!!!
  20. Excellent stuff! Album purchased, and I'll keep an eye out for any live dates should you ever make it up this way.
  21. Boring as it may seem, +1 to all the above! Classic bass, leave it as it is.
  22. What everybody else has said. I've never managed to master the pick, but feel there is definitety summat missing in my playing (although I'll admit to being no more than a *hobbyist* so it's probably not a great loss in the overall scheme of things,
  23. Warning: "Expanding pancreas" content... [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/hardtalk/9639411.stm"]http://news.bbc.co.u...alk/9639411.stm[/url]
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1322269767' post='1448905'] Fora, methinks. [/quote] Methinks you're right - it's been [i]multos annos[/i] since I did my Latin O Level...
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