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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. I have just used DPD via Interparcel to ship a bass to Greece, DPD were fortunately better at keeping track of my parcel than Interparcel were (first they said the tracking number they have given me didn't exist, which was worrying, and then the day after it had been delivered they contacted me to say they had found my parcel and it would be delivered in the next 3 working days!) Still it got there in the end
  2. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1376070521' post='2169407'] , I only like the sound of them when others are playing them. [/quote] +1 to that
  3. I guess I am better than I expected I would be when I started playing, but I am not as good as I think I should be considering how long I have been playing especially when some young whipper snapper barely out of nappies post a video on here that I wouldn't be able to repeat if there was 4 of me trying to play it! I look down on him but I look up to him....I know my place!
  4. Ridiculously (being as I have just got rid of mine because I didn't like the sound) I liked the Stingray more times than any of the others, then the Bongo then the Precision wasn't taken with either the Jazz or the Fretless.
  5. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1375959846' post='2167856'] [/quote] That's excellent, I take it you created such a masterpiece whilst you should have been working but with quality like that you are excused!
  6. I Brought a Peavey powered mixer from Si, his communication was excellent, the mixer was, as he described, in excellent condition and he even threw in some leads to sweeten the deal and the packaging would probably have survived a nuclear war......so an all round good guy to deal with, cheers Si Rog
  7. I have noticed a real swing towards free postage in recent weeks, I wonder it that is in readiness of these new charges coming in or just because it looks more attractive than a purchase price plus additional postage costs, half of which are grossly over the top even given Royal Mail's extortionate rates nowadays
  8. Hi Duane, That was an excellent question that made me go upstairs and grab a bass to see what I actually do! When playing finger style it will tend to be either my thumb muting the next string if I am heading low to high strings or maybe it will be my second or third finger just stopping the note from ringing. But I think the real answer lies when using a pick, you don't actually need to worry about it....a bassline will tend to be a group of notes played in a certain order in a certain timing, as you get the notes in the right timing correct the fact that you are playing the next note in the sequence will take care of your mute issues of the previous note.... with time the correct muting where needed will just happen, as the other posts have said I am not sure it is something you can really practice
  9. I reckon if you find MDP on evilbay he will give you at least twice what you are asking for such a fine example and with all the hardwork already done
  10. Venues often have sockets that are not connected to these stupid limiters, there are two venues we play at with them and as we are setting up the landlord always comes over and says "use these sockets they are not connected to the limiter" seems to defeat the object of having a limiter somewhat but I guess when the neighbours complain about noise levels and the council comes round he can demonstrate - limiter in place + limiter functioning correctly = unreasonable neighbour with nothing better to do than complain!
  11. I guess it was recording our last CD at Sony's Whitfield Street studios in London the week after The Spice Girls recorded there, we must have sold at least 500 copies of it worldwide, although we were told at least one track was played on Radio 1 once at 2.35 in the morning....I could almost smell mega-stardom!
  12. Thanks Stavros, it was a pleasure to trade with you and thanks for your advice regarding the shipping and thanks for your patience when it took a little longer than expected to arrive Rog
  13. It's a shame it is such a poor bass. DeArmond built some really good quality instruments, I have a MT77 guitar which sounds great and is as well built as anything else I own....I would be tempted but I will struggle to get down your way for a while
  14. That seller has listed lots of stuff over time all of it looked pucka just hugely expensive, I would think it is the genuine article just advertised at 10 times what it is actually worth
  15. In my world there are no songs that are easy to sing and play bass at the same time, just playing the bass and remembering to breathe is challenging enough at times!
  16. In a moment of boredom I recently went through our entire set list of 50+ songs and looked them up, played live by the original artist on YouTube to see a) if they played finger style and what bass they used live, the results surprised even me, now given that our set is mostly rock pop punk covers ranging from the Beatles through to Coldplay via the likes of Crazyhead and Razorlight you would, quite rightly, expect to see a fair few songs played with Picks and a fair few Precision basses on view. 48 of the 55 songs were played with a pick and 44 were played with a Precision bass...a pretty overwhelming victory for the pick and the p bass, the two that surprised me the most were Golden Touch by Razorlight(pick and P bass) and Bohemian Like You by Dandy Warhol's (keyboard bassline live)I can't play the Razorlight song with a pick it just doesn't seem right! It did surprise me just how many pro players actually used a pick live Edit for strange smiley face that suddenly appeared in the text
  17. I had a Fostex R8 now I use either a Tascam DP01 or Cubase SE depending on my will to live!
  18. Hi, Is a case included in the sale or do these come with a detachable lid? I do quite fancy it but would need something to cover it when it is being transported
  19. I have put Fender flats on both My Precision's and my Precision Lyte I really like the sound but I am not entirely convinced with the feel of them, if I try to slide on the strings it feels like if I go too far the heat generated will give me a blister...does that make sense? Anyway I have another set ready to put on my fretless but I have held off because the idea of the fretless is to be able to slide into the notes, I am not going to want to be sliding round on these strings if it is going to cause blisters. So I am a bit unsure at the moment
  20. Cheers for the suggestions guys, I wonder if it could have been down to the chemicals the pub used to wash their glasses? It just seemed weird how we have both used the same guitars in equally hot and humid conditions before yet had not experienced the same issue. I guess the other possibility is that the conditions were just perfect to produce the slightly sweaty but not too sweaty effect, either way wiping with a beer towel between songs had absolutely no effect
  21. Ok possibly not a syndrome but horrid none the less. Last night we played a local pub, yes it was hot but it has been that way for at least the last 4 gigs we have played however, last night both the guitarist and I found the backs of our respective guitar/ bass necks so sticky that it actually had an impact on our playing. I used my 50's Classic P bass for the first set but had to change to the P bass lyte after the first set because the 50's Classic was virtually unplayable, the lyte was slightly better but not by much (both are strung with flat wounds and I don't think they feel very nice in hot sticky conditions)Our guitarist uses PRS guitars. My question is: what causes a neck to suddenly feel horribly sticky...after all it's not a new bass and it always kept nice and clean...and any tips as to what you can do to lose the stickiness other than taking the lacquer off the back of the neck which I don't really want to do. Rog
  22. [quote name='markbunney' timestamp='1374701689' post='2152257'] Thanks for all the responses and opinions. Me and the band are very much looking forward to it (which perhaps didnt come across in my original post), as its taken us 10 years to break into something like this and will be a nice change from pubs. Ill let you all know how it goes in a couple of weeks and maybe post a picture of the final outfits. Im off to M&S to purchase some slacks! [/quote] We will, of course need photographic evidence of the whole band so we can [s]have a laugh [/s]give our approval
  23. I have had a couple of CV guitars and really couldn't fault them in any way, I do have a CV Precision and to be honest I don't think it is a patch on either of my other precisions, the neck is too skinny and the fret board edge is too sharp...I keep looking at it and thinking I should move it on. I guess if you get a good one it is excellent but, much with anything else in the Fender family, a poor one can be a real let down
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