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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. MY band fully understands that without me they are nothing......I have told them often enough that they shouldn't have forgotten it any time soon
  2. We make sure we play Every Day I Love You Less and Less at every wedding gig we do....it usually goes down a treat....I have suggested the Electric Chairs "Baby F**k Off" but the boys have decided against that one
  3. Take what is already the largest instrument in a normal band....add extremely large and heavy frame....to that bolt 4 lethal looking springs that would easily have your leg off if it were to let go....and for what purpose....to make the drummer puke midway through the set.....for that....I'm in
  4. The only thing last nights show lacked was Huey Morgan strutting around throwing mugs at people! The Orwells were embarrassing but I thought The Killers new song was worse the rest of the acts were very uninspiring....I would agree with other comments on the thread this series has been disappointing.
  5. I had a look at a couple of other vids she has done.....I can't play like that live or on YouTube and I have been doing it since before she were born!
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1383396842' post='2264014'] It's nothing like McCartney's Wal. [/quote] It's a bass guitar and it's made of wood.....that's the two most important elements covered if you want more proof that it's a dead ringer....then you are being tooooo picky I thought it was more a replica of the Cavern bass myself
  7. Now bid up to £180, you could probably pick up 2 Peavey's and 4 Encores for that
  8. [i]If you look at the second picture you can see the castors have started to sink into the concrete floor! [/i]
  9. Hi Daniel, If you offer it for sale or trade the chances are that anyone who contacts you knowing you are not in the UK will probably have shipped a bass before so hopefully can guide you through the process. My first trade was with Steve (Bassman) from Greece, he helped and advised all the way through the process and although I was really worried about shipping such an expensive instrument overseas I would do it again. Good luck if you decide to sell
  10. Just watching the Delicate Sound of Thunder gig on BBC4 I was lucky enough to see them at Docklands arena (on this tour I think) it was my first really big gig and it totally blew me away I couldn't believe a live band could sound so big. I had sort of forgotten just how good Floyd were
  11. I have a few basses of varying prices but I find myself gigging in the covers band with a souped up Mike Dirnt Squire Precision....purely because it is pretty light, sounds great and most importantly totally suits the set we play....In the originals band I mostly play a ltd edition Warwick $$ Corvette, again just because it seems to suit what we play
  12. Our new drummer has a top end Roland kit and uses an EV 2x12 powered monitor to deliver the sound, I have to say I prefer the acoustic kit, he is far more restrained on the electric kit as the drum head responses are not the same as the acoustic kit, it sounds ok and I think in a lot of smaller venues we will have to insist that he uses it (he is about as loud as Concorde on the acoustic kit!) I am wondering if some Perspex acoustic shields might make the acoustic kit useable in smaller venues
  13. I would far sooner go for the Tokai version without a bolt on neck, they look like better value for money
  14. Very much as above, I am not sure what you are offering and I don't like the automatic audio on page 2, I am using a laptop and the bass doesn't sound very good on it...not that I would expect any bass to! Offer some downloadable sound files that I can take away and listen to on a better sound system if your intention was to sell me something
  15. I love the look of a Stingray 4 in white with a maple neck....it's just a shame I don't like the sound of them
  16. I have unleashed the monster, long story short...car was in for some work last Saturday just half a mile from our local PMT..now I have been having lustful thoughts about the Rickenbacker Bass they had in stock...I thought kill two birds with one stone, drop the car off, walk to shop, buy bass, job done....Mrs2611 was ok with idea even though the bass was a good whack! Anyway that's where it all went wrong... PMT had sold the bass...on our slow trudge back to the car we came upon a snazzy furniture store which just happened to have a set of wardrobes that Mrs2611 took a real shine to....45 minutes later the Rickenbacker fund had suffered a rather large dent to it.....but it didn't end there..oh no the new wardrobes now make a set of draws redundant...so they are off to the tip, but space left can now be filled with a sofa bed....now on order....all I have to do now is redecorate both bedrooms before said items of furniture arrive.....Rickenbacker fund gone....now how much are those polish cloths I guess it is very much give and take....my good lady gets some stuff she wanted....next time I NEED a new bass...opposition shouldn't be too strong
  17. [i]Oh go on then I will be controversial....I learnt from a technically brilliant bass player when I first started playing and then subsequently worked with another technically brilliant guitarist (he could play Sultans of Swing note for note) both had one thing in common they were both totally un-creative....they could not come up with a single riff without turning it into something already written...to me both were totally constrained by musical theory......other than root note knowledge I know no musical theory everything I write comes purely from feel. I played some of the stuff I am involved with writing to said bass player last week and he just said "that's what makes you a better bass player than me, you can create stuff" A fine compliment from someone I greatly respect but still sad in a way[/i]
  18. It's a difficult one, I would hope the items would remain serviceable for at least 10 years after build and even then the manufacturer should be able to recommend an alternative if a part is no longer available.
  19. I really cannot play the piano, even though my mum was a concert pianist...sorry mum, yet for some reason I often find working stuff out on a keyboard easier than doing it on a bass or guitar...go figure!
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1381908866' post='2245134'] No. Not in the slightest. IMO even after allowing for the audio mangling done by YouTube or whatever other hosting service has applied to your files, all these clips will show is what the bass sounds like when played by the current owner through their rig and recorded using whatever equipment they have and then who knows what post-recording processing will have been applied. Even a YouTube video proves nothing. If I was a less than scrupulous seller I could record the audio using my best sounding bass and then mime along on the video on whatever PoS I was trying to flog. No-one could ever conclusively prove that it wasn't possible for me to get the bass in the video to sound like the recording. Interestingly it was Ed Friedland who made me realise the futility of relying on clip of other people playing basses as a guide to buying something for myself and expecting it to sound the same. I've owned several basses that Ed has demo'd (most notably the Lightwave Saber) and when I play them they sound nothing like his recordings. TBH I would have never bought the Lightwave if I'd heard his demo first because he made it sound pretty much like every other bass he tests and therefore I would't have discovered the unique sounds that I was able to get out of it. IMO the only sure way of knowing whether a bass will suit you sound-wise is to play it yourself through your rig and preferably in the context of your current musical project. [/quote] What he said
  21. That has more pickups than any bass should rightfully have!
  22. Something like a Laney DP150 or Trace Elliot AH150 and a Laney 4x10 cab should come in around the £300 mark, whilst the cab isn't exactly lightweight it is manageable and you could always add a 1x15 cab to the mix in time if you were playing bigger venues....just ask before buying as you will need to make sure the speaker cab ohm's are right for the amp head you buy
  23. The Stranglers Golden Brown and anything else they wrote
  24. I agree with the OP but for me picking up the guitar is again all about rhythm work, I have never had any desire to be a lead guitarist but love playing rhythm guitar and taking the rhythms back and forth between bass and guitar...I think it makes me better and more creative on both instruments
  25. Another vote for the keep at least 1 fretless and 1 fretted option from me
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