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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Most rehearsal rooms have a few spare kettle leads kicking around for amps but never any spare amp leads for the kettle.
  2. To this day Sooty still has to put up with Sweeps complaining about not being credited for singing the 'guitar' solo on Edwin Collins' hit 'A Girl Like You'.
  3. Why are the La Bella rounds so expensive over here? I've just ordered a custom set direct from La Bella and they came to $13.21, which according to Googles conversion thingy works out at £8.34, a bit better than the £35-40 over here. Even with the postage it's less than £20, can't remember at what price import charges start but I'll take my chances.
  4. "My daddy was a Traffic Warden, But he never hurt nobody, He just loved to write tickets, And he loved to steal your money." It doesn't seem too far from the original . Peter Hook, whose birth name was Peter Chorus, was a massive fan of James Jamerson growing up and took his nickname of 'Hookie' from the way he copied Jamersons trademark playing style. Ironically as Hookie found his own style he began to use a chorus drenched sound but the name Hookie stuck.
  5. You all seemed to have missed the obvious here. I assume that none of your basses are Apple endorsed products, therefore will not be compatible with 'i pod/phone/pad' etc. What you are feeling is the beginnings of a problem that you never used to have, until you are convinced that you 'need' a solution, when Apple will inevitably launch the 'iBass' to 'solve' your problem. It'll probably be an old Encore bass repackaged with an extortionate price tag .................. but it'll look soooooo nice .
  6. [quote name='gilmour' timestamp='1407578482' post='2521910'] I do remember a pair of breasts wearing out due to excessive slapping! [/quote] This has to be the best statement I have read yet on here, good work .
  7. Many moons ago I used to have a smoke machine and strobe light that I'd rigged to trigger from a single homemade footswitch. We used to use it in Motorheads 'Overkill' every time the bass and drums came back in at the end. The switch would kill the coloured lights and turn on the smoke and strobe, I used to hide it behind my rig so it aimed behind the drummer, oh we were so cool :-). Anyway, one gig I stepped on it, did the whole strobe/smoke/drums and bass thing, stamped on it to revert to normal lighting and broke the footswitch, we had to play the rest of the song lost in dense fog and blinded by strobes. I fixed it after the song but it took another song before the smoke cleared enough to be able to see each other. The drummer didn't like drumming with it on and was livid after that song.
  8. Thanks for all these suggestions. The decision has been made to include a lot more glam into our set and see how it goes, if it goes well we will morph into a glam band ............. and I will build myself a full on 'glambass' . Thanks again.
  9. I use mine as my main bass for gigs. Power supply is no problem as I run it through an X3 Live which powers it and you can then assign the bass models to different patches. Assignable basses, amps, cabs and stompboxes at the press of a footswitch, what's not to like? Unless you don't like emulations . No they'll never be the 'real thing' but who cares? It's a bass with a massive amount of tone options. If I want an aggressive punky tone then I'll select the Ricky setting, if I want a similar tone but a sore forearm and ribs then I'll buy a real Ricky . I like the changes in sustain between different models, particularly the Hofner. I really like the neck on mine, I've slightly scalloped it and it's really comfortable. It could be lighter but I've learnt to man up . Looks wise it was horrible so I changed it, it may not be to every ones taste but I now love it. [url="http://s157.photobucket.com/user/Maudebass/media/Varicaster_zps4a9900c2.jpg.html"][/url] And silly proof it's not to heavy to chuck around [url="http://s157.photobucket.com/user/Maudebass/media/10477399_10152311789030686_1495338755161775032_n_zpsd094dc11.jpg.html"][/url]
  10. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1412807217' post='2572389'] D'Addario or Fender. Same thing. [/quote] Not sure who manufactures what but I have a couples of basses with Fender tapewound strings which are 'gold, red, silver, turquoise - E to G' and have just fitted some D'Addario half rounds to another which are 'gold, red, black, green - E to G'
  11. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1410808765' post='2553474'] The Big Al is such a Glam looking bass. You know you want one... [/quote] Stop it . I'm trying to thin out the basses, not buy more .............................. but that's mighty glam and I am called Allan ............. must resist . Great suggestions, especially Skankdelvar, I will youtube some of those unkown to me ones. Thanks everyone
  12. I can't see the vids on my phone but I'm guessing the 'best b side' will be Ballroom Blitz. I will enjoy them when I get home. Loads of good suggestions, I like the not strictly glam ones like Virginia Plain, I'm even thinking we could get away with stuff like 'Take Me I'm Yours' by Squeeze. Gary Glitters in definitely, if I want to open a chip shop called 'Jimmys Savaloy, and other kids favourites' then I'm not shying away from GG :-) Keep them coming
  13. I've just read through that and I don't mean make up a two hour setlist, just tell me your favourite few glam songs to show me what I'm missing . I thank you!
  14. Evenin' all. One of the bands I'm in is a covers band, we play a very varied mix of stuff but all rock based spanning six decades. As you'd expect some stuff goes down well in one venue and some other stuff goes down well in another, we try to tailor the set to the venues but what we've noticed is that the glam type stuff goes down a storm everywhere, amongst all age groups. We usually start the second set by letting the 'Blockbuster police siren' go off for a minute or two in the dark before launching into it as the stage lights come on, it certainly grabs peoples attention. We'll then do a T-Rex number and some Bowie, even Steve Harleys 'Make Me Smile'. It's not strictly glam but that sort of era and feel. Everyone is instantly up dancing and that's what we all want. We're considering changing the band into a glam covers band to keep the party mood going all night but as I was born in '73 I can't claim to have lived through the era and only really know the 'classics', so to speak. What I would love you folks to do is just throw your suggestions at me as to what would make an awesome two hour glam set. It doesn't have to be strictly glam and it doesn't have to be from the early seventies but it does need to have that feel if you know what I mean. So from well known to obscure what have you got . Ps I think we all secretly want to dress up. Thanks.
  15. The acoustic has a pretty impressive tash going on too!
  16. Promoter - "Can the other bands use your amp?" You - "Sure, toss us over your car keys and your credit card so I can fuel her up as I live 50 miles away!" Should do the trick .
  17. I used to use Pure Tone bass strings before I went to flats on most of my basses, nickel alloy 045-105 £4.49 a set. They sounded alright really and lasted quite well, I prefer an older round wound sound and remember them taking quite a while to dull down, so a positive for the lovers of bright sounding rounds.
  18. Can't decide if there's something honestly primitive about this or if it's just pure sh*te, either way, anyone fancy it? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Home-Made-2-String-Fretless-Acoustic-Bass-/111445968615?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item19f2b286e7
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1409519096' post='2540507'] You've not got a 'Rickie' trc to complete the illusion..? [/quote] But then it wouldn't go with the giant Precision shaped tort scratchplate I have fitted
  20. I love CCR, it's a shame that most 'non musos' only seem to know 'Bad Moon Rising' though as that's one of my least favourites of theirs. I wanted our 'acoustic' band to do Down on the Corner but they looked at me like I'd lost the plot. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1409523269' post='2540585'] Even made it into one of my favourite films - Apocalypse Now - who can name that tune? And was it CCR themselves playing it live? [/quote] I was about to say 'Fortunate Son' but I have a feeling it was 'Suzie Q'.
  21. I'm going to put a 'Fender' decal on my scroll so punters at gigs know it's a good one!
  22. How about a Guitarron (mariachi bass)? The action and sound would force you play differently. I nearly did this for the same reason as you but went down the DB route as it was an instrument I'd been yearning for for years. Guitarron can be bought a lot cheaper than DBs too.
  23. I've just picked up an Aria J to match my P. The P has SD 1/4 pounders in (which I love) but the J 1/4's are just too dear for a cheapy project. Looks like these neo J's are the ones to get, less than £40 a pair delivered. Will OCD make me get one for my P .......................... who wants to buy a 1/4 pounder for a P bass
  24. I have an Aria P bass with[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] D`Addario Chrome flats on it that's not being used at the mo, I'm in and out of Plymouth most weeks and you could borrow it for a couple of weeks to see how you like flats if you want. It's a four string not five but would give you some idea.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The bass is only a cheapy, although I love it, so don't worry about borrowing an expensive instrument.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The chromes are relatively bright for flats but really sit well in a rock mix IMO, the bass has a SD 1/4 pounder so that may help.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I wasn't sure about the sound when played solo but it just works in a band so take it to rehearsal and try it. I don't know what they'd be like on a Status but it may give you an idea.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
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