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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Hello, I've just picked up a Magicstomp with everything but the installation CD in the box. Before I bought it I had a look around online and the various drivers and sound patches seemed to be readily available but I can't get anything to work. I am a computer numpty so it probably is all very easy once you know how. I've found what seems a good site where all the stuff I need is listed but my computer won't run the files and if I try to download software to fix the 'register?' problems then my anti virus wants to kill me. The site also has what it claims to be the original Yamaha disc which it says to download, then burn to disc and then load up to run the drivers but I've just discovered that my burner has ceased to exist, according to my computer. Has anyone got an idiots guide to locating and setting up the drivers and stuff so that I can edit the pedal on my computer and install different patches? The preset patches are very nice for factory presets, the chorus and flangers are particularly watery and lush sounding. I want to use it with my Bass VI but am now stumped as editing on the pedal is quite finicky. I am running Windows 7 BTW Anyone on here own one that could guide me please .
  2. Not hip hop but I always think of Roni Size when upright bass is mentioned in that style of music. It was early drum'n'bass I suppose but it's very jazz like, isn't it? I dunno, I'm not good with genres, damn labels . It's surprising how many people suddenly look up when you play that little 'Brown Paper Bag' riff after tuning at a gig. [media]http://youtu.be/guc-QvErIbM[/media] I haven't watched all this as it's not really my thing but here's a live BBC performance. [media]http://youtu.be/cxgNiLBtcUI[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/03QRwTO0EQM[/media]
  3. Thomann used to sell that Lucida Guitarron for a hundred pounds less than GAK but it looks like they've stopped selling it as well. I was quite tempted once but have no real use.
  4. One end of the HB EUB end pin has the rubber 'walking stick' end, the other should have a white nylon spike which I thought would work well on a wooden floor, as in not marking it. After chasing the bloody thing round Tavistock Wharfs stage for half an hour I decided it didn't work well. From the audience point of view I must have looked pretty lively though .
  5. I have one and really like it, the long version. I was worried about the length issues people often mention but at it's longest it's is a tiny bit too long (and like Lozz, the buckle irritates) so just tightened up a tad is perfect for me, and I'm no low slinger either. At it's shortest it pulls the bass right up to my tatty-bo-jangles, any shorter with a Yammy Bex4 I wouldn't be able to get my head and arm through so I can't see how the short one could ever be too long. Horses for courses though I suppose .
  6. [quote name='guzzibass' timestamp='1404081927' post='2489193'] Don't get Kasabian at all.... Maybe I'm just too old...! [/quote] Saw Kasabian in Plymouth last week doing a warm up show for Glasto and it was up there with one of the best gigs I've ever been to ...... and that's a lot. Horses for courses eh?
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1403989287' post='2488393'] Im thinking that might help, I think I have already took a bit out ages ago but I wanted to leave enough nut for someone with the right tools and skills to do it properly! It's not massive high though. Did you go for the same gedo as me Maude, half carved? [/quote] Yes, the same half carved with adjustable bridge, only I had Innovation Rockabilly strings, lovely bass but I do have a concern about the soundpost pushing quite a lump out the back, but that's for another thread .
  8. Obviously I can't see yours Pete but I had to take the nut down a bit on my Gedo. It was quite high when it arrived, it was noticeably easier to finger the first couple of stops once done.
  9. I fitted some to my Vairiax which I reshaped the headstock to a Tele shape, it is slightly smaller than a Tele so I had to sand the top of the G and the top of the D as it just protruded into the cutaway part, it was no big deal and doesn't look horrific in any way, unless you are particularly OCD, I could only use three screws per tuner on the two I trimmed but the screws only stop them from rotating under string tension so no problem at all.
  10. I ordered a couple of sets of Fenders nylons from the states, they were on the door mat one day with a label on the packet saying I have to pay about four quid VAT and £8 Royal Mail handling charge before it can be handed over. The postie just put them through the letterbox, I guess he was in trouble when he got back. Me? I haven't received any package . Remarkably I haven't ever had to pay for anything and I've had all sorts from USA, Australia, the far east etc.
  11. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]A bit of a long story but essentially someone I know has been badly let down and is looking for a band to play this Saturday (28th), it's for a private 50th party held on the birthday boys farm a couple of miles from Whitesand bay (Rame peninsula, Cornwall).[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Paid gig (although I don't know how much) and more than likely some BBQ and beer thrown in, you will probably be able to camp there if you wanted to have a few beers. The host is very accommodating.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ideally he would like a classic rock covers band but anything is considered at this late date.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The gig is outdoors in a marquee.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Please PM me if interested and I will put you in touch.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The background story if you're wondering why, the hosts son has a friend who is in two bands so the natural choice was to let them do the party, both bands were due to play but the sons 'friend' let them know yesterday that he has decided to pull out with no explanation.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The host contacted me as my daughter is friends with their son but all three of the bands I'm connected to are busy, I've said I'll see if I can find a band as the family are a really decent bunch, I really can't see that the other bands pulled out because of problems with the host as apparently the other band members are really pissed off with the sons friend for doing it.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]So anyone want a fairly informal 50th party to play where they'll be welcomed as friends as well as the entertainment?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Fingers crossed [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] . [/font][/color]
  12. Sorry if this should be in the gigs section but I thought maybe it would get more traffic here. A bit of a long story but essentially someone I know has been badly let down and is looking for a band to play this Saturday (28th), it's for a private 50th party held on the birthday boys farm a couple of miles from Whitesand bay (Rame peninsula, Cornwall). Paid gig (although I don't know how much) and more than likely some BBQ and beer thrown in, you will probably be able to camp there if you wanted to have a few beers. The host is very accommodating. Ideally he would like a classic rock covers band but anything is considered at this late date. The gig is outdoors in a marquee. Please PM me if interested and I will put you in touch. The background story if you're wondering why, the hosts son has a friend who is in two bands so the natural choice was to let them do the party, both bands were due to play but the sons 'friend' let them know yesterday that he has decided to pull out with no explanation. The host contacted me as my daughter is friends with their son but all three of the bands I'm connected to are busy, I've said I'll see if I can find a band as the family are a really decent bunch, I really can't see that the other bands pulled out because of problems with the host as apparently the other band members are really pissed off with the sons friend for doing it. So anyone want a fairly informal 50th party to play where they'll be welcomed as friends as well as the entertainment? Fingers crossed .
  13. GAK are still doing the Digtech Bass Synth Wah for less than £35, maybe not 'out there' enough but a great fun pedal with usable sounds for that money, I can't see why everyone wouldn't own one .
  14. I would sand it back until the colour has gone but try and leave the sealer coat intact, that way you won't have to worry about wood grain and it being porous. It doesn't really matter about the colour being gone as you could apply your new colour over the top if prepped properly, but there is a risk of reactions between differing paints and the fact that if you chip it then the old colour will be revealed rather than the wood. If the sealer coat is intact then primer is not needed. I've always used a spraygun so not sure about the amount of coats needed using an aerosol, as a basic guide only use enough colour to actually colour it evenly, any more is just a waste of paint and could cause problems when lacquering. With a gun, two even coats is what I aim for with both colour and lacquer. With aerosol, light even coats until you have a good, wet look shine to it, obviously without overloading it. Another advantage to using the baton to hold it is that it's very easy get runs forming as you try to get a good shine on your lacquer, if you see a run or sag developing you can just turn it over or around and make it flow out until it has tacked off. Use nitrile gloves as you will spray your hand . If you are going right back to bare wood then you will need to prime or seal the wood a lot to stop all the grain showing through your finished paint, unless that's a look you want. Another choice you need to make is wether or not to let the colour coat dry completely and flat it before lacquering or wether you are going to 'wet on wet' it. Both options have their pros and cons. If you let the colour coat dry thoroughly then you can flat out any imperfections before lacquering, but you risk rubbing through on the edges if you're not very careful, not the end of the world as you can just blow them in with aerosol and let it tack off before lacquering. If you 'wet on wet' it is quicker and more risk free as you won't be touching the colour coat, but you need a good finish on the colour coat, any 'orange peel' will be amplified with consecutive coats of lacquer. Another tip regarding the insects if done outdoors, and another plus for the baton lollipop, is to do the spraying outside but bring it in and hang it between coats and for final drying. Obviously dependent on the constraints of your house. HTH
  15. That made me recoil from the screen when I scrolled down! What is it and is it broken? I was going to offer up the Line 6 Variax but it all seems pretty pointless after seeing that half sucked lump of toffee.
  16. Also, to help get an even coverage, and avoid runs, don't try to follow the outline of the body when doing the front and back. Imagine the body as a rectangle and spray that rectangle in nice even passes, if you try to follow the outline you will overload the areas where the spray passes inevitably cross, especially on the front around control cavities. You will use more paint this way as a lot will be overspray but it will achieve a more even coverage. Please don't think I'm teaching granny to suck eggs as I realise you've sprayed before, just helping if I can ................ BTW, where the hell does that 'granny sucking eggs' thing come from?
  17. I've found by trial and error that the best way for me (by no means the only way) is to screw a piece of baton on as a 'replacement neck' and hold it around the 7th/9th fret area for control whilst spraying, have a hook screwed in the top to hang it from between coats, hold it up like a giant lollipop as this is more natural for most people than trying to hold it in the air and spraying from underneath. Spray around the sides first and then do the front and back, it will give a better finish than the front/back and then the sides as the overspray from the sides will make the front/back dry or peely if the sides are done last. I have been a panel beater/sprayer for 25 years so this is based on some knowledge. But whatever works for you works . Be careful if using the baton 'neck' idea when hanging between coats not to knock any dust or whatnot off what you're hanging it from, it will land in the top horns and make you go "Gosh darn it!"
  18. I have some wackers on my Harley Benton EUB. Obviously everything is going to be personal preference and dependent on style of music ........... but a quick pro's and con's from my point of view, playing rock'n'roll / folk / country / bluegrass type stuff. Pro's, A very good 'old skool' thumpy sound, nice slap (but you will need a fingerboard pickup), super easy on 'new' fingers, cheap to try. Con's, A bit too floppy for my liking, when you really get going they are a little uncontrollable. Not very defined top end if you want to do jazzy type stuff, very little sustain. I think they actually work really well with an EUB, I think the very low tension almost counter balances the rigidity of an EUB to help it sound more DB-esque (if you're after a gut type of sound).
  19. Nylon coated strings are very popular for acoustics. I use Fender 9120 strings and love them, they are round wound with a nylon wrap, they have a sound somewhere between new rounds and flat, could be likened to old rounds, quite mellow but still have a bit of 'bite'. You'll like the feel as they feel very slick, more so than some flatwound nylons I've used.
  20. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1402820112' post='2476946'] Ah well, I manned up and totally ignored that irritating [b]guitarist[/b] at yesterday's gig. Result! [/quote] Fixed it for ya!
  21. I have the White ones on my Variax, makes no difference to the sound as the processor overrides everything but they feel sexy and have a higher tension (I'll call it tension and most folks will understand so can the 'Compliance Police' give me a break) than other nylons I tried, which I like. Had to file the nut though ........................ I filed it under 'P'
  22. I just checked all the basses I have at home and the only one to have a first fret dot is the VM Bass vi. It must be a VM thang. Only time will tell if it will bug me ................ now you've bleedin' pointed it out!
  23. He's better than a lot of guitarists I've seen, I didn't hear a bum note from him and no extended solo
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