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Everything posted by jrixn1

  1. From whom? I didn't see any such requests.
  2. Agree - although I don't think he wrote Girl from Ipanema; that was Antonio Jobim.
  3. I don't think Jerry Jemmott's been mentioned yet, who played a jazz with flats. Jaco once described himself as "I’m doing a very bad imitation of Jerry Jemmott"
  4. What is your bass? (P bass with flats...) Try a SolidGoldFX Beta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcDP4uYwKsI (Not me.)
  5. On a similar vein - perhaps it's anachronistic, but a 5-string Limelight.
  6. This would be cool. There's a couple I've seen that on the face of it might have it - Warwick LWA 1000, Phil Jones BP-800 - but I'm unsure if the aux signal is routed through to the speaker and DI outputs - in which case it wouldn't be that useful.
  7. jrixn1

    EBS Micro Bass 3!

    I double on acoustic upright and electric bass guitar, and I've just picked up a MicroBass 3. Primarily (of course) it needs to sound really good on both instruments; but after that what stands out for me are the routing options: I can connect and level-balance both my basses; DI (in fact it has two); aux input for receiving a monitor feed, if I'm using in-ears. whether using in-ears or an on-stage speaker, I can adjust the volume I hear my bass without affecting FOH. I've been noodling about tonight at home and it sounds good. Next gig is on Saturday so can test it out for real then. To answer the previous poster's question: as well as the drive knob itself there are two additional switches affecting the drive character: LO/HI and THIN/NEUTRAL/DEEP. I'm getting a nice hint of break-up using LO and NEUTRAL. Photo, including almost-matching-colour custom in-ears monitor cable (XLR to mini jack):
  8. Personally I am confused by drop D because the intervals between strings change - but I did play for a while in standard D (i.e. all strings down a tone: DGCF), for me it made a lot more sense; so that might be another option.
  9. Perhaps for solid colours - but no bass should ever have a sunburst headstock... (IMHO)
  10. It's even worse in OP's case, since he isn't organizing the courier and so won't have access to proof of delivery or even proof of postage.
  11. MXR M81 is good quality and small. Around £100 used. Parametric mids. Depends on your requirements, as there's no overdrive - it's very clean.
  12. Do you mean you will ultimately use them for FOH, when you've moved to in-ears? I think that might change things just because the best speaker for backline/monitoring might be different from the best FOH speaker. E.g. in my band we have QSC K8 for FOH which seem to work well - but I wouldn't want to use that as a monitor. NB we have subs too with those.
  13. I'm playing upright and five-string bass guitar. I had HD10 and for me it was enough most of the time... but I felt I was sometimes getting to its limits. Then I bought a second HD10 and that was really good... but I didn't like carrying around and setting up two things instead of one. So I now have a 732A and very happy.
  14. I'm also interested - we should have a shootout one day.
  15. An RCF 732A is a bit like a Fearless F112 with a built-in power amp. They are £760. My 5-string sounds great through it and has enough volume to overpower a drummer. If that's not loud enough, there are more powerful models: 735A (£780) or 745A (over budget at £1150). Anyway we still need to know the dimensions of your car's boot
  16. Is the problem that it sometimes sounds boomy, or that you cannot hear yourself very well?
  17. Since you already have a Helix, I don't see what the Ampeg brings -- sell it I gig with an RCF 1x12 and it's really loud. A more compact 1x12 is the QSC CP12 although I haven't tried it myself (but I've used other QSC speakers and they're good). I'm really happy with modelling and I sold all my aforementioned Barefaced cabs and amp last year.
  18. I've too owned a Barefaced One10, used with a 900W amp (500W into 8ohm) and it is very loud, including no compromise on the low end. If small form and light weight is high on your priority, I wouldn't rule it out. Then again with your less-powerful 350W head (putting 200W into 8ohm), that might make a difference. It's hard to say objectively and for definite. If you email Barefaced, they give advice for your individual situation, and offer a one-month trial system.
  19. To give the best advice, I think we need to know: the band line-up and musical style you said you don't need loads of stage volume - do you have PA support, or do you still need your backline to fill the room? if you need to fill the room, what venues are you playing (pub, concert hall, wedding marquee)
  20. Which bass? E.g. if it has a floating bridge and a tailpiece, you might need longer strings to accommodate the extra distance behind the bridge.
  21. Yes, the level control affects the DI level. Stomping it off doesn't cut the DI signal; it just bypasses all the processing.
  22. Bass → effects pedals → BDDI. Then: BDDI XLR → FOH; BDDI 1/4" → GK → Bergs. Set up the BDDI with your preferred eq & tube drive for FOH. Use the GK's controls to tweak the on-stage sound without affecting FOH.
  23. I also still own a B1on, and the B1 Four interface is easier to use and with a clearer display and lights. The B1on is an older chipset, I think. I've not used a B3n but I think it and the B1 Four share the most-recent processor. The B3n has more buttons but it is larger. The list of effects of the B1 Four is here: https://www.zoom-na.com/sites/default/files/products/downloads/pdfs/E_B1FOUR_FX-list_1.pdf
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