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Everything posted by BassTractor

  1. Oh, that's bad, George. I wish you the best of luck in coping with this. best, bert
  2. Congrats from the foreign something as well, both with the show and matrimony! best, bert
  3. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1348054488' post='1808517'] Now these I'd like to see [/quote] What CB says. There's also this built prototype with seven knobs: [attachment=118842:MM Bongo prototype 338.jpg] and one of the last ones before production started: [attachment=118843:MM Bongo proto - last proto.jpg] best, bert
  4. I have a virtually unplayed [b]Needell I[/b] from 1989 (their golden age as you know) and I'd like to swap for your thread. Nothing wrong with it, but it just doesn't fit me very well, whilst my others fit like tailored suits. Interested? best, bert
  5. Welcome Mr. Rhino, sir! (but please be familiar with me if you like), You'll probably find there's a sense of community here (mainly fed by shared experiences about girls sueing us the next day), and the support and interesting information are flowing freely along with the humour. YMMV. Enjoy! best, bert
  6. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1347799686' post='1805081'] I wanted to try them on my Stingray [/quote] You have a PM. best, bert
  7. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1347974765' post='1807446'] Yeuch. It's like putting up paisley curtains in the space shuttle.[/quote] No real yeuch from me, but you're spot on. best, bert
  8. Hey Greggo, Welcome to BC! Yup, it's a great place to set up camp, and it looks like you'll fit right in. Enjoy! bert
  9. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1347956992' post='1807007'] Going to have to alter 'interests' in my profile :-) [/quote]
  10. What a fantastic rant! Sadly, I don't buy it. free bump, bert
  11. Hi Alex, You're one of those, aren't you? Posting just one short question and then vanishing quickly again? Welcome to BC! Thanks for one Hull of an introduction also. Though your pic was already impressive, at the very least we need a detail pic of the tadpole. Share some wisdom and enjoy! best, bert
  12. Thanks, Clarky! Lovely stuff for some old geezers like meself, and apparently for some young'uns too. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1347912539' post='1806632'] They really knew how to use dynamics to their full too, I think the Lamb might have the widest dynamic range of all the non classical music in my collection? [/quote] Hey! Completely new perspective for me. Never even used one brain cell on Genesis' dynamics. Cool and thanks. As for dynamics in prog, my pet peeve has always been Van der Graaf Generator. VdGG not only used dynamics to the extreme, but also followed them up with wildly varying vocals with great intensity. Lurv them. Lurv Genesis almost as much. best, bert
  13. Hey Themrperson, Welcome to BC, belatedly. It was great reading your story, and as you already will know, people will be standing in line to help you progress. Be aware though when writing your bass is "crap". Before you know it, people will wanna set it up for you at your home, and they'll be asking for your address, not even realising this sometimes is not appropriate. Anyway, kudos for joining, and don't be a stranger, best, bert
  14. Hey John, Though I'm funky nor groovy, allow me to wish you welcome to the surface. Great read, that OP. Keep enjoying, bert
  15. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1347908972' post='1806554'] it's hard not to move when you are the main rhythm player, her mind tends to be on 3 things at once so mike discipline isn't top of the list when playing and singing.[/quote] This again points to Cheeky Mikey and he should preferably come with a Sound Transmitting Device, but those tend to stress your assumed budget gravely, unless the church will pay. If you can find a cheap one, check back with us (not me - I don't know any of them personally) or search for serious tests. In a budget situation, I still feel that in total she may be best served by the ones proposed by Stevie. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1347908972' post='1806554'] From what I can see a supercardiod would be best?[/quote] Practically speaking and simply: yes. Do not get taken in by the word itself though. I once had some cheapish supercardioids (still like 50 or 60 quid) that were rubbish as to feedback. The essence is to choose a Potent Mike like the AKGs, Audio Technicas, Beyerdynamics or Sennheisers. Remember you can't go really wrong with an SM57 (see what Spike wrote), but one has to almost eat the SMs and hide one's face behind them. best, bert
  16. I've seen numbers here that something has to deviate 15% for it to be legal. Silly question: how the feck are you gonna calculate that then? Company names here, however, are legal already if they deviate with one letter or an apostrophe, so the company Coca/Cola is already legal in that respect. Guess three times who is gonna win the lawsuit though... best' bert'
  17. [quote name='Leon Transaxle' timestamp='1347884157' post='1806069'] Why do this then leave the back battery cover in a pristine condition? [/quote] This. By large, all these jobs reveal their fakeness on this type of things, the basses' pristine necks standing out most. Nothing more charming and awe-inspiring than a well working or weird old instrument that really has gone through its paces, and shows it. But relic'ing? "I'm sick! Stop the car [b]right now[/b]!" best, bert
  18. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1347822890' post='1805507'] She is quite soft spoken and the church is fairly big and old.[/quote] Getting back to this: How are the acoustics? How many pairs of speakers are used? Any speakers close to the "speaking area" and pointing in its general direction? Charic's ideas seem very worthwile to me, but the clip-ons are easily a hit or miss, and should be tested on the actual soft-spoken one in the actual room. Also, cables or expensive wireless systems really trouble the experience, especially when different people are gonna use them during the same service. A good supercardioid on a stand on the other hand is simple and just works. That said, for speach I use a cheapish Olympus (yes, Olympus) clip-on that works a treat even when a motor is running right on the side. My Beyerdynamic (which I chose over the SM58 even though my sister worked for Shure at the time) hardly leaves its box. best, bert
  19. [quote name='Mick Kahn't' timestamp='1347802743' post='1805147'] Although looking at the SR500 now as you seem to get a bit more for not too much more money [/quote] That's great. Here it costs at least twice as mu ... Oooh! Your fat fingers again! You're lusting for the SR5000E-OL. I see. Great bass I reckon. best, bert
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1347790968' post='1804912'] Because hardly anyone uses them.[/quote] Essentially yes. Customers tend to have no idea about how extremely expensive it is to produce, distribute, stock and market products that are of a less popular type. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1347795011' post='1804985'] I think more and more people are discovering and liking them, especially on the other side of the pond. [/quote] Yes, we do like them on this side of the pond. That said, I've always liked them, though it started out as a finger saving alternative to the then obligatory Rotosound rounds. I'm now(ish) putting flats on my fretted Bongo, as it is said to sound killer. best, bert
  21. Hey Iain, Welcome to BC and welcome back to bass. It's buyers' market these days, so a cheap combo is waiting for you at another basschatter's house. Good luck with the chase. best, bert
  22. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1347746672' post='1804664'] You're already addicted [/quote] Hehehe, glad you did spot it. Yes, I am, and am very grateful too. best, bert
  23. Man, I wish I could help. Sadly, in 45 years of playing, I've never dropped a note, never played the wrong song, never playing at a different speed than the rest of the band, never had a sound guy get drunk during the break, never had any cables being pulled out, and always had a perfect mix in the monitor. So I can't help you, but my guess would be that you're human, which must be nice, I guess. My guess would also be that next time you guys will do everything, [b]everything[/b], to make sure you can hear each other, and you will do just fine. My last guess is that this experience will help you grow. Good luck. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. best, bert
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