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Everything posted by Oopsdabassist

  1. Like many on here it seems, I met Colin Via SE bass bash, a lovely chap, who always had a good word for everything, so sad to hear of his passing, he will be remembered.
  2. Congrats Col, helluva slot to fill, good on ya!
  3. Being an impressionable teenager reading shedloads of Sci Fi and listening to Yes, I always apportioned their lyrics to sc fi/fantasy themes (the albums covers helped ofc!)..Nowadays it seems even Jon Anderson didn't know what his lyrics were about!! He just liked the way they sounded together 😎
  4. SO many great Bowie basslines to play.... Moonage, Panic In Detroit, Ziggy, China Girl, Heroes, the list is endless.....maybe I should be in a Bowie Tribute band lol!
  5. Damn that was good, Gratz for getting the recognition!
  6. Tell Tim he owes me a pint if you spend money with him....I should get finders fees lol!!
  7. @TimAl on here makes banners that fit over Cabs, so maybe something to cover your PA speakers? https://www.speaker.graphics/
  8. One of the best gigs...and one of the loudest, every time I saw em my ears were ringing for days after......still do actually, I wonder if its connected!
  9. Ooh..my copy isn't signed....off to Christies!!
  10. At a yearly festival, a guitar stand with my name at it, we got invited back the following year...and there it was on the stage!!!
  11. Sept 2003 at the Pitz In Milton Keynes, I'd been playing Bass for about 5 months at this point so only knew about half the set, the lead singer played the other half instead of his 12 string acoustic. I just cowered next to my amp for the whole gig looking terrified lol!
  12. LMAO!!! Its also a great excuse to get loud and trebly! Γ‘ la Entwhistle's tone, something I don't often do
  13. Used to do Pinball Wizard too, until the guitarist complained it hurt his fingers and sulked until we dropped it...*sigh*
  14. Used to do Substitute with old band, a real lead part right there, trying to persuade current band to do it..seeing as I've learnt it! Also mini bass solo in there too...and I hate soloing!!
  15. Its a fair point I suppose, but they way the lyrics are shoehorned in are exactly what I like about Prog style music, nothing is ever simple! πŸ‘for Turn The Page though. Hold Your Fire was one of the few 80/90's albums I actually liked.
  16. My faves would be Pretty much anything off Clockwork Angels, that album really was a return to the 70's Rush that I love! I grew up with the pomp of 2112 and Hemispheres. I also loved the clever lyrics of 'Trees,' although as a Brit I winced a bit too!
  17. Kinda glad I rarely get above playing in pubs...Can't be @rsed with all that stress shiite
  18. Oh yes, he had/has a large selection of double necks to choose from!
  19. Agreed! I've always found Genesis bass lines confusing though, probably cos I can never be quite sure if they are bass guitar, bass pedals or Tony Bank's left hand!
  20. Wel Jel bro!....that looks awesome, and I have no doubt it sounds the same1
  21. ooh tell us more, I love this nitty gritty stuff!!
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