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Everything posted by Oopsdabassist

  1. Thumbs up from me, 👍...some funky chops you have there sirrah!
  2. hey there...helluva resumé! Welcome..post long and often
  3. Its on over here sometime today, Mrs Oops just asked me to record it!
  4. dayamn that was SO good.... tnx for sharing dude!
  5. We were asked to cover a gig as previous band pulled out at last minute..obviously didn't realise the footy was on. had a bash at 3 lions but the drummer sulked (he's a Scot lol) Given the short notice we played a great set to a small but very appreciative crowd in the garden of the pub, plenty of leftovers from the hog roast too so we all got doggy bags (well in my case moggy bag lol)
  6. Yup mostly written in the Buggles era at same time as Drama but never used until later
  7. Loving that Ozric tentacles track, just ordered the CD off Amazon on the back of that! I love live albums me
  8. As much as I loved Chris Squire's input into Yes, ARW is the real deal nowadays IMO, I'll almost certainly get the live album, Live stuff I've seen on youtube show them to be re-invigorated and as others have said, Lee Pomeroy is excellent!
  9. that link you posted looks like a replacement pot rather than a simple resistor addon..Any chance of a pic of your one..pretty please?
  10. Well at least its a bass! Got that bit right!!!
  11. All over the shop, but like Lozz I have set the tone and Vol knobs so I can see the grub screw hole and give me a visual on how they're set
  12. ooh, do us a favour? take a pic for me? Should be able to work out what the size of the resistor is from that. Cheers!!
  13. We saw one a few years back called Oasish, they had the whole Schtick down perfect, muddy wall of sound, no charisma between them, gormless looking front man..they were spot on! 😁
  14. Hey bud, I've got one of these and the hot output is causing me problems too, can you elucidate as to what the fix was please? Oh and £230 is a cracking price for one of these people..get in!
  15. Oh well if we are doing pics..here is an arty silhouette shot from Bedford Festival about 4 years ago!!!
  16. Welcome aboard JJ, post long and often! No more lurking...time to get stuck in lol.
  17. I reckon you could take someone's ears off with that headstock!!
  18. I saw Lozz's band there a while back, liked the atmosphere a lot..must try and get my lot in there!
  19. I am seriously liking that, and I'm only glad I don't use ebay so I'm not tempted!!!
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