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Everything posted by Japhet

  1. Sweet Home Alaf*******bama! Purile garbage for toothless rednecks that on a good night only goes on for about half an hour.
  2. This is about the funniest thing I've seen on youtube; [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOF1FJ7wGhw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOF1FJ7wGhw[/url] I'm in tears pretty much every time I see it.
  3. David Garibaldi and Francis Rocco Prestia (Tower of Power) deserve a mention. Vinnie Corliuta (can't spell) and Tal Wikenfield (can't spell that either!)
  4. I use a Streamliner 600 through a TechSoundsystems 2x12 which is a similar setup to yours. I've only had 'boom' issues on larger hollow stages but I have a foam rubber pad to go under the cab now which does the job. I'd also suggest using a long lead so you can get away from the cab for a listen at gigs - it usually sounds better than you think when you're up close.
  5. Threads like this always make me think of the TV advert where one little girl asks her sister "What do you love more, Daddy or chips?"
  6. Bump for a stonking 5 string. Have one exactly like this and it's a monster!
  7. +2 for the Streamliner. I bought your Techsoundsystems 2x12 a while back Pete and it sounds stonking with the Streamliner.
  8. Couldn't possibly pick 4 and there have been some corkers already. I'll have a bash at 4 from different genres that are worth checking out though; Love Shack - B52s The Way - Meshell NdegeOcello Birdland - Weather Report Pressure and Time - Rival Sons
  9. First up was James Jamerson. I was inspired by such melodic lines. Through the years I'd say Chuck Rainey, Carol Kaye, Jaco, Pino Palladino, Mark King, Chris Squire, Tina Weymouth,David Dyson to name a few. Victor Wooten is also in there for the simple reason that he continually pushes the envelope of what you can do with some imagination.
  10. Seems that many of us have the same issues. I've played with some fantastic drummers and some proper duffers too. Trying to hold it together when the tempo is drifting about and the flashy fills always come back in on the wrong beat can play havoc with your own confidence. I play with a drummer at present who slows down during songs and I feel as if I'm trying to drag him along to stop it from grinding to a halt. Drives me nuts! It is a wonnderful feeling to play with a really tight and competent drummer though, especially when either he or you can mess about with the beat and have a rock solid point of reference to come back to.
  11. Don't play it anymore (cos we don't have a female singer!) but I always loved playing You Oughtta Know by alanis Morisette. I heard somewhere that Flea and Chad Smith were on it but don't know if that's true.
  12. Did a Christmas lights turn on gig last Sat. -5C outdoors! No feeling in the fingers at all after 2 songs. Played ror about an hour. Spent most of Sunday thawing out! Here's a snippet. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn_xrJ_Iu3w&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn_xrJ_Iu3w&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/url]
  13. Seems to be impossible to keep politics (with a small p) out of bands. Unfortunately it seems to be that we bassists are generally undervalued and often our opinions are ignored. I've had similar situations in the past and would walk away from it every time. Last time I ended up without a band I started having lessons to learn some theory since I had always played by ear. It was much better use of my time than putting up with the garbage you're currently enduring.
  14. I've been using one of these for about a year now and just love it. It's easy to set up and gives good visual feedback of what is actually happening to the signal via the flashing 'scale' on the unit. I've had various compressors in the past that often seemed to be doing nothing at all. can't imagine being without this one though.
  15. Could bring along my Genz Benz Streamliner 600 and TechSoundSystems ND212S cab provided no last minute gigs materialise, Could also bring pedal board with a few flashy lighty clicky buttony things on it.
  16. These apparently had a problem where a star washer was missing on the earth strap to the chassis. I've only just found this out and have already blown mine up twice so it's worth checking this out. It was a manufacturing fault which costs a few pence to sort out.
  17. Personal favorite is Pino Palladino. Larry Graham surely deserves a mention. Also David Dyson; [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OiBzYckcYI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OiBzYckcYI[/url]
  18. I was looking for something to back up my MM Stingray 4 and wanted something affordable which did something different to the 4. I picked up a Lakland Skyline 5 string for £400. At the same time my beloved Stingray developed some problems with the input jack so I started using the Lakland straight away and as of now, some 4 months later, I'm still using it and haven't repaired the MM either. Great sounding bass and easy to play too.
  19. Ashdown mini cabs for sale. I bought these some time back off ebay. The 1x15 had been loaded with a 300 watt Celestion, and inspite of assurances to the contrary, all 4 Blueline drivers in the 4x8 were completely knackered and seized. I therefore replaced these with 150 watt Celestions (to give 600 watt handling) which give the whole setup a really nice 'warm' sound. I've used a Trace SMX head and more recently a Genz Benz Streamliner and both not only sounded great but also achieved some very impressive volumes. Bearing in mind that I play with one extremely loud guitarist and another one who has to try to keep up, it was no mean feat to be heard in the mix. These cabs did it with loads of headroom. I've thoroughly enjoyed having these cabs and they have been invaluable where venue size dictates that the bass player ends up wedged in a corner adopting a Bill Wyman pose to avoid involuntary window removal with the headstock or tangling with the drum kit. For cabs with such a minimal footprint they move some serious air. Cabs are generally in good condition with just the odd tiny nick in the covering and no other damage. 1x15 weighs about 20Kg (I think) and 4x8 is a bit more. I have now gone down the 2x12 Neo route. Halving the number of trips to set up gear is just too tempting with my advancing years. I'm asking £300 for the pair (collected) which I think is good value (and am not fussed about keeping them either). Courier would be extra but am happy to discuss meeting up. I'm near Cambridge.
  20. Interested in this. Whereabouts are you in Suffolk? I'm only in Cambridge.
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