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Everything posted by chaypup

  1. That's very interesting Steve - thanks! Do you have any pics at all?
  2. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1423678988' post='2687888'] ^^^^ Denise LaSalle - 1985 I have it on a cd..........I'll get me coat........... [/quote] [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1423679272' post='2687892'] Saddo And of course Frankie including the twee bass intro (which my sister named her daughter after!) [/quote] I have both of these 'classics' on the "Hits 3' Album - on vinyl!
  3. Thanks for the replies! Here's what's underneath the tape - looks a bit homemade. [URL=http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/chaylockyer/media/Daion%20Preamp/IMG_4229_zpsfplw7wgj.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii616/chaylockyer/Daion%20Preamp/IMG_4229_zpsfplw7wgj.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  4. Cardiff is GREAT! Some of the inhabitants are a bit grumpy though...
  5. I'm not but yes it would be an extremely rare prototype that was once breathes on by er, James Jameson's second cousin once removed. There's a push pull pot on the bridge pickup volume which activates the preamp and then there's bass boost pot and a treble pot. That's it! Oh, its 18v
  6. Ah, damn! Did you ever make a preamp with it and spray it black though?
  7. I was replacing the batteries on my 1982 Daion and it got me to wondering what make of preamp I had in there. The guy I bought it off said he had owned the bass since 1985 and it was already installed when he bought it. The pots are British Omegs so I would think the whole unit is British - but what? Anybody recognise it? (I know, it doesn't help that part has been sprayed black, the ribbon is pretty distinctive though) [URL=http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/chaylockyer/media/Daion%20Preamp/IMG_4215_zpsj5frq02b.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii616/chaylockyer/Daion%20Preamp/IMG_4215_zpsj5frq02b.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1262.photobucket.com/user/chaylockyer/media/Daion%20Preamp/IMG_4223_zpshashuw8v.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii616/chaylockyer/Daion%20Preamp/IMG_4223_zpshashuw8v.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  8. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1423248398' post='2682850'] Easiest way to play Sir Duke is by keeping your wrist fixed at your start point, and play the lot using only one octave....The whole thing is done using a tight pattern, and your hand never moves up or down. Some how it looks even more amazing than flying up and down the neck, as even though it is only using one octave, in a band environment, it sounds no different, apart from all the bottom end DOESN'T drop out in the high register parts.. Try it...7 notes and no hand movement whatsoever.. [/quote] Excuse me for being thick but how? Start note on the unison run is low F# and the top note is Eb almost 3 octaves above it. Even playing on a 5 string theres 13 frets between bottom and top. Do you have a video of what you mean? Thanks!
  9. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1423572871' post='2686435'] I think she's a little thin and nasal. [/quote] Yes but what about her singing?
  10. I'd agree with JTUK here, at least for Cardiff at any rate. There is more and more live music and of greater variety than I've ever seen before. Not just venues and pubs either but many restaurants are having regular bands as well as pop up venues and art galleries etc.
  11. "Hoax" on the Westone Forums does them, or used to anyway http://forum.westoneguitars.net/t3460-westone-headstock-decal
  12. Cardiff Castle is great! If you have a definite date nearer the time I'll be able to tell you loads of events that will be going on.
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1423572490' post='2686427'] [url="https://m.soundcloud.com/robert-palmer-1/estate"]https://m.soundcloud...palmer-1/estate[/url] [/quote] Very very nice. Is the rest of the band the same at all the nights you put on or are you the only 'house' player?
  14. Yes we art ( apart from the ladies) Edit: Sorry Bilbo, misread your post - thought you were asking if we were men - who's Art Themen?
  15. Ha no I was a French horn player, although I did play string bass with West Glam when I first moved to Neath in 1992. Sight reading! Stravinsky! In a competition! Could never do that now. Actually maybe not Stravinsky but someone Russian anyway
  16. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1423561644' post='2686232'] My one and only big tour was as a classical musician.... 18 days, 2 rest days, sometimes 2 gigs a day in venues between 2000 seater and 5000 seater, school visits, media following us, overnight sleeper trains, some sightseeing (but not much), live TV performance to an estimated 30 million people. Through China, aged 15, in 1989 (giving away my age now ). Back in the day where there was no mobile phones and we had to arrange in advance a telephone call back to Wales so our parents knew we were OK!! This is where my earlier story about the restaurant comes from!! It was my introduction to sake! This tour was by far one of the best experiences of my life and I am godmother to my "roomies" children and godmother to another of the girls children and am in touch still with most of the gang!! Couldn't do it now though I rather like gigging on Saturday nights exclusively once or twice a month. Any more than that and I'd keel over with my full time job That said to set up the full show does take around 4 hours!! And around 2 hours to take down again!! Back in 1989 I was a little diva that just opened up her Oboe case and got ready to play, 5 mins max!! [/quote] What orchestra were you in - National Youth Orchestra of Wales? I was in that! Around the same sort of time too though I didn't get to go on the China tour. However, I did get to tour Holland with the wind band and ended up buying a very fetching leather cap from a lovely shop on Valkenburg...
  17. Thanks! [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1423085504' post='2680644'] MB1. Please Note If you wish to offer a possible trade for the bass? Please feel free to do so by Personal Message to the seller Don't post it on his sale ad as it will be removed. [/quote] That's interesting. What's the reason for that?
  18. Ah full-screened the vid and saw Modulus on the headstock, so it's a Modulus Vertex! Anyone here own one?
  19. Quite like it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIbqYDmEifQ&index=13&list=PLPYwVKc3WGbXfKB_3Lj_d6Bdq6L8Am2kL&ab_channel=KEXP
  20. It's not famous enough for Shazam or Midomi to recognise. The lyrics don't get anything on Google either. Ask him!
  21. Thanks for the replies! I found some on eBay in the end
  22. Do I need the whole of the next line or just the song/artist?
  23. Just a regular swing residency gig last night but after being away for 3 weeks it felt good to have the fingerboard under my fingers again!
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