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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. "How can you have your pudding, if you don't eat your meat?!!" I use this daily on my kids at teatime. But seriously, his lyrics do seem to get better the older I get. Very mature songwriting for such a young lad.
  2. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1434100247' post='2796617'] Saw this today with a very unusual Shell Pink front door and thought of this thread. [URL=http://s16.photobucket.com/user/Susannah1/media/shell%20pink.jpg.html][IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b14/Susannah1/shell%20pink.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] I ain't knocking that at all, nice pink! Coat got, taxi's here..
  3. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1434102783' post='2796669'] But ultimately, it's up to you You don't have to justify your choices to anyone, least of all yourself (stolen from another BC'er!) PS. Let us know what you opt for PPS. Whatever that is, it will be "right" [/quote] Wise words! I'll say it loud..,"I LIKE PINK AND I'M PROUD!!" There. It's out. Yes of course I'll keep you updated and show the finished article when I'm done. (by the end of the summer spraying season that is )
  4. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1434020165' post='2795959'] This seems like a good time to calm the nerves of the multitudes rendered insensible at the sight of a gentleman [s]playing with his pink wood in [/s][s]public[/s] owning a bass in very pale red, by posting a picture of the legendary Shrinking Violet being used in anger. Any excuse! [IMG]http://i920.photobucket.com/albums/ad50/vinnybassist/soundcheck_zps94d87c5e.jpg[/IMG] [/quote] Vinny, you just kicked the door right off it's hinges there mate! 👍
  5. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1434010979' post='2795832'] I know that was tongue in cheek, but I kind of agree. I think they look great, but I wouldn't want one myself. I'd feel it would be too much of a girly cliché somehow. [/quote] You know, I never thought of it that way seashell. Good call.
  6. [quote name='peety' timestamp='1432734297' post='2784386'] Limelight in shell pink with tort and rosewood [attachment=192947:LIMELIGHT.JPG] [/quote] Yep. 👌
  7. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1432731580' post='2784350'] My Shell Pink P-Bass [URL=http://s7.photobucket.com/user/kevin_lindsay/media/FB_IMG_1426059007309.jpg.html][IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/FB_IMG_1426059007309.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/quote] Very cool looking P mate. Is it a custom shop? Or did you put it together yourself? The tug bar sets it off really nicely. It IS all in the details. I think I'm going to go for it with either a mint green or 1-ply black pickguard (1-ply because I'll have to spray the parchment one that's on there already! ) Thanks for the inspiration all!!
  8. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1432729214' post='2784318'] Pink is fine. I have an MIJ '96 Anniversary Jazz which I acquired many years ago through this Forum. It has all the signs of being heavily used both by the original owner and myself. I found that the original white scratch plate was a bit too in-your-face so I changed it to a Tort. This was taken before I changed back to a VVT control plate. [/quote] Sorry for the late replys here.. I love the look of tort with the pink on your bass . I've come around to agreeing that it's got to be with a rosewood fingerboard though. Cool bass!
  9. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1433747409' post='2793474'] Nice to see that the hostilities have gone into a bit of a Lull... [/quote] Yes, it was getting a bit Sad.. ✌
  10. [quote name='goonieman' timestamp='1433703086' post='2793258'] ... why would you keep the $$ ? [/quote] I'd keep it because I've had a 2eq Stingray as an only bass myself, and while it was amazing it was not versatile enough for me. If it had been a HH 'ray it might have been a different story. I've played a $$ Warwick and was very impressed. Very user friendly and comfy to play with loads of tone options. I reckon you'd get more for the Stingray too which is handier if things are tight. When you're flush again later on, get another!
  11. Worth every penny! Loved my 415 but it proved too heavy for me even though it only weighed 9lbs.
  12. ...or still within your budget, the Squier Matt Freeman: http://www.richtonemusic.co.uk/products/squier_matt_freeman_precision_bass_black.asp?gclid=COn66e_Z9MUCFaISwwod_ZAARQ That USA P5 looks to be a cracking deal though!...
  13. Another, cheaper option could be to go for one of the Vintage V4 Tony Butler P's and put some Roto flats on. Alot of bass for little money: http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Vintage-V4-Tony-Butler-Live-Signature-Bass-Black/T0Y?origin=product-ads&utm_campaign=PLA+Shop+-+Avid&utm_medium=vertical_search&network=google&adgroup=*All+Products.+Avid&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=37618d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=120825695599&gclid=CPaei9_X9MUCFWnItAod3VoA9w
  14. 10/15 I wasn't even aware there WAS an alto clef. Learnt a few things there!
  15. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1433323592' post='2790029'] No! - because it costs them more than £10 to post a large and heavy pedal or a sub 199 Euro speaker cab! The shipping fee is standard across all orders under 199 Euro. So a 25kg item that costs under 199 Euro is still only £10. Any "savings" or "extra income" on a £10 shipping fee on a packet of strings is offset against the loss incurred on shipping a much heavier item for the same price. [/quote] I see. 👍
  16. No way it will cost Thomann £10 to post some strings, therefore they most probably receive £35-36 for each set. I wonder if they are just selling them at cost that way?
  17. [quote name='Old Man Riva' timestamp='1432851636' post='2785709'] Keef played bass on the studio version [/quote] Just been watching the studio sessions for "Sympathy". Yeah it's Keef on bass (nice P bass) and poor Bill's been relegated to shaker. Worth a watch! http://youtu.be/nxyDrHzoIH8
  18. Can't help you regarding the authenticity of your bass but plain old white spirit is fantastic at removing sticker goo. Fine on plastic.
  19. Never thought about a black pickguard until I saw this. I think it works instead of the tort for a dark contrast. What do you think?
  20. Wow! Thank you both for those vids! I've never really been into Jack Bruce but I now realise that I've completely misunderstood him all these years. What a pedigree.. Pro at 15 etc... Sh**! Very informative hour just spent there. Wow! 👍
  21. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1432832691' post='2785459'] I love Geddys sound, but for me the single song that makes me drool at the bass sound, is "Judith "by A Perfect circle. I get quite moist when I hear it! [/quote] Funny you should mention A Perfect Circle as I was just coming along to say that Paz Lenchantin's tone on this live Entrance Band beach gig is my current fave bass tone. Just raw roundwound P bass growly goodness: http://youtu.be/jS5ZkvZyTM4
  22. Hipshot Ultralite tuners would help with that.
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