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Everything posted by mentalextra

  1. Interesting subject. Would a bass ever be too rare and/or valuable to use regularly i wonder?
  2. And the Spanish are an inquisitive people?
  3. He is hugely talented and has a successful business, but he's not my cup of tea? And in fairness I probably wouldn't be his cup of tea either! Now if Pino did an online bass course.....?
  4. Not to mention, and in the street vernacular, that he "hit that thang"
  5. This was my first thought. But if the photographer decides to 'kick off' about it, the OP's band will become "the band on the poster that got the charity event shut down?" All publicity is good publicity, no!
  6. The sweeney had some interesting bass parts backing up scenes and setting the mood. Especially when they were following someone, they usually had some nice bass
  7. I had the same issue, are the fret markers made of harder plastic? I wonder if they tend to force up the fingerboard slightly when manufactured because some are less affected than others like this. I also never realised you could refinish the ebanol fingerboards, whoops?
  8. The Dactylion Chirogymnast Google them, I dare you!
  9. I was a typesetter back then, i know! It's probably a little harsh to judge the work done at that time by this advert, even 'pre computer' times. The industry went through so many changes around that time. When I joined the trade it was at the start of 'computerisation'. I worked with many guys who had spent their working lives on hot metal. The front end systems were specialised, hugely expensive code driven machines that looked as though they could have put a rocket on the moon, but probably contained the same computing power as an iphone. But it all changed very quickly and fortunately I got out before DTP really took hold and everyone was doing it on their 386! Anyway, the advert, to my mind, looks as though it's been 'pasted up', done on the cheap. EG check out the word spacing, especially between the words AMAZING and BASS compared to BASS and WITH. Also a little too much space after the word 'pop,' which I think indicates manual paste up and last minute changes! They have RR/RL the three para next to the image but the last para is centred weirdly. I'm guessing the text was set to suit a different design and it's been hacked around! Just my opinion
  10. Tony Franklin always scores a blank on BC , not sure why? He seems to have earned his medals?
  11. Youtube has changed so many lives. Some youtubers have become millionaires for actually doing very little?
  12. "Near enough's good enough!" That's how the Fodera is setup at the factory?
  13. This is quite interesting. Scott decides an adjustment of the cheap bass is needed at about 3:10, and starts cranking on the truss rod and 'eyeballing' the strings, it's the weirdest thing. Bearing in mind the 'relief' is measured in thousands of an inch he must have eyes like a hawk? Although it's only a 'cheap' bass so it doesn't matter!
  14. Remote country cottages are great when you are fit with your own transport. i'm going to move next to a hospital when i retire!
  15. Not sure where you are based, or what you're after but there's also East Coast Music, Hornchurch Rd. DV247, Chesham Close (off North St) and Drum City, High Street. I can't vouch for any of these places, but I often drive passed them. There are probably others?
  16. The art of drumming. Victorian criminals would knock on the door of a house to see if it was empty prior to burglary. This was known as 'drumming'. Where the term 'drum' or home comes from.
  17. I understand that back in the day there were limited parts available, no ebay etc and he had to get whatever he could. I believe something fell on the guitar and it had to be repaired quickly. He just left it? I am not an SRV guru, someone will probably reply with the full SP
  18. It's sad that SRV actually wanted his guitars to be affordable/realistically priced instruments. Or was he being naiive? Still sad.
  19. And you thought 'off topic' was a rough house!
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