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Everything posted by Bigwan

  1. That's one I wish I'd bought! Played it in The Bass Gallery a number of years ago. One of the top 3 basses I've ever laid my hands on. Met our dear departed colleague Flanker that day and played it through his Thunderfunk amp and an Epifani 4x10... Glorious...
  2. Yeah, who needs intonation...
  3. One of the best drives you can get. Should be much more popular. Good luck with your sale. Surprised it's still here to be honest!
  4. I remember seeing ads for these and the rest of the Fenix line, possibly in Guitarist magazine, WAY back.
  5. I've given this some thought too. With regards to the d-roc you can change the pickup selector - they're freely available from bass direct. Is there much difference in the actual placement of the pickups? You can swap mid and front pickups around to change the available options from musician-esque to jazz-esque (see videos on YouTube). As for fret access, is there much need to be up the REALLY dusty end?
  6. Oh, and if you can find an MTD Heir or Kingston they're also worth a shout...
  7. Wow! You don't see many of these. Good luck with your sale.
  8. If you keep your eyes open you MIGHT get a Lakland 5501 at the top of your budget or very slightly over. Best 5 string costing that kind of money that I've owned. The neck is just sublime. Sire are great, but I'm not a great fan of their preamp. Also make sure you play before you buy as there are occasional QC issues (binding, etc) and some are like boat anchors (my Alder/Rosewood V7) was knocking on for 11lbs/5kg, although balance was good which helped a lot).
  9. Ever feel like selling up everything and starting your gear journey all over again... Feeling that way about now... Could be a lot of classified ads up between Christmas and New Year!

    1. LowB_FTW


      What prompted this then?

    2. Bigwan


      Disillusioned and trying to sort out the difference between want and need...

  10. Pics?
  11. Will these work with HX Stomp? Enquiring minds and all that!
  12. I recently bought one of the HAZ clones advertised on the Spector fans FB page. I had planned to put it in my Euro 5, but you've got me thinking about mounting it in a pedal instead!
  13. Wish I wasn't potless... I'd have this in a second!
  14. Oh, local builder I wasn't aware of... Might have to look into these!
  15. That's just lovely...
  16. Yeah I wouldn't suggest a signature bass for exactly the same reason. Just something similar!
  17. Depends what era of U2, but I'd go with a jazz. His current signature bass looks good, but any jazz with blocks would fit. Or a sparkly P bass with a block/bound jazz neck. He's used so many over the years...
  18. Collection only kills this for me, but I can't imagine it'll hang around long at that price!
  19. Perhaps they could be persuaded to make a V2 of the super vintage which was switchable between svt and b15! Maybe too much like the newer Ampeg preamp then though...
  20. Never been on my radar before, but I really want to try one now!
  21. This place is awesome. I'm in!
  22. Cannot believe this is still here at this price... Built a few of these now and they are spot-on DG at a fraction of the price!
  23. You'd have to spend A LOT to get much better than the Hartke. If necessary HPFs, cab sims and IRs can all be done "inside the box" in software for free. While a Tech21 VT bass will sound different, it's not necessarily better just a different flavour... and given Tech21's total lack of interest in controlling the cost of their products for anybody outside the US I wouldn't be buying one unless it's used. There's probably a cheap/free plugin out there that does a better Ampeg anyway if that's what you're after. My only problem with the Hartke is its size, but since I'm not gigging it's not exactly a problem!
  24. I have an ACG Finn 4 with same pickup/preamp. Amazingly good bass, as all Alan's creations are!
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