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Everything posted by dc2009

  1. Each to his own here really, I've gotta disagree with most of what Chris said about the Warwick! IMO their flat, 'D' profile neck is far better than the 'C' style one. Also IMO ofc, but I think the ash-bodied Corvette $$ is far from unimpressive, but the best bass Warwick make (and I'm not saying that because I've owned two of them), but I think it has the best playability, a great balance, a great raw tone and also the most tonally versatile bass I have ever come across. Spectors seem fairly popular in R'n'B and modern soul, a very smooth tone but really great sounding mid to high end - the kind of guys I see playing them tend to have 5ers with high C's (in my experience).
  2. [quote name='Darkstrike' timestamp='1317424151' post='1390730'] Lotta room there to pop in a neck pickup of your choice. [/quote] True. At £200 you could mod the hell out of it, but why not get one second hand and save yourself a bit?
  3. V basses are cool, but try living with one! I think that's where a modern thunderbird is a bit more reasonable. One thing I've found, the cheapest V style instruments don't have any grippy material inbuilt where it should rest on your knee, so it slides off! I also think that bass looks like it has dirt cheap electronics and finishing, I think you could probably make a better bass yourself for the same money (maybe even give it a fender neck or something).
  4. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1317294147' post='1389083'] This was possibly before you joined BC though was it? Did they charge you to sort your Warwick nut? [/quote] Yep, and yes they did. It needed a new one as the old one had snapped during a string change (ugh).
  5. Tempted on the Schecter if my Dean shifts, so might be able to help you out there! Might even be with the Ibanez instead if my Trace sells too!
  6. Ack! Too few strings. She's a looker and a bargain, someone will have this.
  7. dc2009

    MM SUB 5

    Mmmmm, I'm tempted by a SUB 5 to get me into MMs. How much is it a story of Squier and Fender, Rockbass and Warwick? I always got the impression that SUBs are decent instruments, but do they really pale in comparison to their twice-the-price EBMM equivalents?
  8. I've been to the Bass Centre for it (nut issue on a Warwick) before, people badmouth them but I found them knowledgeable, helpful and fairly priced. Glad you've got it sorted though!
  9. I don't know his name but the guy from Killers comes up with some great lines. Alex Webster of CC is a great shout, a very talented bass player indeed. I'll also add Steve DiGiorgio previously of Death and Testament, as well as some decent sessions with Quo Vadis, some lightning quick basslines that are great fun to play! And a fretless man too!
  10. Thank you, Paul, no worries. You heard it here folks. It's still up for sale and I'm now back from hols, so come and get it!
  11. Any interest in my Bartolini equipped, quilt topped Dean, link below?
  12. 25 years, wow! What a bass player. Bought my first stompbox because it sounded like instant-Anesthesia! RIP
  13. Me being an idiot and not knowing my RB Warwicks, sorry guys. RBs have always been made in China, let's just say I had a senior moment OK?
  14. Hi Mark, Sounds like there's a lot of factors in play here. Not sure which shop you went to, but always ask if you can get put through your amp, or at least an amp you are familiar with so that you know how to set it up as you like is what I would say. I'm also not 100% sure of the differences between the Chinese and the Korean RB models, but I can't imagine they would be too different. IMO, if you had either bass, set it up as that guy has done in that video, then had the same amp and set that up the same way, you wouldn't be sat here feeling uninspired! Looking at the Warwick website, it looks like the old Korean RB making facility has started producing their Artist and Pro series, and that a Chinese facility is now making the RBs. There will definitely be some construction method differences between the two factories, and perhaps some differences in the actual bass spec, but I don't think it would be by a lot, but perhaps getting your hands on a second hand, Korean made RB model would confirm that for you (don't think you'll find a brand new one if they don't make them anymore). If you play string gauges [i]that[/i] light then I think you will struggle to get an idea of how your bass will feel when playing heavy gauge strings. String gauge and type will also affect the sound, and whatever that guy has will be different to the shop and probably what you want on your bass too! It was also all slap, which is difficult to gauge, as a lot of that could be done with an amp EQ setting. I really advise getting your teeth into a german $$ if you can, as it will help you see the differences, especially in the wood selection, and how you feel about those differences, I'm sure anyone selling one on here will be happy to let you try theirs! I'd get you to try mine, but it's a 5 string and made out of completely different woods so perhaps not suitable lol Hope that helps, please feel free to ask any more questions you might have, Dan
  15. How is that worth that much money, given so many luthiers could make it for so much less. You know, I sort of understand some custom shop prices, because the cost of the parts and labour is f-ing immense, but I honestly believe anyone who has the right tools could knock that up for under £200 (electronics aside).
  16. Very much tempted, need to renew house insurance and my instruments are an expensive extra on endsleigh's cover
  17. Bump it every day or few, rather than every 5 mins! People looking for this type of bass will search for it if they have the money to buy one, so don't worry about that! Plenty of guys on here aren't as sad as me, and only log on once or twice a week, something about them having lives and me not - plenty of members won't have seen it yet. I'll also point you in the direction of the Warwick 5 string custom shop corvette $$ that Evil Undead has up for sale on here - if you want a 'decent five string,' they don't come any better than that
  18. [quote name='mart' timestamp='1316787060' post='1382925'] From what I've heard the quality of the Korean Warwicks is very comparable with the German ones. I've not played a Korean one, so I can't say for myself. But there is certainly a lot of snobbery out there, which means that 2nd hand values on a Korean bass (be it Warwick, or any other manufacturer) will tend to stay lower than on a German bass (or American, or British...) There may be no good reason for this, and the more people that point out how good some of the Korean stuff is, the less such snobbery there'll be. But it'll never go away completely. [/quote] This. I'm going to hold my hand up and say I've never owned a Fender - I've played plenty, and had a few on trials at band practices etc, just never owned one - now FWIW I'm looking to buy in the next few years, a Fender J (or similar), and as a result I always look at them on the FS section/ebay/gumtree. Now I know from the ones I've played along with what a whole bunch of people on here have said, the MIJ basses are the pick of the bunch. Now given they can be had for a shade over the cost of a MIM bass, and £200+ less than an MIA bass, I think that perfectly highlights the snobbery that mart has alluded to as well. I know I'm going to get myself an MIJ J (most likely), because the MIA ones are not worth the extra, despite the fact they have high prices because Americans buy American, as we all know. With Warwicks it is similar, though of course the prices and models do differ. That was a bit long winded, but you get the idea As for the thread starter, as I said before, it very much depends on his financial situation. If he is fluid enough to not be particularly bothered about what will most likely be a 50% depreciation on his bass, but does very much want a new bass and not a pre-owned one, then the RB suits him. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us can not call ourselves the former and can very rarely justify the latter. The other big factor, which is probably the biggest one of them all is to buy the one he prefers playing!
  19. [quote name='spacecowboy' timestamp='1316780814' post='1382764'] Really don't think I can resist at that price, PM sent for bass and pickups. [/quote] Finally, thank you, sir. I was about to go out and buy a lottery ticket in the hope of raising enough spare cash for this!
  20. [quote name='fender73' timestamp='1316774714' post='1382626'] Did you say 'Warwick' and 'appreciate in value' in the same post :-) I absolutely agree about thinking of a basses value when i buy it, and maybe i'm off topic here, but i don't think my Korean bass will devalue to a point that i'll be annoyed. Anyway, it's Friday, so lets all have a happy bass weekend Graeme ps..DC2009 - Your new Corvette is a stunner mateYe [/quote] hehe cheers, Graeme. Stuck in a hostel in Helsinki at the moment, can;t wait to get home on Sunday and play her, it's been too long! I sort of see where you're coming from, I guess if a £450 Warwick RB later gets sold on for £350, you're probably going to be alright about it, I hope Warwicks appreciate in value, but perhaps the UK market is just too small for that to happen, they're a bit better thought of in the US so maybe it'll happen over there (though their current prices are even lower than ours ) Happy bass weekend to all, Dan
  21. [quote name='fender73' timestamp='1316767920' post='1382484'] That one guy is me, and this is exactly my point... you said it yourself..second hand GERMAN ones...am i misisng something, was my KOREAN Warwick not a good purchase at £450? I've now had the opportunity to A/B it with a GERMAN corvette...same spec.....guess what...no difference. All i'm saying is, don't discount a second hand KOREAN Warwick. I'm off for a lie down. Sorry for the rant. [/quote] Sorry, hadn't deliberately not quoted you, was just having a slow browser day, so didn't click back to do so. Honestly, as good as the basses are I wouldn't buy a Korean Warwick at that price, mainly because when I buy a bass I have to consider it's depreciation. I think a second hand german warwick bought at that price today will increase in value over the next few years, whilst the Korean equivalent will only depreciate. I would always rather buy second hand and not face a painful hit when I come to sell, than buy new and realise the bass has bled me of money all the while I've had it. Given the prices are similar, and IMO the German ones are better (woods and electronics in this case - $$ not normal corvette), I would always go for the second hand german one over the new korean one. I'm no anti-Korean basses snob, you'll notice 3/4 basses listed in my sig are Korean, with one German bass in there.
  22. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1316732860' post='1382272'] Nah, it's Corvette $$ I stupidly sold to Jam. There's an older mix on Soundcloud but you should hear it now! It knocks my socks off! I may be getting a rather special Warwick soon but I need shot of the Status first. [/quote] Sorry for the mild thread hijack, but how do you have it set up normally (electronics selection wise). Rather special? I've noticed a ltd ed and an SE floating about the FS section, or is it something altogether different?
  23. As for my favourite bass tone of all time, it'd be this: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uldpc4rWNXQ&ob=av2n"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uldpc4rWNXQ&ob=av2n[/url]
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